SO, I have been really busy and feeling super sluggish the last few weeks – Bowels. energy. Waking up. Thyroid needing extra support lately. Skin a bit dull. Cranky. Irritable. Anxious. OVERWHELMED. Brain fog. Joint pain. Just NOT myself. The EASY, fear-based, take-this-into-my-own-hands solution would have been to call MY Holistic Doctor. BUT… I GOT THAT “CHECK” IN MY SPIRIT… INSTEAD, I felt like I was supposed to start a cleanse (praise God I keep those in stock) and go to bed early to spend time with Jesus.
I laid in bed last night confessing & repenting for my lack of discipline in some areas, laying at the feet of Jesus, asking Him to show me things in my life that distract me from His presence, peace and healing. “Jesus, show me, teach me, help me. FORGIVE ME for my rebellious ways.” I LONG to wake up early daily and have more of a routine, but it seems as soon as I have a good stretch of waking by or before 6am, I blow it. Before long, I’m sleeping until 7-7:30am-ish, my day is full-speed ahead, it’s time to work…and my devotional time gets skipped….AGAIN! Another day overwhelmed and surviving on GRACE. * AND REPEAT * UGH. I know better. I KNOW what a day without “my daily bread” is… hungry, thirsty, empty. “WHY GOD? WHAT AM I MISSING? Is this just “who I am” and I just need to work with it? Or is there something you want to change in me?” I know not to go down the shame and guilt road that leads to NOWHERE GOOD really fast. The enemy fires quick when we’re run down…”you’re lazy, pathetic, joke of a leader, never get it right, always late, never gonna change, phony, hypocrite”…. LIES. LIES. LIES…. Cast those down immediately!! PRAISE: This morning I was awake by 5:45am!!! I sat down with my journal and Bible 1st thing and I heard God say: Make health A priority so that I can be THE PRIORITY EVERY DAY! And then He showed me what MY NEXT STEPS were and what was “out of balance”. He told me I needed to cleanse my liver (confirmation!), set some healthy boundaries with clients and social media, and STOP checking my phone 1st thing in the morning. We also had a chat about “FEAR”. God helped me look at my list of symptoms objectively as I would any client I was working with. It was so obvious. I was not confused. My liver was bogged down. I let things get out of balance and got caught in the vicious cycle of infirmity/busy-ness/emotional chaos. Fear increased as my physical health took it’s toll on my priorities and daily routine. PERFECT LOVE casts out fear (1 John 4:18). My time in the Word, sitting amongst PERFECT LOVE had been lacking. FEAR has been holding me back from setting some new boundaries. God is blessing this ministry and my responsibilities are shifting. GOD GAVE ME GRACE and got me out of bed. HE HELPED ME KEEP MY PRIORITIES STRAIGHT, and in the stillness, I could hear His voice. He was faithful to give me my “daily bread” as He promises!! HE TRULY IS A GOOD GOOD FATHER!! PEACE restored. As I write this at the end of the day, I feel better already!! God, OUR GREAT PHYSICIAN, The Doctor of all Doctors, took me to the ROOT! My thyroid is back to life already! Energy’s up. Poops are great (sorry! TMI! ha). Mind is calm. Anxiety down. Fog is lifting. Skin’s breaking out…that’s a good sign the garbage is coming out! Back to THRIVING in GRACE, not just surviving. * * * KEEP IT SIMPLE * * * But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. – Mat 6:33 ESV What has YOUR lack of health or discipline cost you?? Our merciful Father has SO MUCH MORE for us, if only we seek Him, ask Him, spend time with Him. We will save ourselves so much unnecessary suffering, so much wasted time and money, so much anxiety, so much frustration. He will show you the NEXT STEPS. He will protect you from becoming obsessive about health and chasing your tail. God’s Word can cut where no surgeon’s scalpel or whole food supplement can! GOD is our Primary Care Physician. He may give you a referral or it may not be what you WANT to hear, but at least it came from the TRUSTED SOURCE of TRUE WHOLENESS! And in that, you can “Trust the process”.
Past Blogs
November 2024