This is my updated Dr. Mom 101 vlog. Learn my favorite remedies & medicine cabinet essentials for a wide variety of ailments, acute or chronic. All products can be purchased through the STORE tab at Here are the direct links for each individual product line:
NATURE'S SUNSHINE PRODUCTS: Specific Nature's Sunshine products mentioned: Oregon Grape, Seasonal Allergy (liquid), Lobelia Essence, Silver Shield Aqua Sol (various sizes), Silver Shield Rescue Gel, Frankincense Essential oil, Roman Chamomile Essential Oil, Lavendar Essential Oil, Glass Roller Bottles, Carrier Oil, Distress Remedy YOUNG LIVING ESSENTIAL OILS: Specific YL Oils mentioned: Seedlings Calm (for infants/babies), KidScents for age 2+ (Snifflease, Sleepyze, TummyGize) NOTES: I add the Oregon Grape or Seasonal Allergy into a cup of Detox Lemonade, into a smoothie or MOST COMMONLY onto a spoonful of raw or Manuka honey to get my kids to take it. However, neither tastes bad and can usually be given to children straight, pretty easily! You simply need to get it in their bodies :)
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November 2024