Do you have real health issues going on or problems other Doctors can't figure out?? Are you finding yourself frantically researching online?? If you're being honest with yourself, are you growing weary, frustrated or confused?? Have you lost hope?? Is there any, teeny possible chance that your quest to "self-help" could be rooted in pride or fear?? #1 PLEASE, take a deep breath and read this through to the end. *WARNING: Put your Holy armor on and cast off any Spirit of offense ;) #2 And PLEASE, in Jesus name, stop. Breathe. Pray. ASK yourself, have you actually invited the Lord whole-heartedly into your "research" or quest for healing and answers? Pause. Stop trying to self-diagnose on the internet, stop buying random products from friends on social media, stop driving yourself crazy, stop striving... what I'm seeing & witnessing is madness. It's is a trap. We have taken Satan's bait. The enemy has SO MANY PEOPLE CONFUSED, DISTRACTED & STRIVING. Anyone can post anything online. You can't "unsee" or "unread" those things that we are obsessively researching, many of which aren't true, aren't accurate, are NOT Spirit lead, don't apply to us, have a hidden agenda, or are rooted in fear or pride or selfish ambition. This story is becoming WAY TOO COMMON. So many patients walk into their appointments hopeless, exhausted, confused, broke and broken... Often they come in with BAGS full of supplements (or meds) they've tried or been "recommended" (and they're still sick). Everywhere I go people have health questions. People are desperate, deceived & confused. It grieves my heart. I cry for this world. I cry for people who are stuck in this trap. I cry for the bondage I see people in and the things they are blindly defending or doing or obsessing over that keep them in bondage. People end up spending WAY MORE money & time desperately researching online and listening to (or following) random fitness "gurus"/friends/health coaches/bloggers/network marketers who really don't know what they're talking about, only to end up with minimal results, never truly healing or getting to the real root(s) of the problem. A "fitness expert" or health coach (for example) may offer a wealth of "healthy info" but are not qualified to truly diagnose, get to the root of the problem, or manage major health problems. Sure, you can make some lifestyle changes in the right direction, but it's still only a stepping stone for most people, that can ultimately prolong the process and cost MORE MONEY if you really need professional help to know what YOUR body needs. How can you know what is CAUSING your symptoms? You need to know what YOUR BODY is allergic to, deficient in, what organs are weak, WHAT Toxins are hiding in YOUR body & exactly WHAT diet, product & dosage YOUR body needs to heal. This is what I do everyday and people are getting well. Like, miraculously better! And it's not rocket science. At the same time, there's not some "one size fits all" protocol for every diagnosis that you can just look up online or text someone to get the answer to. Random health advice can't answer these questions (and many more), which are vital to healing. Supplements and drugs can't fix emotional and Spiritual problems. It's often more than just a change of diet. Furthermore, if you follow/listen to "experts" who deny Jesus as Lord or who ignore the heart issues (emotional, spiritual), then you'll stay trapped trying to medicate or supplement or diet away problems that cannot be healed in that way, only to fester and get worse behind the scenes the longer they linger... leading to more "random symptoms" (aka: diagnoses) & fear. If you keep getting tests or even running to Doctors that don't answer the right questions (like most bloodwork and most of what you'll find in Western Medicine), you can't get well. It's a trap. I need to make a bold statement: Pride, fear & the idolatry of "knowledge" (researching everything to death... becoming self glorified "experts") are not leading us to more wholeness, Truth & freedom. Are we seeking FIRST the Kingdom of God in our pursuit of wellness & weight loss?? Remember: "my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” - Jesus (Matthew 11:30) I'm constantly witnessing 2 extremes: OBSESSION vs NEGLECT NEGLECT: The person who refuses to change (their diet or habits) or repent from a certain sin (something that's mastering them), spinning their wheels in the viscous cycle of denial, deception and lack of discipline. No matter how much other people can see the cause of their sickness, they are stuck in NEGLECT. Most of been here at one time or another... and what we don't see is that we are literally quenching the Spirit in our own lives and therefore, in the Body of Christ (see verse below). The consequence of gluttony is a HEAVY BURDEN to carry. Food (or fill in the blank) has become our "god". OBSESSION: The person who has become obsessive, bound by fear (of food, of Doctors, of God not providing, of gaining a pound, of aging, etc) and they refuse to get the help they need, controlling everything that goes into their body, perhaps obsessively working out, over-investing in the "outer appearance" (as my friend, Alisa Keeton, once said... "the prison of pretty") yet still so sick and tormented on the inside. Our body (or beauty) has become our "god". >> THIS is a HEAVY BURDEN to carry. Proverbs 15:12 "Mockers hate to be corrected, so they stay away from the wise." Proverbs 19:20 "Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise." Romans 12:4-5 "Just as our bodies have many parts and each part (each one of us!) has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all BELONG TO EACH OTHER." (emphasis mine) Neither one of these people is free. Freedom is neither religion nor rebellion, vanity nor vileness, obsession nor neglect. A perfect body, better looks and perfect before/after photos will never satisfy. "Beauty is fleeting" -Proverbs 31:30 Ice cream, soda, junk food, alcohol, candy...COFFEE ... it returns void. The comfort is temporary. FREEDOM IS FOUND IN CHRIST ALONE. Jesus must be allowed to take His rightful place back on the throne of our hearts, where He can refresh us with Truth and grace and power. REPENTANCE is the secret to putting everything back in order :) All these other "gods" will be forced to step down, the scales are removed from our eyes, and we begin to see clearly what's been keeping us sick, while experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. Through repentance and a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit, we see the FRUIT of the Spirit....self control (discipline) start to manifest in our lives and we step back on that narrow path! This is FREEDOM! God's strength vs our own strength. WISDOM from Heaven vs "more research & knowledge". It's supernatural!!! SO let's wrap this up...WHEN we research (yes, there's a time & place) we MUST put our armor on. WE MUST sift what we are reading through God's Word and His hands. Don't let everything you read take root in your mind & heart. Exercise discernment, and if you're feeling overwhelmed, anxious, confused... then something is amiss. Stop researching & start praying. Then WAIT on the Lord. IN JESUS NAME, WE MUST QUIT MAKING IMPULSIVE DECISIONS BASED ON FEAR. Get offline. Unfollow those who tempt, stumble, confuse or motivate through fear/pride. PRAY. (Earnestly & humbly) and pray some more. Ask God where to begin/go. Who should help YOU? *God. Will. Confirm. If you're lead to get real help, find a good Holistic Doctor to help you. Internet research cannot replace the decade of professional education, the years of clinical experience, and (hopefully) the gifting God has given "good Doctors" to easily be able to help you. This is what I/we do every day. If God is leading you... YOU CAN TRUST THE PROCESS. One visit will clear up SO MUCH CONFUSION & help you understand YOUR body. You'll have accountability, comfort & clear direction. It's quite simple. (Yes, you will need more than that initial visit to ultimately stay on track, and the frequency and duration will look different for each patient.) Drugs aren't going to FIX your problem. More bloodwork is OFTEN not necessary. Essential oils are AMAZING (I use them myself & with patients), but ALONE they aren't going to FIX you. Your "FRIENDS" diagnosis, diet or treatment plan isn't YOUR plan. You're unique. You need your own exam and plan. HEALTH is not "1 size fits all" & never will be. The proper diet for you isn't in some book or program AND it will change as your body changes. EVERY PATIENT'S TREATMENT PLAN and DIET LOOKS DIFFERENT because it is customized for YOU, your body, your diagnosis, your needs... There is HOPE. This is what I do every day. I'm not confused or spending endless hours researching. I spend more time in God's word than obsessing over MORE education (foolish to the world; wisdom in GOD'S eyes). Many people are getting their hope and health restored & it's not rocket science. He has gifted certain people to help His people. By following His lead, you will avoid "the wolves". God has a better way friends :) Proverbs 1:7 "The FEAR OF THE LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." James 1:5 "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." Yes, it will take faith ;) Yes you will have to die to yourself a little bit more. It's usually pretty humbling ;) But friends, there is so much HOPE!!!!! It is worth it.
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November 2024