This blog is a (growing) list of resources to educate yourself before you vaccinate. To be clear, I am not telling you whether you should or shouldn't vaccinate. You have to make that decision for yourself and your family. I am, however, strongly imploring you to get as much information from non-governmental, non-pharmaceutical, un-biased sources as possible. I do not have a hidden agenda. I don't get kickback from anyone for posting this. It is important that you know I love Jesus more than I "advocate" for ANYTHING or ANYONE. Furthermore, I personally pray about every decision I make. I hope you will too. That being said, if the Lord were to to tell me to get a certain vaccination, I would. I fear the Lord more than I fear being vaccinated. I believe the information I am sharing is wisdom. In fact, the distress and attacks that accompany speaking out on this topic can be scary and overwhelming. My intention is not to pick a fight with anyone. Regardless of what you choose, we can still like/love each other even if we don't agree on this topic. Amen? Ok, let's proceed ;) As a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic (a Primary Care Physician), I believe in supporting the body with real food (spiritual and physical) and natural medicine that STRENGTHENS the body AND does not cause further damage to the body. I believe that living a well-balanced lifestyle, rooted and grounded in Christ, is the best medicine. I believe that the ingredients in vaccinations do more to weaken the immune system and our bodies than to strengthen it. I also agree that not all people will have adverse reactions to vaccinations. There are, however, certain groups of people who are at higher risk of having an adverse reaction to vaccines and medications, and THOSE are the ones I am speaking to. At minimum, anyone with a personal or family history of genetic or auto-immune disease, anyone who is currently sick or has a weakened immune system, anyone who has reacted negatively to pharmaceutical drugs/vaccines or other toxins in the past, AND those with the MTHF-R Genetic Mutation should consider avoiding vaccines. I want to share this statistic with you: Approximately 50% of Americans AND 95% of those with Autistism/Spectrum Disorder have the MTHF-R gene mutation. Few Medical Doctors will know or support this information. Having this genetic mutation means that person is deficient in the MTHF-R Enzyme, which means they have methylation issues, which in short, means their body is extra sensitive to ALL toxins because they cannot properly assimilate folic acid or folate. If you can't absorb folic acid or folate, you cannot produce glutathione, and therefore, you cannot get rid of toxins. So now you are not only severely toxic from eating processed and GMO foods, getting vaccines, medications and other environmental exposures, etc... but you are also toxic from all the Folic acid build-up in your body! Interesting huh?! I believe this is one of the major common denominators in those who react adversely to vaccines, while others who do not have this mutation may not experience a bad reaction to a vaccine... or the symptoms are less severe. Those with this genetic mutation typically HAVE to supplement with methyl-folate (METHYL COMBO is available right here through my online store) and avoid Folic Acid in their food and supplementally. They need to stop eating grains and processed foods immediately because the U.S. Food Industry fortifies most of our food, especially grain products with... FOLIC ACID!! Read my blog on MTHFR Genetic Mutation to learn more. Let's move on. Something else I'm lead to share with you that I've witnessed personally & through clinical experience: I have met countless numbers of people whose lives have been altered, harmed or ruined in some way by a vaccine (autism/spectrum disorders, neurological symptoms/disease, paralysis, tics, chronic fatigue, chronic migraines, fever, infant/toddler death, leaky gut/food allergies, eczema/skin disorders, auto-immune diseases, learning & behavior disabilities, social anxiety/issues, etc). I have NOT PERSONALLY MET 1 single person who has died from, been seriously injured from, or fallen severely ill due to NOT getting vaccinated. And in my world of natural health practitioners, most families do not vaccinate or they do a very modified vaccine schedule. I have yet to see someone regret this. Not one. And if you change your mind regarding vaccines, no one will ever deny you access to MORE vaccines or drugs. I KNOW many un-vaccinated children & adults who are incredibly vibrant, healthy & tend to progress faster and have stronger immune systems than my pediatric/adult patients & friends who are fully vaccinated. What I witness 1st hand holds more value to me than what I hear and read from biased sources in the media and on the internet. Furthermore, I test sick patients each week and find all sorts of toxins hiding in their bodies. There is a black and white correlation with vaccinations and heavy metal toxicity, especially in those who have adverse reactions. And to take it 1 step further, the PROOF is in the healing that takes place when we detox from those heavy metals, chemicals, parasites, yeast, viruses, bacteria, etc through herbs and nutrition and other safe detoxification methods. If you could witness, first hand, what I see every day, you would be shocked and appalled at the seriousness and danger of the current vaccine schedule AND the attempted enforcement of mandatory vaccines. You would be disgusted at how medicated America is! It is only fair to have the freedom to CHOOSE whether or not to vaccinate. We are all different and will respond differently to different things. Some may believe they thrive with vaccines... so carry on if that's your choice. I am not here to shame you or argue with you. However, MANY will be harmed as the population of people plagued with auto-immune problems and this genetic mutations rises...and IT WILL CONTINUE TO RISE. More vaccines and medications WILL NOT improve the health of this country. Mandatory or increased vaccines are a risk we cannot ignore. Please pray about this. Personally, I do not get vaccines. I work with (very) sick people all week long and I rarely get sick. I was fully vaccinated as a child (far fewer vaccines were recommended in the 1980's than the current vaccination schedule). That was also before I made my own health decisions. I was very sick as a child, teen and young adult. I am MUCH healthier now (late 30's) than I've ever been. I credit my Healing to God's amazing grace. HE opened my eyes. HE gave me wisdom. HE taught me obedience. HE showed me the things that were making/keeping me sick. HE showed me how much stress was killing me. HE inspired me to quit working in the Pharmaceutical industry at age 24 and go to Chiropractic school, stop vaccinating, start eating healthy and eliminating processed foods, removing most sugar/grains from my diet, to get regular exercise and stop trashing my body with extreme fitness, drugs and alcohol. The Lord has lead me through a lot of detoxing/cleansing over the years. I've had so much damage from personal choices (sin) AND toxic exposure to my body. I had yeast, parasites, chemicals and heavy metals overloading my system. I had Candida overgrowth and dozens of viral and bacterial infections throughout my life. But God.... He has redeemed me through His grace, His Word and revelation from the Holy Spirit. He has given me discernment and that is my prayer for you. Exercise discernment and pray. I had no amalgam fillings, but my body was overloaded with heavy metals. Why? From where? Can I prove it was from vaccines? No. That's how Big Pharma can cover this up so well. But I do know NOW that I have 1 copy of the MTHF-R Gene Mutation and therefore never should have been vaccinated or drank alcohol or been exposed to as many drugs/medications and toxins as I was... no wonder I was SO SICK! My body can't process toxins properly and people like me need to be even more disciplined in their diet and lifestyle in order to be healthy. I now live as chemical-free as possible without being psycho about it ;) I have tested MANY patients following childhood vaccinations or who have gotten vaccines to leave the country, flu shots or gardasil, etc ...and GUESS WHAT CONSISTENTLY SHOWS UP?? Heavy metals, specifically aluminum and mercury, depending on the vaccine, virus and/or chemicals, some worse than others. Our bodies are in all different conditions, we have different blood types, different DNA, etc, etc, so we all respond to different toxins differently. However, ALL of our bodies start to fail after we hit a threshold of toxicity. That threshold is very LOW if we have the MTHF-R mutation and other "pre-existing conditions" or warning signs. With the number of people being born with this genetic mutation on the rise and the number of recommended vaccinations also quickly rising, we have got to wake up! The benefits DO NOT outweigh the risks. The good news is, when we detox from these things, our bodies can start to heal. I mostly work with "hard cases". I've seen "un-curable" diseases healed. I've seen severe cases turn into mild cases. I've witnessed so much hope & improvement that others say is impossible. And it's not outrageously expensive or rocket science! For that, I am most grateful. What I have experienced first hand with people/patients is evidence enough (for me) and means more to me than any "Pharmaceutical Research," or other biased claims put out by other Doctors and sources who make a lot of money... millions, even billions, for some, off of vaccines. MOST vaccine research available to us is put out by the very patent-holders and manufacturers of these vaccines. IT. IS. BIASED. Have you seen this? "They" claim the Vitamin K shot is a "just a vitamin"... this is what we are giving newborn babies at a few minutes old. This "Vitamin" contains: – Phenol (carbolic acid – poisonous substance derived from coal tar) – Benzyl alcohol (preservative) – Propylene glycol (better known as “edible” antifreeze) – Acetic acid (astringent, antimicrobial agent) – Hydrochloric acid – Lecithin – Castor oil Decide for yourself. There is no such thing as a black box warning on "a Vitamin". Furthermore, it is a synthetic vitamin K – generic name phytonadione, completely toxic to the body at 100x the RDA for infants for Vitamin K!! Several studies have linked large doses of vitamin K with childhood cancers and leukemia. This photo was shared by an RN in Michigan. It shows the warning for nurses. I took an oath as a Doctor to “First, do no harm”. All Doctors do. I stand on that oath. I practice what I preach and have seen the devastating effects of vaccine injury and over-medicating. I myself have overcome heavy metal poisoning (and much more) and have never had amalgam (silver/mercury) fillings. I fully believe they came from my childhood vaccines. I am convinced that vaccines (and most pharmaceutical drugs) do more harm than good and are not worth the risk. I also realize there is a time and place for Western Medicine (medications and surgery, etc) and I am grateful for Medical Doctors, as well. I AM NOT trying to force you to choose East or West, Medical or Natural. WE SIMPLY NEED TO UNDERSTAND what real health care looks like, start taking responsibility for our health and practicing authentic preventative care. We are not dumb sheep, friends! Vaccination IS NOT immunization. Drugs are sick care. Our infant mortality rates, autism rates, childhood obesity rates, and rates of/deaths due to adverse reactions to drugs/vaccines is completely out of control. IT'S. NOT. WORKING. Something must change. Please educate yourself before making a decision that could change you/your child's life forever. If you have any chronic illness, please read my blog on MTHF-R Gene Mutation. Disclaimer: You are free to choose whether or not to vaccinate without shame from me . Please pray instead of getting defensive. Lay everything you "know" on the alter and let Jesus sift it. Put on the WHOLE armor of God, cinch up your “belt of Truth”, ask the Lord for wisdom and knowledge, ask Him to bind up ANY fear-based information that has been spoken to you, and go to the THRONE OF GRACE with a clean & teachable heart. God will show you what is best for YOU and your family. Pray about getting the DNA test for MTHF-R gene mutation BEFORE vaccinating to know if you or your child are at HIGH RISK for an adverse reaction. Follow Jesus before you follow any Doctor, advice or internet search ;) Here are some resources to get you started: #1 - THE BIBLE ;) Dr. Tenpenny, DO: Dr. Ted Koren, DC:…/…/vaccination-information Dr. Sears, MD: Vaccine Court has paid out >$3 Billion for vaccine injuries (to the FEW who have won against Big Pharma): DOCUMENTARIES: WEBSITES: BOOKS: A Shot in the Dark, Coulter & Fisher Childhood Vaccination: Questions All Parents Should Ask, Ted Koren, DC Evidence of Harm, David Kirby Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth, James Immunization Theory vs Reality: Expose on Vaccinations, Miller Make an Informed Vaccine Decision for the Health of Your Child: A Parent’s Guide to Childhood Shots The Sanctity of Human Blood, O'Shea The Vaccine Book, Dr. Sears, MD Vaccination is not Immunization, O'Shea Vaccination: The Medical Assault on the Immune System, Viera Scheibner, PhD Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, & Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children, Habakus and Holland Vaccine Free: 111 Stories of Unvaccinated Children Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? What Your Doctor May NOT Tell You About Children's Vaccinations, Stephanie Cave, MD *We will keep adding to this list as we find other valuable resources :) God bless you & lead you.
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