This is my updated Dr. Mom 101 vlog. Learn my favorite remedies & medicine cabinet essentials for a wide variety of ailments, acute or chronic. All products can be purchased through the STORE tab at Here are the direct links for each individual product line:
NATURE'S SUNSHINE PRODUCTS: Specific Nature's Sunshine products mentioned: Oregon Grape, Seasonal Allergy (liquid), Lobelia Essence, Silver Shield Aqua Sol (various sizes), Silver Shield Rescue Gel, Frankincense Essential oil, Roman Chamomile Essential Oil, Lavendar Essential Oil, Glass Roller Bottles, Carrier Oil, Distress Remedy YOUNG LIVING ESSENTIAL OILS: Specific YL Oils mentioned: Seedlings Calm (for infants/babies), KidScents for age 2+ (Snifflease, Sleepyze, TummyGize) NOTES: I add the Oregon Grape or Seasonal Allergy into a cup of Detox Lemonade, into a smoothie or MOST COMMONLY onto a spoonful of raw or Manuka honey to get my kids to take it. However, neither tastes bad and can usually be given to children straight, pretty easily! You simply need to get it in their bodies :)
Approximately 50% of Americans & 95% of Autistic (or Spectrum disorder) people have an MTHF-R genetic mutation. A person with this genetic mutation cannot produce the enzyme called Methyl Tetra Hydrate Folate Reductase (or MTHF-R for short). This enzyme is ESSENTIAL for methylation processes to occur in the body, which are critical for detoxification & wellness. These people are not methylating properly. Your body HAS to be able to break down folate (B9) to ultimately produce glutathione in the liver. Without glutathione, these people cannot properly eliminate toxins from their bodies, particularly through the digestive system (AKA: they are chronically toxic, sick & have liver & gut problems). In case you don't already know, MOST chronic health problems tie into the gut. Did you know that ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Atherosclerosis, Autism, Auto-immune disease, Bipolar & Schizophrenia & other mental illness, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, IBS, Osteoporosis, PCOS, Hormone Imbalances, and so many other "diagnoses" are primarily inflammatory bowel disorders! Emotions and Spiritual warfare also play a major role that most Doctors are ignoring. I always look at people Holistically. You cannot just focus on symptoms or the location of the pain or symptom. Now add those emotional and spiritual layers to a severely imbalanced gut (and add a genetic mutation that affects nearly EVERY process in the body), and you are now prey for the enemy to turn up the fear, doubt, frustration & hopelessness. Your mind can't work right at this point. BUT... YOU CAN HEAL FROM THIS!! Do not try to do this on your own. You need ask God what the FIRST step is. Ask HIM for a referral to a trusted Holistic Doctor. Adding psychotropic drugs (like anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds), pain meds or other Pharmaceutical drugs to this mess is a recipe for disaster. It does not HEAL the patient. It essentially tranquilizes & numbs them, adding more insult to injury behind the scenes. Eventually the list of meds gets longer and longer while the patient gets sicker and sicker. Medication does NOT get the the root of the problem, it masks it. You have to actively participate in your health journey to get well. You will have to change your diet and lay down some things you used to enjoy. But if we are being really honest with ourselves... cravings and "bad habits" are just a more palatable way of saying "lusts of the flesh". Jesus is bigger than every craving, habit, addiction, obstacle, imbalance & doubt we have. When you truly want to be well, you will do whatever it takes. When the pain of regret or illness surpasses the pain of change, you will change. And you can! Jesus is your secret weapon. I witness miracles every week! In my office, we help you change without shaming you or ever getting mad at you. We always point you back to the Lord and motivate you through LOVE & GRACE. Fear is not of God, so avoid those who use fear for motivation.
Moving on. 95% of our neurotransmitters are produced in the gut (not the brain!). Our gut & brain develop from the SAME fetal tissue. It's all related. Don't roll your eyes. It's true! Remember, 95% of Autistic children have this (heterozygous or homozygous) genetic mutation. The prevelance of this genetic mutation seems to be one major reason why some people are really susceptible to adverse reactions to drugs, vaccines, GMO foods, processed grains & any other chemical or toxin, while other people do not react so significantly. Toxins literally build up in the body causing severe chronic illness, chronic pain syndromes, a compromised immune system, the inability to heal, microbiome imbalances & psychological issues ranging from mild to severe. Folic Acid, found in grains & most processed foods, builds up in these people's bodies instead of being assimilated, absorbed & utilized for healthy bodily functions. Furthermore, the toxic overload of this Folic Acid often masks dangerously LOW levels of the other B vitamins. I thought a bulleted list would be the easiest way to summarize... MTHF-R MUTATIONS CAN AFFECT THE FOLLOWING:
A genetic mutation does not mean you cannot be helped. In fact, this means that once you change your diet and provide the CORRECT nutrients, that you will see significant results in the body's ability to heal from all kinds of chronic and "un-curable" conditions!! There is hope! If you are sick or have any serious "diagnoses," there is much more work to be done in the gut and otherwise, so I highly recommend scheduling an appointment so that I can test you or consult with you to customize a plan specifically for you. If you are/were a patient and you were one of the hard cases that we just could NOT figure out why your blood pressure wouldn't heal, or your gut wouldn't completely heal, or we couldn't get cholesterol numbers into range, or you still feel "stuck"... I BET this is one piece of the puzzle, a key that could unlock a lot of healing pathways in your body. I'd love the opportunity to work with you again! Remember, 50% of the population has this, which means those numbers are only going to increase over the next few generations. If you cannot get to the bottom of your health issues, assume you have this until you learn otherwise and take proper action (see below). Also, I would NOT VACCINATE your kids IF YOU or YOUR SPOUSE has this or any auto-immune condition. Get your child tested for this genetic mutation before making a decision that changes your child's life forever. If you have this or suspect you have this, then your kids are at even higher risk. Read my blog "Educate Before You Vaccinate" for more information. Watch: The Animated Genome to understand what a genome is and why it matters to each of us. This is an excellent 5-minute video in genetics and genomics. WHAT CAN YOU DO NOW?
*The names in BOLD font above are great, general product recommendations to get you started. ALL of them can be purchased through my ONLINE STORE at wholesale cost. Please note: if you want custom care or have questions you will need to make an appointment. I must have Intake & Consent Forms & a full hour to consult with/test you to answer specific questions for you. **You are welcome to join me each month (locally or online) for ASK THE DOCTOR. This is time I donate each month to serve, educate & answer questions :) METHYL COMBO is methyl-folate AND methyl-cobalamin... a great product for ALMOST everyone, with or without this genetic mutation. You DO NOT need much of this product. Too much can make you really sick. Use 1/day with breakfast. NOTE: Nature's Sunshine Products, the supplement line I use, is in the process of removing Folic Acid from ALL their products and replacing it with methylfolate, (methylated B9), a very bio-available form of Folate (Vitamin B9), the form that most everyone can assimilate, with or without this genetic mutation. SEVERAL WAYS TO GET TESTED FOR MTHF-R MUTATIONS:
HOW CAN I TELL IF I HAVE CANDIDA OVERGROWTH? For starters, you can do this FREE home Candida Spit Test: It is quite accurate. In fact, you can re-do this test monthly as you go through a Candida Detox to watch it decrease in your body, and also to help assess if it's actually gone or not. Most people think it's under control long before it truly is (usually because they want to add sugar/carbs back into their diet way too soon). Next, do you have a white-ish coating on your tongue? If so, that's likely yeast! We're getting warmer ;) To be absolutely certain of what's going on with your health (which is often MORE than just Candida overgrowth), you can schedule an appt with me, and I will evaluate you thoroughly for Candida overgrowth, parasites, bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, chemicals, food allergies and a whole lot more. You'll leave with a thorough plan customized JUST for you :) Regardless of what you decide, know this: Candida overgrowth is very serious and difficult to manage without professional help. I'll leave it at that ;) Other Symptoms of Candida overgrowth (Candidiasis) could include:
NOW BEFORE YOU READ ANY FURTHER... I NEED YOU TO PROMISE ME THAT YOU WILL PRAY & CAST DOWN ALL FEAR IN THE NAME OF JESUS! If all signs are pointing to "Yes" for Candida overgrowth, then great, we are getting answers. This means HOPE. Don't freak out. Yes, there's a journey ahead, but God's got everything you're gonna need! None of this catches Him off guard ;) OK, promise??? OK, go! WHAT CAUSES CANDIDA OVERGROWTH? Candida albicans is a yeast (fungus) that is present in all of us. It is a natural and normal part of the body’s gut flora. However, certain factors such as (over)use of antibiotics & steroids, birth control pills, the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet- highly refined, genetically-modified and sugar-loaded), stress, weakened immune function, lack of sleep, and environmental pollutants/toxins all contribute to the OVERGROWTH of Candida and other inflammation (diseases and dis-eases) in our body. Candida Overgrowth can also be called CANDIDIASIS. Candida overgrowth is sort of like having wet glue all over our “insides.” It thrives in warm, moist environments: mouth, gut, anus, ears, vagina, etc. It reproduces very quickly (same thing that happens with a vaginal yeast infection or thrush), and it lives on sugar. Therefore, we have to be very strategic in killing it off. It is one of the most over-looked “stressors” found in the body, and one of the major culprits in MOST serious conditions. I can easily say that about 80% of patients I work with test positive for this. It is epidemic. Here's a webinar I taught called "Balancing Your Microbiome" if you want to listen & take notes. WHAT DOES A CANDIDA DETOX DIET LOOK LIKE? First, I need to make something clear because there is a lot of confusion surrounding this topic. Almost no one will fully overcome Candida overgrowth if they ONLY change their diet or if they ONLY do supplements. BOTH the dietary changes and the "supplements" (different for everyone) are critical to succeed. Once someone has Candida overgrowth, it is a living organism that wreaks havoc on any of the body's systems: the gut, immune system, endocrine system (hormones), hepatic system (liver), genitourinary system (kidneys/bladder), circulatory system (blood/heart), integumentary system (skin), etc. The dietary specifics will be customized for each patient I work with based on their New Patient Exam findings. SO, all that to say..."In general", this is what I recommend after many years of revisions and working 1 on 1 with patients and personally going through this myself: NO: grains (bread/pasta/corn/rice), potatoes, beets, mushrooms, peanuts/pistachios, cheese (or dairy for many), fruit, coffee, alcohol, sugar, coconut H2O EAT: eggs/meat/fish/poultry, LOTS of veggies, RAW kombucha (<2g sugar), RAW sauerkraut, RAW kimchi, RAW apple cider vinegar, nuts/seeds, legumes/beans, non-grain flours (almond, coconut), garlic/herbs, lemon/lime EAT UNSWEETENED: plain yogurt or RAW kefir (if no dairy allergy), coconut, nut & seed butter/milk SWEETENERS: xylitol/erythritol/maltitol, Swerve & stevia will NOT feed yeast BEWARE: aspartame, acesulfame (K)potassium, splenda, sucralose ("sugar-free" chemical sweeteners are toxic) *You will see conflicting info between different Doctors & Nutritionists. I'm not trying to say I have the only plan that works. I'm simply telling you what I've found works with the way I practice & the wisdom God's given ME. Again, these are general recommendations. No one can write a protocol on a website that will work for everyone. Just sayin ;) SO...Pray. Ask the Lord who/what you should follow or listen to. Beware of what you read/find randomly on the internet. Trust. Proceed. You are not given a Spirit of fear or confusion in Jesus name! ;) If you are someone who doesn't like to ask for help and has been driving yourself crazy trying to get better... I graciously ask that you would seek the Lord about this. Ask if there is pride, fear or idolatry of knowledge or otherwise that needs to be dealt with. You can drive yourself insane and spend even more money trying to do this alone. HOW LONG WILL THIS TAKE? IS IT THE SAME FOR EVERYONE? A CANDIDA DETOX looks different for everyone. In a "Candida Detox" there is the DIET part and the SUPPLEMENTS part. The time frame for a "Candida Detox" varies depending upon how well the bowels are moving, how sick the patient is, how severe the overgrowth is, the condition of the gut, liver, kidneys, immune system, etc, and the other layers of sickness going on. Most people are unaware of how deep this problem can go. Without knowing and testing you, no one can tell you how long it will take. My best advise is to remember that you walk by faith and not by sight. This journey takes Faith. Have you prayed for faith? Healing? Patience? Perhaps God's answering your prayers?! ;) More people are becoming aware of Candida overgrowth, but we are being lead to believe there is 1 simple program every person does for a set amount of weeks and viola! It does not work like that. To answer the question of "how long" for this initial part of removing ALL sugar, grains & starch from the diet....we generally do this until your bowels are moving daily, your probiotic dose has reduced close to the recommended dosage on the bottle (because it often starts WAY higher than that! Some people need 20 capsules/day of even the really potent stuff!), AND your symptoms are reducing significantly. SO, that can be weeks for some and many months for others. At this point, we can be pretty sure we have the yeast under control and we can begin to (try to) add low glycemic foods back in first. We see how you feel for 2-4 weeks and then add more if we are continuously moving in the right direction. If any symptoms come back as a result of adding in more foods then we know it was too soon for those that caused inflammation/symptoms. Each patient with Candida overgrowth will have variations in their treatment plan, as well as other layers that need to be addressed (usually), so the plan is custom written for each person. The bowels HAVE to be moving daily, which means there is often extensive work to be done on the liver & gut simultaneously OR BEFORE triggering major yeast die-off. Most people have had Candida overgrowth for years, if not decades, so there are many other secondary layers (i.e. auto-immune problems) like an under-functioning thyroid, worn out adrenal glands, leaky gut, food allergies, liver congestion, hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid), etc that we are working on. If they are not addressed a patient could become severely constipated and very sick, or be so run down during the process that it is hard to follow through/focus. Some people will have to be really strict in cutting out all sugars, while others can do a modified Candida Detox Diet. Those with leaky gut, food allergies and a compromised immune system can expect the overall process to take quite a bit longer. Last, yes, there is a small percentage of patients who God leads me to start on a modified Candida Diet, adding berries, sweet potatoes, quinoa and sometimes brown or sprouted rice from the get-go. The Lord is faithful to lead us from visit to visit, giving each patient the patience, perseverance & provision they need, and giving me the wisdom and discernment necessary to help you. He is a part of every visit! Example: If I have recommended a patient to do 3 boxes of my product called Candida Clear, then THAT PART of your program will last 6 weeks. However, the process of "Candida Detoxing" lasts far beyond the time you are on Candida Clear and the initial Treatment Plan I wrote for YOU. We may have to stay strict on the Candida (no-sugar) diet and other supplements for a while AFTER you finish the supplement part of the cleanse. Your custom Treatment Plan will specify what YOU need to do, and specific changes/additions will be determined through each re-evaluation as your body heals and gets stronger and healthier. You can expect to experience unpleasant symptoms in the very beginning as your body detoxes (possible: headaches, breakouts, body odor, fatigue, dizziness, flu-like symptoms, cloudy urine, brain fog, body aches, etc) but this is perfectly normal, and doesn’t last long (usually a few days up to 2 weeks). Some people have very few detox symptoms while others are pretty severe. Please do not compare yourself to your friends or someone you know who has been through a Candida Detox. We are all different. Our bodies and circumstances are not the same. WHEN CAN I GO BACK TO MY “NORMAL” DIET? For starters, our goal is not to return to an un-disciplined lifestyle, holding on to the idolatry of "food", eating lots of sugar and highly processed foods whenever we want. The goal is to "fast" from sugar for a time, in God's grace and according to His will (this takes faith), in order to receive healing and restoration, and to end in a place of greater health and freedom, eating & enjoying whole foods (those that feed YOUR body) and a life of discipline. We will slowly add in low-glycemic foods like quinoa, sweet potato, brown/sprouted rice, berries and grapefruit first, when YOUR BODY is ready. This can be 2 weeks for some and 6 months for others. On average it is 1-2months. HOW CAN I MAKE GOOD CHOICES AT RESTAURANTS?
CAN I HAVE KOMBUCHA? YEP! Read labels, though. Make sure that the sugar content is < 2g. Each bottle of Kombucha is 2 servings. It's a great source of enzymes, B vitamins and probiotics. Here's an old video I made about How Kombucha healed my gut & my heart. However, kombucha doesn't replace water. As with ANYTHING, if you are having any sort of "uncertainty" or are a recovered alcoholic, then take this before the Lord and let HIM tell you "yes" or "no". He knows best ;) OTHER SOURCES ARE SAYING I SHOULDN'T EAT ANY FERMENTED FOODS ON A CANDIDA DETOX? I disagree. Alcohol-free, RAW fermented foods (RAW sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar, kimchi, kombucha, kefir, etc) are natural sources of probiotics and enzymes and will immediately kick in the detox process. You cannot catch a buzz from the TRACE amounts of alcohol found in THESE foods. They can be great for the liver/gut and are traditional foods that have been removed from the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet). However, they do contain histamines, so for other reasons some people may not do well with these. For those who suspect these foods bother them, I recommend coming in as a patient so we can specifically test YOUR body and see what is best for YOU. No "food rule" will apply to everyone. As a general rule, these foods are a "yes". I DO AGREE that regular (alcohol-containing or pasteurized) fermented foods like beer, wine, cheese, etc will actually make you worse and feed the yeast. These are necessary to avoid in order for the body to heal. And no one would suffer in any way for laying down alcohol once & for all ;) WHAT ABOUT LEGUMES/BEANS, TOMATOES, CARROTS & PEAS, etc?? *ALL of these will simply depend on the person, their blood type, digestion, symptoms, severity of illness, etc. Some people will thrive with them. Others will notice a (significant) setback. I typically say all of these are ok on a Candida Detox UNLESS you eat them and feel bloated, foggy, constipated, diarrhea, fatigued, joint pain, get breakouts or YOUR symptoms return. If I am testing you as a patient, I can confirm whether or not you are sensitive to any of them. Dairy: If any history of asthma, sinus problems or eczema/skin problems, then NO DAIRY. WHAT IS “DIE OFF” AND WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT? Die-off is properly known as a Herxheimer Reaction. When these yeast (fungal) cells die and are passing out of your body, (some sources say) up to 79 different noxious toxins are released in the die-off (detox) process. You can expect to experience unpleasant symptoms in the very beginning as your body detoxes (possible: headaches, joint pain, breakouts/rash, body odor, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, cloudy urine, brain fog, body aches, chills, mood swings, sleeplessness, etc) but this is perfectly normal, and doesn’t last long (usually just a few days to 2 weeks). Some people have very few detox symptoms while others are more severe. Please do not compare yourself to your friends or someone you know who has been through a Candida Detox. We are all different. Our bodies are not the same. If the die-off symptoms are really severe or you are not having daily bowel movements, I highly recommend being less aggressive with what you are doing and making an appointment with me or another Holistic Doctor who knows how to help you. Your liver (and possibly kidneys, etc) need additional support. Professional help would be advised at this point. WHAT HAPPENS IF I EAT SOMETHING THAT IS NOT ALLOWED... DO I HAVE TO START ALL OVER AGAIN? Nope. God's mercies are new every day. Most people stumble at some point, some more than others. Sanctification is a process. Don't give up. Ask for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit. Forgive yourself. Bind up any shame, doubt, fear, or guilt the enemy is trying to throw at you, and pick right back up on your next meal. Press on! If your symptoms linger, exercise patience & ask the Lord what to do: schedule a re-evaluation or appointment with me, do a water fast, nothing, take some of the following supplements, eat more veggies, etc. Drinking some extra RAW apple cider vinegar or kombucha, eating some extra sauerkraut or kimchi, or taking some extra probiotics or enzymes may help (if you have them) if you are feeling bloated or constipated. If you have my Silver Shield or Pau D' Arco tea, a little extra of these may also help. WHY DO I NEED TO EAT SO MUCH COCONUT OIL? 4 Tbsp/day is recommended for adults. 1 Tbsp/day for older kids/teens (when possible). Do your best. If it's making you nauseous, then decrease to 2 Tbsp/day. It contains Caprylic acid and other amazing benefits which help kill the yeast, detox and heal the liver, feed the thyroid, feed your brain and help with energy, skin, bowel movements, memory, etc. As always, buckets of grace. HOW CAN I GET MORE COCONUT OIL IN MY DIET? Add 2 Tbsp to any smoothie or soup or try my Matcha Latte or Healthy Hot Cocoa recipes. Try my Pumpkin muffin recipe and smear on some coconut oil or any of my soups could have a spoonful of coconut oil melted into them. My recipe blog is a great resource to help you. WHAT CAN I SUBSTITUTE FOR COFFEE AND TEA? Check out my recipe blog for "drinks" you can have. You can use the search box at the top right of any page on this website and search "drinks" or "tea" or whatever you are looking for :) We are always adding new ideas! Check out my Matcha Latte, Healthy Hot Cocoa or Detox Lemonade to start! CAN I DO THE CANDIDA DETOX DIET WHILE PREGNANT OR NURSING? No. However, you CAN change your diet and significantly reduce sugars/grains/processed foods in your diet, slowly add probiotics and/or take certain herbs to support the liver to gently detox/support the body on a daily basis. However, to more specifically advise, I would need to see you as a patient, test your body and talk in greater detail with you. Know this though: Keeping Candida overgrowth in the body is keeping both mommy and baby sick. So this IS something that needs to be carefully addressed at the proper time. HOW DO I STAY MOTIVATED ON THE CANDIDA CLEAR DIET? Stay close to Jesus. HE LOVES YOU. HE KNOWS…He knows every fear, every weakness, every financial struggle, every addiction, every stronghold and EVERY DESIRE OF YOUR HEART. He will make the crooked places straight. He is doing something so much more than you’ll ever imagine THROUGH this journey…if you’ll let Him. I watch Him use this to build character, perseverance, faith, patience, trust, self-control, discipline, and deep respect for His amazing creation of the human body. He wants to be a part of our journey. HE is our source of strength and self-control as we make these sometimes drastic changes in our lives. Please don’t try to do this in your own strength. Surrender and watch your life change in more ways than you can ever imagine! I am honored to see people fight for their health and follow JESUS into these hard places! Let us not give Satan the foothold of unnecessary infirmity and disobedience to hold us back any longer. Freedom awaits. Remember that you are fasting & sacrificing the "lusts of the flesh" in order to receive so much greater from your Father in Heaven. It will be worth it! "Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul." -1 Peter 2:11 KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PRIZE!! Philippians 3:12-15 (NKJV) Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. {13} Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, {14} I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. {15} Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal even this to you. We recorded our December Health Party, a DYI workshop on how to make Body Butter, Salt Scrub, Whitening & Cavity Healing Toothpaste, Anti-aging Face Serum & Healthy Candied Nuts. Give the gift of health & love for Christmas, birthdays, baby showers, etc. ALL essential oils & xylitol mentioned in video are available at wholesale cost through my ONLINE STORE Our health parties are FREE, open to the public locally, and available online via LIVE WEBINAR for anyone who is not local ;) Go to the EVENTS tab on the navigation bar of my website for more info. This is a recording of my October 2016 Health Party entitled: Dr. Mom 101. Get educated, inspired & equipped with natural remedies for you & your family so you can stop running to the Doctor & start a new legacy of health. Subscribe to my NEWSLETTER for info on our Health Parties or go to the EVENTS tab on the home page, If you are in need of any of the products mentioned in these videos, please visit our ONLINE STORE to shop at wholesale cost. Do you know where your gall bladder is, what it does, how it relates to hormone balancing & how to know if it's working properly? ALSO, learn the Biblical connection between "bitterness" and the "iniquity of sin" and gall bladder/liver health. Hebrews 12:14-15 ESV
Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness” springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled. Acts 8:23 ESV For I see that you are in the gall of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity. *The videos that auto-populate after Dr. Jana's YouTube videos are not posted or endorsed by Jana and in no way reflect Dr. Jana's views or beliefs. When you get to the root of the problem, the body starts to heal. Asthma patients typically have Candida overgrowth in the gut and very low hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It would be wise to add either my kids probiotic (Sunshine Heroes: Probiotic Power) or for adults, use Bifidopholus Flora Force (refrigerate after opening). Start with the "as directed" dose. Keep dosing UP 1 at a time with probiotics, until you get loose stools, then back down by 1. They WILL give you loose stools once you hit your threshold. HIGH doses are just evidence of the severity of microbiome imbalance (Candida overgrowth) in your gut. If you are able to take 6+/day without diarrhea, there is likely a genetic methylation issue in the liver underlying the list of problems. In this case, I recommend adding METHYL COMBO (1 with breakfast) for a child or adult. I would strongly advise scheduling an appointment if this is you, as this is complicated and should not be managed on your own.
Here are a few other blogs that will help you understand what Candida Overgrowth is and how to balance it: WHAT IS CANDIDA OVERGROWTH & WHAT CAN I DO? CANDIDA SPIT TEST BALANCING YOUR MICRO-BIOME Silver Shield builds the immune system without overstimulating it. This is often a better choice than herbs when trying to manage auto-immune disease (an over-reactive immune system) on your own. Again, professional management from a licensed Holistic Doctor is strongly advised. NOTE: Silver Shield CANNOT be taken with salty food, or it will deactivate it. Best taken on empty stomach. It is my #1 remedy to travel with & take to prevent parasites, food poisoning, or any illness. Also, 1, 4oz bottle can be used to sanitize 5 gallons of water in case of emergency! :) For short travel, I bring the 4oz bottle. In short, if you get sick, use Silver Shield- adults, children, infants, pets. If you're really sick, use MORE Silver Shield. You can't overdose on it. It is NOT the same as "colloidal silver" which has variable particle sizes, is often highly concentrated (research shows that is NOT necessary or always safe) and can build up in your system. SILVER SHIELD is a PATENTED, safe product designed for all people, for long-term use and high doses, when necessary. DID YOU KNOW that cleansing the liver/gall bladder of gallstones can be a key player in digestion, hormone balance, energy, weight loss, healthy skin, brain function, proper sleep, and mental clarity?? Clearing gall stones (if you have them) is critical to maintaining gall bladder health, your body's ability to detoxify, and your body's ability to break down the good fats you're eating. SO, this means there are 2 parts to the popular "GOOD FATS" conversation:
#1 You have to be ingesting a fair amount of good fats (avocados, extra virgin olive oil, raw nuts/seeds, coconut oil, etc) #2: Your body HAS to be able to DIGEST these fats. It is the job of the liver to make 1-1.5 quarts of bile every day! The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct). The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage reservoir (like a little green punching bag that hangs off the liver under the front, right rib cage. Eating fat triggers the gallbladder to secrete bile into the upper digestive tract. For many people, including children, the biliary tubing is choked with gallstones (like a dam). When the gallbladder is scanned via ultrasound or X-rayed, often nothing is seen for 2 reasons: the stones are in the duct-work and not in the gallbladder OR they are too small and not calcified, which means they can't be picked up on X-ray. The stones get their green color from being coated with bile, and this is what you will see in the toilet when you do the cleanse. I used to keep my gall stones in the freezer in my office when I practiced in TN to show my patients the reality of what they look like, and to wake people up to what is hiding in their liver and gall bladder! Haha ;) Gallstones are slightly porous and can pick up all the bacteria, cysts, viruses and parasites that are passing through the liver (your body’s major filter). In this way "nests" of infection are formed, forever supplying the body with fresh bacteria and a host of immune challenges (especially allergies)!! As the stones grow in size and number, the back pressure on the liver causes it to make less bile. Imagine a kinked garden hose. So each time you eat fat, yes even the good ones, you have less bile secretion, and your body struggles to break down the fats you eat. The digestive, endocrine and immune systems cannot be permanently healed without removing these gallstones from the liver. You might be surprised to learn that the gall bladder is also a key player in knee, shoulder, upper arm, and upper back pain (especially that SHARP pain between the shoulder blades!). The end result is an over-reactive immune system (allergies, auto-immune disease, etc), the inability to manufacture healthy sex hormones (which are 50% fat), the inability to produce healthy cells with a strong cell wall to protect you from viruses/disease/etc, dry skin, skin that burns easily in the sun, dry cracked heels (like you need a pedicure ALL the time!), brain fog, the inability to lose weight, thyroid problems, perhaps eventually a gall bladder attack, and the list goes on. Do YOU have any of these symptoms?? PLEASE LET PEOPLE KNOW that MOST gall bladder surgeries are totally unnecessary and 100% preventable! Beware: medical professionals will often try to scare you into believing this is bogus or super dangerous. Take it to the Lord and ask Him what you should do. NOTE: If you have Candida overgrowth, THAT is likely the root of your problem and is contributing to gall stones. Thus, a gall bladder cleanse MAY help, but WILL NOT be all you need to do. It is never wise to self-diagnose and do this without a Holistic Doctor’s instruction. Please do not email my office or message me on Facebook for specific advice pertaining to this cleanse. I can only advise those I have specifically recommended do this cleanse who are actively under my care. I cannot advise you if I do not know you. This is for educational purposes only. HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED: 1/2 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1⁄2 cup Fresh squeezed grapefruit juice 4 Tbsp Epsom salts 3 cups RO, Distilled, Spring, or purified water OR 3 cups fresh squeezed grapefruit or apple juice (I prefer grapefruit) NOTE: You can substitute the 3 cups water (used to dissolve Epsom salt) with 3 cups freshly pressed grapefruit or apple juice. This tastes a bit better than just water. *Choose a day like Friday or Saturday for the cleanse, since you will be able to rest (and have diarrhea) the next day. Do not take any medications (unless absolutely necessary; consult your physician) or supplements the day you start the cleanse. Eat a non-fat breakfast and lunch such as oatmeal with fruit, a smoothie with a water base, steamed vegetables with sea salt & lemon (no butter or oil), salads with lemon juice/raw apple cider vinegar, salt/pepper, quinoa porridge sweetened with cinnamon and stevia, etc. A fat-free diet on cleanse day allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out more stones. This is important! ********************************************************************************************************************* START: Do not eat or drink anything other than water after 2 pm. If you break this rule you could feel quite ill later. 2:00 PM: Get your Epsom salts ready. Mix 4 Tbsp. in 3 cups water (or fresh squeezed juice) and pour this into a jar/pitcher. This makes four servings, 3/4 cup each. Set the jar in the refrigerator to get ice cold (this is for convenience and taste only). 6:00 PM: Drink one serving (3/4 cup) of the ice cold Epsom salts mixture. If you did not prepare this ahead of time, mix 1 Tbsp. epsom salts in 3/4 cup water (or fresh squeezed juice) now. You may add 1/8 tsp. vitamin C powder to improve the taste. You may also drink a few mouthfuls of water afterwards or rinse your mouth. Get the olive oil and grapefruit (for the 10pm drink) out to warm up. You do not want to use a COLD grapefruit for this part. 8:00 PM: Repeat by drinking another 3/4 cup of mixture. You haven't eaten since 2pm, but you usually don't feel hungry. Get your bedtime chores done. The timing is critical for success. 9:45 PM: Pour 1/2 cup (measured) olive oil into a pint jar or container with a well-sealed lid. Squeeze the grapefruit juice by hand into the measuring cup. Remove pulp with fork or strainer. You should have at least 1/2 cup, more (up to 3/4 cup) is best. Add this to the 1⁄2 cup of olive oil. Close the jar tightly with the lid and shake vigorously until your mixture is "watery" (this emulsifies the oil). Now visit the bathroom even if it makes you late for your 10pm drink. Don't be more than 15 minutes late. You will get fewer stones. 10:00 PM: Be ready for bed ahead of time. Drink the oil and juice mixture. Drinking through a large plastic straw helps it go down MUCH easier! You may use olive oil and vinegar salad dressing, or straight honey to chase it down between sips. Have these ready in a Tablespoon on the kitchen counter if necessary. You may take it all to your bedside if you want, but drink it standing up. Get it down within 5 minutes (15 minutes for very elderly or weak persons). Lie down immediately after your mixture is gone. You might fail to get stones out if you don't. The sooner you lie down the more stones you will get out. Don't clean up the kitchen or anything else. As soon as the drink is down, walk to your bed and lie down flat on your back OR on your RIGHT side with your head elevated on the pillow. Try to keep perfectly still for at least 20 minutes. This is a great time to rest with the Lord and pray about what's happening in your liver/gall bladder. Ask Him what He wants to show you through this process. Ask him if there is any bitterness or resentments He wants to deliver you from. *SUGGESTIONS: READ Acts 8:9-25 ESV (Focus: vs 23 - gall of bitterness). You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There is no pain because the bile duct valves are open (thank you Epsom salts!). Sleep well :) A small percentage of people will wake up in the night with diarrhea. Sorry. 6:00 AM NEXT MORNING: Drink your 3rd dose of the Epsom salts mixture. If you have indigestion or nausea, wait until it is gone before drinking it. You may go back to bed. DON'T drink the mixture BEFORE 6:00 am. 8:00 AM: Take your 4th (and last...woohoo!!!) dose of the mixture. You may go back to bed again if you like. After 2 more hours you may eat. Start with Organic 100% fruit juice. Wait 30+ minutes, and then introduce fruit or veggies. 1 hour later you may eat regular food but keep it light. By approximately dinner-time you should feel recovered enough to resume whatever eating plan you were on prior to the cleanse. Some people feel a bit crummy for the next day or 2. That is just evidence that there is something more serious going on and/or you really need more of these cleanses. HOW DID YOU DO?? Expect diarrhea in the morning (it starts the 1st night or middle of the night for some people). You may want to have wet wipes on hand to prevent irritation. (You can use a colander to make sure you collect all stones, but it is certainly not required. Calcified stones and stones containing protein may sink, but a colander will catch all stones.) Take photos of your stones if you're gross like me! Look for the green kind since this is proof that they are genuine gallstones and not food residue. Only bile from the liver is pea green. The bowel movement sinks, but gallstones float because of the cholesterol (fat floats). Count them all roughly, whether tan or green. The first cleanse may rid you of them for a few days, but as the stones from the rear travel forward and give you the same symptoms again. You need to repeat cleanses at 2-4 week intervals until you have little to no more stones. Never cleanse when you are ill or if you have known parasites. Sometimes, the bile ducts are full of cholesterol crystals that did not form into round stones. They appear as a "chaff" floating on top of the toilet bowl water. It may be tan colored, harboring millions of tiny white crystals. Cleansing this chaff is just as important as purging the stones. Congratulations on the completion of your first deep cleansing! Do not forget to repeat the cleanse in 2-4 weeks if you had any stones come out on your first cleanse. Happy cleansing friends!! NOTE: It is always wise to be advised by a professional as this may be contraindicated for some individuals. If you suspect you have parasites, it is best to do a parasite cleanse under the care of your Holistic Doctor first. And again, if you have Candida overgrowth, this will purge stones from the gall bladder, but it will not resolve the root of the problem since yeast overgrowth will just lead to more stones over time. Use the search box at the top to find my blogs on Candida overgrowth :)
The best time to do this test is the first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up (though it will likely show up in your saliva any time of day). Before you rinse, spit, or put anything in your mouth, go get a glass of water (in a clear glass). Build up a mouthful of saliva (just mouth saliva, do not cough up anything) and spit it into the glass of water. Observe what happens.
If your saliva contains thin projections extending downward into the water, it is a positive sign for candida overgrowth. The projections may look like hair, or small strings, like a jelly fish or spider legs, moving down into the water from the saliva floating on the top. Other positive indications are very “cloudy” saliva that will sink to the bottom of the glass within a few minutes or particles that slowly sink or suspend below the saliva glob. What you are seeing are colonies of yeast which band together to form the strings. ADDITIONAL SELF-ANALYSIS QUESTIONS: Do you have cloudy urine?? Do you have any skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, rashes, acne)? Do you have body odor or bad breath? Do you battle respiratory infections, asthma, or allergies? Do you have a lot of random symptoms that Doctors can’t figure out? Do you have bowel problems (IBS, constipation, Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis, gas/bloating, acid reflux, etc)? Do you have food allergies? (all starts in the gut!) Do you have hormone imbalances or thyroid disease? Do you have trouble losing weight? Do you have lots of signs of inflammation or chronic pain that didn't result from an obvious injury? YEP…over 90% of the time, Candida overgrowth is at the ROOT of these things. Stop running to Medical Doctors who want to medicate you and CANNOT help you. Don’t try to conquer this on your own. But be grateful you are getting close to the answer!! HAVE HOPE friends. We DO NOT serve a God of hopelessness, AMEN?! Everything is fixable, God willing!! And He gave us PLENTY of medicinal foods and powerful natural medicine to win the battle! For more information type "Candida" into the search box on any page on my website. Check out more of my blogs on Candida Overgrowth CANDIDA OVERGROWTH FAQ's BALANCING YOUR MICRO-BIOME HOW KOMBUCHA HEALED MY GUT HAVE HOPE! Just because it’s not popular or your Medical Doctor may not agree DOES NOT mean it’s not true You have options… *The videos that auto-populate after Dr. Jana's videos are not posted or endorsed by Jana and in no way reflect Dr. Jana's views or beliefs! Protocols (watch video for details):
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May 2024