The 411 on what kombucha IS, the many benefits, HOW it heals us, candida overgrowth & die-off, what God taught me through my own journey, brewing it at home, and SO MUCH MORE!!! IF MY PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME WILL HUMBLE THEMSELVES, AND PRAY AND SEEK MY FACE, AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, THEN I WILL HEAR FROM HEAVEN, AND I WILL FORGIVE THEIR SINS AND HEAL THEIR LAND. - 2 CHRONICLES 7:14 *The videos that auto-populate after Jana's videos are not posted or endorsed by Jana and in no way reflect Jana's views or beliefs!
GOD’S MEDICINE NATURAL. POWERFUL. SAFE. NO SIDE EFFECTS. There are a FEW great companies producing quality LIVING OILS, and MANY producing impure, toxic, and synthetic products. I do not recommend purchasing oils off the the health food store shelves (even from Whole Foods, Sprouts, etc). It’s important to #1 – know your manufacturer #2- choose the correct product(s)/oils for YOU (or work with someone who can help you with this), and #3 – know HOW to use your product. When I work with someone, I use various forms of analysis to customize exactly what their body needs. It will often look slightly different from what their friend with similar symptoms needs. Many people do not get the results they hoped for because they simply don’t know what they are doing, they purchase junk products, and/or they get their info from the media/unreliable sources. Thus, you have people who claim natural medicine doesn’t work. ALL of my essential oils are 100% pure, organic and unadulterated, making them BEYOND THERAPEUTIC GRADE. This short video helps you understand what to look for in essential oils, and the hype of marketing. With Nature’s Sunshine Products, we ONLY use the highest quality, organically grown plants, with zero compromise. EVERY single batch is tested. If the raw materials come from the U.S. we can certify them organic. If the raw material comes from India or Africa, for example, we cannot CERTIFY them organic because of that country’s laws. However, we investigate and test everything about our raw materials from the seed history to farming practices to the growing, harvesting and export of the raw materials. Our minimum standard is organic. To Purchase quality oils: CLICK HERE
Health, weight, addiction, depression??
Let’s take a look at David’s strategy for DEFEATING the “giant” in his life. He didn’t ward off Goliath for a time, HE WON! #1: David was opposed & accused (by family/friends!!) 1 Sam 17: 28 Now Eliab his oldest brother heard when he spoke to the men; and Eliab’s anger was aroused against David, and he said, “Why did you come down here?” #2: David responds maturely, confidently, fearlessly & faithfully v.37 “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of THIS Philistine” #3 David LET GO of what held him back (his armor; his “self-protection”) v.39 “…I cannot walk with these, for I have not tested them.” So David took them off. #4 David CHOSE WISELY & MADE IMPORTANT DECISIONS to prepare for victory v.40 “He CHOSE for himself FIVE. SMOOTH. STONES.…and His sling was in His hand” #5 David KNEW the giant he was up against (Our “Goliath”- health? weight? addiction? depression? lying? BEAUTY??) #6 David KNEW His opponent had “BROTHERS” so HE CHOSE 5 STONES, NOT JUST 1. David chose STONES, not WATER-BALLOONS!! Who are your giant’s “brothers”? cancer, heart disease, anxiety, stroke, chronic pain, depression, kids with health problems, failed relationships, lust, jealousy, bitterness… #7 DAVID SPEAKS to the Giant in faith: v. 46-47 THIS DAY THE LORD WILL DELIVER YOU INTO MY HAND, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. 47 Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for THE BATTLE IS THE LORD’S, and He will give you into our hands. What is your GIANT and how are you preparing for battle? Is the Lord leading? When HE is in control, the victory is real!! More than knowing your GIANT, KNOW THE GOD YOU SERVE!! HE. IS. ABLE. and HE LOVES YOU!! We got married in Breckenridge, CO on Good Friday, April 2, 2010. We called it an Easter Weekend Wedding and Jesus was ALIVE that weekend! I was living in Franklin, TN and Zach was living in Denver, CO. God was moving FAST in our lives. Zach & I were smitten kittens in high school (1995) when his family moved to Belleville, IL from Southern CA (ironically). Back then we were wild & crazy. Anyway, his family moved away 9 mos later and Zach & I were pen pals for the next 4 years….and never spoke again until he found me on FACEBOOK in april 2009! We were married 1 yr later and God worked miracles in our lives!! God pieced this long distance wedding together w no rehearsal, every step planned from 1300 miles away in < 3 months, a minimal budget, celebrity photographers who shot our wedding WEEKEND for FREE (OMG…best gift from God!), little support from family or friends, and a LOT of Holy Spirit FAVOR!!!
After 5 days w #mylove I had to get on a plane and go home to Tennessee, on faith that one day Zach’s parole would get transferred and we would get to live together. It was a VERY difficult 6 months, but after dating long-distance 1 year & being married 6 months long-distance, God made a way where the law said No…and He’s built our faith and trust and set us #onfire as a result of the many trials we’ve been through together. Without Jesus we wouldn’t have made it 1 year!! While most people don’t recommend marrying a guy coming out of prison (and I get, GOD DID. And my 1st visions and prophetic dreams began the month I met Zach. God graciously confirmed him to be my husband over & over again, because it didn’t make sense and it cost me most of my family & friends at the time. God knew Zach was a new creation in Christ and was teaching me to TRUST GOD over myself. #noregrets We must submit our plans to the Lord if we want to receive the desires of our heart!! It won’t look like our own “plan”…but it WILL be worth it. IT WILL BE WAY BETTER than ANYTHING we could ask or imagine!!!! #happyanniversary to God’s pick for me…the ONE that my pride and fear almost kept me from, to the one who has patiently stood beside me while God has healed the “brat”, “snot” and “people pleaser” in me. |
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