If you are currently under Dr. Jana’s care for Candida Overgrowth (Candidiasis), she may have recommended avoiding certain foods based on your individual needs due to food allergies, food sensitivities or other health factors. Please follow her recommendations and modify any of these suggestions accordingly. These are general tips to help you get started. Don’t be afraid to get creative! If you come up with a great recipe, we would love to share it on the Recipe Blog!
*Don't forget to pray. Our Heavenly Father is the Great Physician, Master Chef & most creative One of all! . BREAKFAST - PHASE 1 EGGS (any style) OMELETTE WITH VEGGIES BACON (nitrate/nitrite and sugar free) SAUSAGE (nitrate/nitrite and sugar free) VEGGIES EASY PROTEIN BARS MUFFINS (SEARCH “BREADS” IN THE SEARCH BOX) ALMOND MEAL PANCAKES with BUTTER, COCONUT OIL OR ALMOND BUTTER (Can use stevia or swerve to sweeten) - NO FRUIT SMOOTHIES (SEARCH “SMOOTHIES” IN THE SEARCH BOX) - NO FRUIT UNSWEETENED YOGURT (dairy-free if Dr. Jana said no dairy) + NUTS, UNSWEETENED COCONUT FLAKES + LOVE & PEAS sugar-free PROTEIN POWDER (note: dairy-free yogurt has no protein in it: you NEED protein w each meal). BEANS: YOU CAN HAVE BEANS IN PHASE 1 IF NO SYMPTOMS RETURN WHEN EATING THEM (bloating, constipation, fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, feeling "hungover", hard to wake up, itching, acne, etc). Start with lentils, mung or adzuki beans. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX: EAT "LUNCH" OR "DINNER"...FOR BREAKFAST!! THINK PROTEIN + FAT + VEGGIES SEARCH “BREAKFAST” IN THE SEARCH BOX PHASE 2+ THESE CAN BE ADDED ONCE DR. JANA HAS TESTED OR CONSULTED WITH YOU & CAN SEE THAT YOUR BODY CAN TOLERATE A SLIGHTLY HIGHER GLYCEMIC LOAD (aka: slightly more sugars... we need to go SLOWWW!). SMOOTHIES WITH BERRIES - NO HIGH SUGAR FRUITS ADD GRAPEFRUIT OR BERRIES AS SIDES/DESSERTS UNSWEETENED YOGURT PARFAIT (dairy-free if Dr. Jana said no dairy) + BERRIES, NUTS, UNSWEETENED COCONUT FLAKES + LOVE & PEAS sugar-free PROTEIN POWDER (note: dairy-free yogurt has no protein in it: you NEED protein w each meal). SWEET POTATOES, ANY STYLE (no brown sugar): CINNAMON, BUTTER, RAW COCONUT OIL, STEVIA OR SWERVE OR SEA SALT PALEO OR ALMOND MEAL PANCAKES WITH BERRIES + COCONUT WHIPPED CREAM LUNCH - KEEP IT SIMPLE! PHASE 1 MEATS: GRILLED, BAKED, SAUTEED (coconut oil, avocado oil, grass-fed butter) or LUNCH MEAT - MAKE A DOUBLE BATCH FOR EASY “GRAB & GO” LUNCHES WILD CAUGHT FISH, SARDINES, SMOKED SALMON VEGGIES SALADS - LOAD IT UP WITH EXTRA: VEGGIES, MEAT, CHICKEN, TUNA, SALMON, HARD BOILED EGGS, OTHER WILD CAUGHT FISH, SMOKED SALMON... (SEARCH “SALAD DRESSINGS” IN THE SEARCH BOX) WRAPS: PALEO WRAPS OR NORI WRAPS SMOOTHIES: SEE BREAKFAST IDEAS (no berries/fruit) BEANS: YOU CAN HAVE BEANS IN PHASE 1 IF NO SYMPTOMS RETURN WHEN EATING THEM (bloating, constipation, fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, feeling "hungover", hard to wake up, itching, acne, etc). Start with lentils, mung or adzuki beans. PHASE 2+ THESE CAN BE ADDED ONCE DR. JANA HAS TESTED OR CONSULTED WITH YOU & CAN SEE THAT YOUR BODY CAN TOLERATE A SLIGHTLY HIGHER GLYCEMIC LOAD (aka: slightly more sugars... we need to go SLOWWW!). SWEET POTATOES - SWEET POTATER-TOTS or SWEET POTATO STEAK FRIES QUINOA SPROUTED BROWN RICE QUINOA/BROWN RICE PASTA (Trader Joes) LENTIL PASTA (Costco) QUINOA PASTA (Costco) NOTE: These pastas are still fairly starchy; eat in moderation & STOP if any symptoms return; use discernment & self-control) DINNER - KEEP IT SIMPLE OR GET CREATIVE! PHASE 1 MEATS: GRILLED, BAKED, SAUTEED (coconut oil, avocado oil, grass-fed butter) or LUNCH MEAT - MAKE A DOUBLE BATCH FOR EASY “GRAB & GO” LUNCHES VEGGIES: RAW, GRILLED, STEAMED, BAKED OR SAUTEED. CRUCIFEROUS VEGGIES ARE IDEAL FOR LIVER HEALTH! - BROCCOLI, BRUSSELS SPROUTS, CAULIFLOWER, ETC… SALADS - LOAD IT UP WITH EXTRA: VEGGIES, MEAT, CHICKEN, TUNA, SALMON, HARD BOILED EGGS, OTHER WILD CAUGHT FISH, SMOKED SALMON... SALAD DRESSINGS- (SEARCH “SALAD DRESSINGS” IN THE SEARCH BOX) SOUPS- (SEARCH “SOUPS” IN THE SEARCH BOX) - no grain-based noodles or flour thickeners (or dairy if you are sensitive) “MOCK” PASTA - RAW OR COOKED MARINARA SAUCE WITH “ZOODLES” (spiral cut RAW "noddles" from zucchini, sweet potatoes etc) OR COOKED SPAGHETTI SQUASH "NOODLES" TACO SALAD - MEAT, LETTUCE, VEGGIES, SALSA, GUACAMOLE, RAW SAUERKRAUT (YUMMY!), BEANS (if your body can tolerate) BEANS: YOU CAN HAVE BEANS IN PHASE 1 IF NO SYMPTOMS RETURN WHEN EATING THEM (bloating, constipation, fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, feeling "hungover", hard to wake up, itching, acne, etc). Start with lentils, mung or adzuki beans. PHASE 2+ THESE CAN BE ADDED ONCE DR. JANA HAS TESTED OR CONSULTED WITH YOU & CAN SEE THAT YOUR BODY CAN TOLERATE A SLIGHTLY HIGHER GLYCEMIC LOAD (aka: slightly more sugars... we need to go SLOWWW!). SWEET POTATOES -SWEET POTATER-TOTS or SWEET POTATO STEAK FRIES QUINOA SPROUTED BROWN RICE QUINOA/BROWN RICE PASTA (Trader Joes) LENTIL PASTA (Costco) QUINOA PASTA (Costco) NOTE: These pastas are still fairly starchy; eat in moderation & STOP if any symptoms return; use discernment & self-control) SNACKS - KEEP SNACKS SIMPLE AND READY TO GRAB… MAKE PLENTY AHEAD OF TIME! PHASE 1 (SEARCH “SNACKS” IN THE SEARCH BOX) ALMOND BUTTER CHOCOLATE KISS COOKIES (Yes! Therese ARE allowed & so yummy)) NUTS & SEEDS: TRAIL MIX HARD BOILED EGGS NICK’S BEEF OR TURKEY STICKS (Organic, grass-fed) VITACOST.COM VEGGIES & “CANDIDA FRIENDLY RANCH DIP” PLANTAIN CHIPS WITH SALSA OR GUACAMOLE (read Salsa labels- many contain SUGAR) HUMMUS or BLACK BEAN DIP: YOU CAN HAVE BEANS IN PHASE 1 IF NO SYMPTOMS RETURN WHEN EATING THEM (bloating, constipation, fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, feeling "hungover", hard to wake up, itching, acne, etc) CELERY or CARROTS & UNSWEETENED ALMOND BUTTER DRIED CHICK PEAS (Good Beans brand) - see note on BEANS above SEARCH “SMOOTHIES” IN THE SEARCH BOX (no berries/fruit) EASY PROTEIN BARS BULLETPROOF BARS or PALEO BARS PHASE 2+ THESE CAN BE ADDED ONCE DR. JANA HAS TESTED OR CONSULTED WITH YOU & CAN SEE THAT YOUR BODY CAN TOLERATE A SLIGHTLY HIGHER GLYCEMIC LOAD (aka: slightly more sugars... we need to go SLOWWW!). GRANNY SMITH APPLES & UNSWEETENED ALMOND BUTTER 100% SWEET POTATO CHIPS (in moderation!) GRAPEFRUIT FRESH BERRIES (optional: coconut OR chocolate whipped cream) CHOCOLATE MOUSSE RAW MACRO PULSE (raw, sprouted superfoods mix): eat like cereal w unsweetened almond/coconut milk or dry like trail mix -FuelOfTheGods.com DESSERT LET’S BE HONEST… EVERYONE WANTS THEIR DESSERT, RIGHT? It is important to understand that sugar is what feeds and grows Candida albicans. By starving the candida of sugar, we are killing it and gaining control of our gut balance which is crucial for healing! This will take some discipline and self-control especially in the 1st Phase as you body (your candida) is demanding its sugar! PRAY, TRUST GOD, ASK HIM TO BIND YOUR FLESH. HE WILL GIVE YOU THE STRENGTH YOU NEED FOR THIS! REMEMBER… The more disciplined you are with avoiding sugars the sooner your body will heal and the sooner you will be allowed low-glycemic foods (sugar) like berries, RAW honey, and dates! Believe me… those will be the sweetest berries you’ve ever tasted! It is so worth it! PHASE 1 (SEARCH “DESSERT” IN THE SEARCH BOX) Here are some favorites, just remember that if there is honey or dates…substitute with Stevia (powdered or liquid), Xylitol, Truvia, or Swerve (Swerve seems to work best for baking). ALMOND BUTTER CHOCOLATE KISS COOKIES EASY PROTEIN BARS NON-BERRY SMOOTHIES CARROT CAKE (can easily sub zucchini for carrots, bake in a bread pan & make "zucchini bread" instead of carrot cake) LEMON MUFFINS SMOOTHIES (no berries) PHASE 2+ THESE CAN BE ADDED ONCE DR. JANA HAS TESTED OR CONSULTED WITH YOU & CAN SEE THAT YOUR BODY CAN TOLERATE A SLIGHTLY HIGHER GLYCEMIC LOAD (aka: slightly more sugars... we need to go SLOWWW!). (SEARCH “DESSERT” IN THE SEARCH BOX) BERRIES & COCONUT WHIPPED CREAM or CHOCOLATE WHIPPED CREAM CHOCOLATE MOUSSE APPLE OR BERRY CRUMBLE SMOOTHIES w berries
This is a recording of a detailed video presentation I did for Nature's Sunshine on how to overcome Candida overgrowth (aka: Candidiasis). Grab a pen & paper and take notes! If you cannot afford to come in for a visit, this is a POWERFUL RESOURCE you can use. Take this information, PRAY and ask Jesus to show you the next step. Ask HIM what information applies to YOU. HE IS FAITHFUL to complete the good work He has begun in you!!! I am praying for wisdom, healing, discernment and inspiration for EVERY SINGLE LISTENER. In Jesus mighty & awesome name. AMEN!! *The videos that auto-populate after Jana's YouTube videos are not posted or endorsed by Jana and in no way reflect Jana's views or beliefs! PRODUCT LIST FROM VIDEO
A: Probiotic eleven (needs refrigeration) B: Bifidophilus Flora Force (needs refrigeration) C: Bacillus Coagulans, NutriBiome (NO refrigeration) D: Tiao He Cleanse E: Cleanstart (wild berry flavor is best) *Use CleanStart MILD if you are prone to loose stools. F: Candida Clear G:16 oz Silver Shield liquid (32 oz also available-better bang for your buck) H: Pau d' Arco (capsules, liquid extract, bulk tea, lotion) I: Silver rescue remedy gel (full or travel size) CLICK HERE to order any of these products from me at wholesale cost. If someone else referred you to me and they are an NSP distributor, please contact them directly to order. |
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