OIL PULLING is a very simple, inexpensive home remedy anyone can do for improved oral & systemic health, whiter teeth, headache/migraine relief or anytime you are feeling low on energy, sick or "off".
HOW TO: Place ~1 Tbsp Virgin Coconut Oil in your mouth. Swish around your mouth and back & forth through your teeth slowly for up to 20 minutes. DO NOT swallow the oil. Spit it in the trash can when you are finished. It helps to be distracted when you're "pulling" so that you can last longer and not gag (ie: while you take shower, make breakfast, read your Bible, etc). Even 5 minutes is helpful if you can't do a full 20 minutes in the beginning. Grace. Do your best ;) *Add 1 drop of Peppermint or Clove essential oil to the coconut oil while you pull for additional health benefits like oral pain or infections, colds/flu, or to relieve migraine headaches. It works amazingly well! I have witnessed remarkable testimonies about Oil Pulling from patients with all of the above conditions and more! It literally "pulls" infection, toxins & inflammation out of the body!! If you have ANY kind of oral health problem, it is affecting your whole body in ways you do not know. Check out my blog on Natural Oral Health & Healing Cavities Naturally. Thank you Lord for another simple tool to use.... your yoke IS easy & your burden really is light!
Did you know that cavities can be healed AND that your standard toothpastes are packed full of harmful ingredients – things that are making your mouth and body LESS HEALTHY?? It’s true – and FLUORIDE is among the most toxic of those ingredients. When I first learned the truth about fluoride many years ago, I was shocked! Go ahead, read the label & look up the ingredients in your toothpaste. ![]() Fluoridation of water is common in the United States but not in most other industrialized countries. There have been studies into the effects of fluoride toxicity. One potential effect is an increase of oxidative stress, which has been linked to general inflammation as well as to heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and even depression, to name a few ;) Weston A. Price is one of the most well-respected dentists who ever lived. West A. Price lived in the early 1900s and was the chairman of the National Dental Association (1914–1923) and a pioneer for the American Dental Association (ADA). He traveled the world searching to discover what causes tooth decay. Dr. Price found a common link between eating modern foods and cavities. He witnessed that many indigenous isolated tribes had perfect teeth and little tooth decay. But once they were exposed to a Western diet, they experienced tooth decay, bone loss and chronic illness. According to the ADA, this is the cause of tooth decay: “[Tooth decay] occurs when foods containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches) such as milk, pop, raisins, cakes or candy are frequently left on the teeth. Bacteria that live in the mouth thrive on these foods, producing acids as a result. Over a period of time, these acids destroy tooth enamel, resulting in tooth decay.” But the truth is the ADA is only hitting on one of the four things that can contribute to tooth decay. According to the insights of Dr. Edward Mellanby, Dr. Weston Price and Dr. Ramiel Nagel, there are four main things that contribute to tooth decay:
CLICK HERE for more info about Weston A Price and the Price-Pottenger Studies and Foundation. The book, Cure Tooth Decay, by Dr. Ramiel Nagel may be helpful for you, as well. Your dentist most likely won't tell you (and doesn't typically believe)... that cavities CAN be healed!! Enamel can be rebuilt. Teeth CAN BE remineralized through changing your oral health regimen, using a remineralizing toothpaste, and changing your diet (removal of the toxic stuff and addition of the right foods/nutrients). Here's what you need to do: 1. Eliminate sugars (a Candida Detox works perfect! haha...notice any connection here?!) 2. Eliminate grains, beans, nuts & (unfermented) soy (all contain high concentrations of phytic acid) which robs the teeth, bones & body of minerals IF you are truly trying to heal cavities (unless they are soaked & raw fermented, which breaks down the phytic acid). 3. Eat lots of organic, grass-fed animals protein & fat & nutrient-rich foods (bone broth, butter, raw kefir or raw milk/yogurt, eggs, avocados, cod liver oil, coconut oil, green leafy veggies, etc). A vegan diet will do more harm than good here. 4. ADD raw fermented foods to your diet: RAW sauerkraut, raw kimchi, raw kefir, raw apple cider vinegar or kombucha (read kombucha label & make sure it's 2g sugar or less). The removal of these things from the Standard American Diet (SAD) is a one major reason why we have such serious oral health & chronic illness in the U.S. 5. Use a fluoride-free, re-mineralizing toothpaste (Here's my Peppermint Tooth Polish Recipe) 6. Start Oil Pulling for improved oral health, whiter teeth, and overall whole body health (instructions below). Click link for details/options. 7. Add 100% pure, POTENT, high quality supplements to your routine. Supplements, essential oils & herbs are NOT created equal. Here is a general protocol you can write down and purchase through my ONLINE STORE at wholesale cost if you want to get started. Please note, this is a complimentary general protocol for you to pray about and take as the Lord leads. I cannot answer health questions via office email for those who are not patients with signed Intake & Informed Consent forms on file. One question leads to many more & it backs up the office/front desk and our ability to serve our current patients properly. If you'd like a custom treatment plan & lots of answered questions, pray about becoming a patient and you will have quality 1 on 1 time with me for whatever you need :) Thank you in advance for understanding. ADULTS & CHILDREN OVER 75# who can swallow pills or take liquids: Mineral Chi Tonic (keep refrigerated): 1 Tbsp 2x/day (if you're really fatigued, double your dose); for tweens or teens, take 2 tsp 2x/day. Krill Oil or Super Omega 3 EPA Vitamin D3: under age 21, take as directed. Adults take 10,000 IU/day for 3 months, then lower to ~5,000IU/day. If you're under my care I can dose you to see how much you need. MOST patients test anywhere from 10,000-40,000 IU/day. This deficiency is very serious & very common because of the condition of our guts. Skeletal Strength: to strengthen teeth, bones & connective tissue in the body Bifidopholus Flora Force (probiotic; keep refrigerated): take 2-3 capsules at bedtime. If you get soft or loose stools at any time, lower your dose. KIDS UNDER 75# (chewies); take as directed: Sunshine Heroes Probiotic Power Sunshine Heroes Omega-3 with DHA Sunshine Heroes Multiple Vitamin & Mineral Sunshine Heroes Calcium Plus D3 Have your kids eat the chewies BEFORE brushing teeth in morning & bedtime, and THEN brush teeth. If you have older kids who can't swallow pills or drink "earthy-tasting" liquids, then use these kids products at double "as-directed" doses. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Finally, I highly recommend praying about switching to a Holistic or Biological Dentist to learn more about how oral health affects your entire body. Gargle, swish & swallow my liquid Silver Shield (1tsp 3x/day) instead of chemical antibiotics next time you are "required" to take an antibiotic before/after a dental procedure!! Your recovery time & pain will DRASTICALLY reduce with no recurrent infections or side effects!! No secondary thrush or yeast infections (Candida overgrowth) when you use Silver Shield!! ;) You will be amazed at the results. No prescription required!! Blessings of good oral & overall health to all of you! The Gene Myth: Our DNA is NOT Our Destiny (Article by Dr. Caroline Leaf)
Scientific research has shown that 87-98% of mental and physical and behavioral illnesses come from our thought life, which is indubitably a large and frightening number, and contrary to what many of us have been led to believe. In fact, few human processes are turned on or off by a single gene. Most processes require many genes acting together to produce a common result. Thus, the idea fired up by the media that there is a gene for this and a gene for that is incorrect. From second to second, day-by-day, genetic cascades are turned on or off by our own thoughts and experience. Yes, that means we are largely in control! This picture of a multiplicity of genes that fluctuate moment by moment is at odds with the picture ingrained in the public mind: that genes determine everything from our physical characteristics to our behavior. It’s a highly fashionable concept that there is a “gene for this and a gene for that”, and, in particular, it removes personal responsibility from us as individuals. This is unhealthy and contrary to what God teaches us, which is to take responsibility for the thoughts we think and choices we make. Fortunately, since the 1970s research has been challenging the “gene myth” and now we know that the genes in the neurons of our brains are activated 87-98% by our thoughts with embedded emotions, which, of course, challenges the cause and effect model of genetic causation. We now also understand that there is an electromagnetic component to every biological process. So, genes (biological) are how information is stored (like the hard drive of a computer) and energy (electromagnetism) is about how they communicate information (this is equivalent to plugging a computer in, which activates the hard drive to a functional level). Scientists are learning more and more about what turns genes on or off, or, in other words, what influences their activation. They have found that thinking and the subsequent thoughts we build are major activators. Thoughts and feelings turn sets of genes on and/or off in complex relationships. Moreover, science is discovering that, although we have a fixed set of genes in our chromosomes, it’s principally our thoughts that influence those genes which are active. This is an amazing, fundamental spiritual principle as well: “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he”. (Proverbs 23:7) Our thoughts and emotions shape our minds as they stimulate the formation of thought networks (neural pathways) in our brains, which either reinforce old pathways or initiate new ones. In the same way our muscles bulk up with exercise, our neurons bulk up the more we think. So what we think becomes biology; biology is genes, hormones, neurons and electromagnetic systems and all the complex interactions between them. These interactions in turn produce the words and actions we speak and perform. Our genes are being changed moment by moment by the environment of our thoughts and feelings as well as the environment of our families, homes, work, friends and where we live! We assign mental and emotional meaning to facts that are as important to gene activation as the facts themselves. Even the thoughts you are having about the coming week (a week that hasn’t happened yet and may never happen!) are wired into your brain and act as stimulus for genetic expression. So, when all is said and done, we are very much in control, and not victims of our biology. If you are interested in learning more, you can watch Dr. Leaf talk about the Gene Myth on her weekly show. WATCH THE WEEKLY DR. LEAF SHOW ON TBN. The Dr Leaf TV show airs every Wednesday on TBN at 3.30pm PST/5.30pm CST and 6.30pm EST. It also airs Internationally. |
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