The Lord gave me a great word in 2009 as He called me to start sharing my testimony & past publicly: Once God heals you of your offenses and sin and YOU become OK with YOU then no one can hold it against you ever again. The shame and the guilt end today!! Receive your freedom friends! Tell your story. Make God the main character :) *The videos that auto-populate after Jana's videos are not posted or endorsed by Jana and in no way reflect Jana's views or beliefs!
I went through training to become a CERTIFIED REVELATION WELLNESS INSTRUCTOR in the Fall of 2013. It was nothing short of LIFE CHANGING!! I desperately wanted to start teaching fitness again. But this time it wasn’t about “fitness” at all….fitness was the platform, but JESUS was now the main thing! I like Fitness. I LOVE Jesus. And if I can’t share Jesus while teaching fitness, then I have no desire to teach fitness classes anymore. I am divinely ruined. I have taught fitness classes since I was 19 years old. However, the world's way burned me out. It was empty, and the fire eventually went out… as ALL THINGS built in the flesh will ultimately do. Revelation Wellness intersected my health, fitness and ministry passions and fueled a new chapter in my life. 6 months post-graduation, I launched my 1st classes here in Orange County in a friend's garage. It was humble beginnings, but GOD WAS SO GOOD!! REVELATION REVOLUTION was born. And eventually the vision of teaching Christ-centered Indoor Cycling came to pass! God opened up the most unlikely opportunity for me to teach at CB Cycle Barn in San Clemente just 1 month later....and we built a community who loved to sweat to God's Word & Worship for 4 years strong. Once I became a mother I had to lay this part of my ministry aside as my priorities changed. I grieve what was, but I love being a mom more! Who knows what God will do in the future... My plans are in HIS hands. *The videos that auto-populate after Jana's videos are not posted or endorsed by Jana and in no way reflect Jana's views or beliefs!
This ministry began without a name, without a location, without a “plan”, without a FACEBOOK page (say it wasn’t so!!).
Just me + Jesus (and my husband’s blessing)…just a glimpse of what God had called me to do here in CA. I had finally accepted that after selling my practice in Franklin, TN, things were never going to look like they did before…and I finally surrendered to it. God was not calling me to open another practice. He was NOT calling me to carry the load I was used to carrying. He was not calling me to be a full time Chiropractor anymore. How could this be?!! This didn’t MAKE SENSE. How was I going to pay off my student loans?? How were we going to pay our bills PERIOD? WHY would He do this?? I went to college for almost 10 years…what?!! I LOVED my patients well and poured my heart into what I did. WHY was I being punished like this??! But God said NO, so I said OK. He was calling me “out” of my comfort zone, into the UNKNOWN, away from an office…He was setting me FREE to DO REAL LIFE.. with real people, to go deeper into the trenches of “ministry”. He wanted my heart, so that’s what He got. HUMBLE BEGINNINGS. God opened the door for the 1st fitness class in March 2014…in a garage…and 10 people showed up! 3 came the next week. I hadn’t taught a fitness classes in about 3 years! After taking the 1st steps of obedience- willing to lay down my pride, give up “being a Doctor”, only do Nutrition FROM HOME on a part-time basis, quit worrying about money, quit caring what anyone thought of me, just teach fitness once a week…in a garage (when I really wanted to teach Christian Indoor Cycling but every studio shut me down…too risky; too “corny”, too “christian”)…THEN GOD SHOWED ME Step 2. AND THEN HE BLASTED OPEN THE DOORS for me to teach CHRISTIAN INDOOR CYCLING at CB CycleBarn only 1 month later!! AND THEN He just blessed the mess out of my marriage (that was on the rocks at the time) and this new ministry called Revelation Revolution. He opened the doors for me to host 2 small health retreats last summer (2014), to take this ministry to Mexico to bring hope and health to the less privelaged, and He showed me how to work with clients for “nutrition” HIS WAY. When I got out of the way, God got busy! And here we are, celebrating JESUS RESURRECTION at CB CycleBarn AGAIN 1 year later! 2 people from the studio have given their hearts to Jesus so far! I get to grow in the Lord through Discipleship calls 1x/week with a few girls around the country, just sharing what God has taught me & praying for them. And because of the accountability to teaching God’s Word through all these platforms, I am learning God’s Word better and deeper than ever before!! I am so much more balanced than when I was Wonder-Woman running a full-time practice, teaching Spin classes 2x/week after work, emotionally exhausted from trying to give 200% in everything I did, with nothing left for my husband, myself, or anyone else when I got home. God knows BEST! He is GOOD. His plans ARE GOOD! And He blesses the mess out of obedience!! DO NOT DESPISE HUMBLE BEGINNINGS and DO-OVERS. God Loves us. He KNOWS BEST what we need, and what HE needs to heal in us so that He can better use us for HIS GLORY. If He calls us to lay something down, it’s only because He has something SO MUCH BETTER for us! Just take the 1st step. God will do the rest. CLICK HERE to learn more. Check our new logo ;) |
Past Blogs
May 2024