If you have been following me for a while you know how passionate I am about getting free, staying free and passing on the torch of freedom to the next generation – a new generation. I had the honor of recording this podcast at the end of 2017 with Alisa Keeton, founder of Revelation Wellness, about home, heart and womb health.
Each of us has been given the ability to bear life by adding goodness on the earth. So whether or not you are thinking about getting pregnant, have been pregnant or just want to understand how generational patterns of disease can be passed from one person made in God’s image to another, today’s episode will bless you. The Revelation Wellness ministry, podcast and instructor training have blessed my health, marriage, ministry, and practice beyond measure! Enjoy. Mercy Reign was born Saturday, February 3 at 4:43am by way of C-section after 48 hours of intense, unmedicated labor. She was frank breech, 9 pounds, 9 ounces and 23 inches long! Mercy was extra-well done (haha) at 41weeks and 3days, extra-large, extra cozy, folded completely in half, and slightly transverse, likely due to how long she was! This was not the birth story I wanted, it was the birth story God knew we needed.
Zach and I did everything we could to prepare for a home (water) birth, something we both dreamed of having. We prayed. We took A Heavenly Welcome's Kingdom Childbirth Class and the 8 week Mama Natural Online Birth class. We chose an amazing Christian midwife with 29 years experience who thoroughly cared for, educated and encouraged us from 9 weeks pregnant through the "4th trimester". We both read Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth book, Hypnobirthing and Supernatural Childbirth. (UPDATE 11/8/19: After an extremely traumatic & extended postpartum journey, God has taught me A LOT. I absolutely do not recommend the book Supernatural Childbirth, which is recommended in the Kingdom Childbirth Class, and the subtly false theology it teaches. This was a pivotal stumbling block for me that nearly destroyed my faith and spiraled me into deeper postpartum depression. I have since learned of thousands of women who have had the same story. Stay tuned for more teaching on this. I have since discovered a solid, Bible-based pre & postnatal ministry, course & resource called Courageous Mom to help me recover and prepare for another pregnancy, if God wills.) Also, a word on Hypnobirthing for those whose "New Age radar" just went up: Chew on the meat & spit out the "New Age" bones - most of the info on what happens in the woman's body during pregnancy, labor and birth + the breathing techniques in this book were very accurate and helpful though I don't recommend the cd or some of the weird visualizations. Ok, back to my story: The Lord specifically instructed me on how to prepare my body before getting pregnant, after He gave me the dream about Mercy. He gave me the words TRUST and DISCIPLINE, and challenged me to get a 1-year chronological Bible to read for 2017 (as of March 2018 I've almost completed it...hahaha...better to finish with grace than become legalistic and ashamed, right?!). I also felt the Lord instruct me to start pilates reformer classes to prepare my structure, as I was just coming off of a serious back injury involving 2 bulged discs and severe muscle spasms. He advised me to lighten my load and work on my adrenal glands/hormones, as my periods had gotten painful and a bit irregular after prolonged high stress. The Lord also nudged me to finally change over the last of my makeup/skincare regimen. I had been using Bare Esscentuals for years and justified that it was "natural enough." I finally took the time to see how EVERYTHING I was using on my face/body ranked on the EWG- Skin Deep App and did my research to find the BEST, most pure and complete cosmetic line once and for all. (I hate changing makeup/searching for new products!) There are hundreds of serious carcinogens, hormone disruptors & other toxins in most makeup/skin care products. I still make my own body butter and anti-aging skin serum, both of which I used (mixed together) for stretch mark prevention throughout the whole pregnancy (and I didn't get a single stretchmark with my 55 extra pounds of Mercy!!!). I had pages of birth declarations and scriptures (you're welcome to use them) typed up that I meditated on for weeks to keep my mind constantly renewed and excited versus afraid. Aside from those specifics, I was already eating super clean and healthy, teaching Indoor Cycling classes 2 times per week and working a balanced schedule. I took responsibility and trained accordingly, as I knew childbirth was not something to "just wing". Everything the Lord advised me to do paid off and served its purpose. I had a wonderful pregnancy despite the fact that it was "God's plan" and not our own in the end. Mercy was head down until 35 weeks when she flipped. My amazing Chiropractor, who specializes in pregnancy and pediatric care, is who suspected she was breech and referred me out for emergency ultrasound for confirmation on Christmas Eve (35.5 weeks). Praise God for the wise words from a dear friend who reminded me: "Remember, home birth isn't the ultimate goal, a health mommy and baby is". That was Truth I needed to remember for such a time as this. This pregnancy and birth experience took me to another level of surrender and trust, once again reminding me that we are not in control. I so desperately wanted to have this baby naturally and at home. I fully believed that God was going to honor "the desires of my heart". We prayed fervently through the end of my pregnancy and had so many others praying (even fasting for us). We did everything to get her to turn (Webster technique, Chiropractic care, Acupuncture, Moxibustion, External Cephalic Version 3 times, inversion exercises from SpinningBabies.com, essential oils, homeopathies to increase my amniotic fluid making more room for baby to move, etc). We were still lead to try to have a home birth instead of cave to C-section immediately since there were zero complications, and I was healthy and low risk through my entire pregnancy. We had to hire Dr. Stuart Fischbein (with Dr. Milo Chavira on call, his backup which is who we ended up with because Dr. Stu was out of town when I went into labor... the plot thickens!) the only Obstetricians in the area who specialize in vaginal breech HOME (or birth center) birth. Sadly, California law will not allow a breech home birth with a midwife any longer (don't get me started on that!). It is pretty much exclusively hospital policy here to force women with breech babies to have a surgical birth and not even allow them to try to deliver naturally. God kept opening doors of hope and possibility. Something I learned from our amazing and very experienced birth team through this journey: If you are trying to deliver a breech baby vaginally, induction and intervention are major no-no's. (Of course, I'm not a fan of either unless they are truly MEDICALLY NECESSARY anyway. One intervention often quickly leads to a whole cascade of interventions, which can have adverse effects on mommy and baby). Because Mercy could not descend through the birth canal due to her position and size, my contractions never developed a regular pattern into active labor, and I never dilated past 4 cm. I had MANY 10-15 minute, excruciating, back-to-back surges as my uterus did its job to TRY to bring her down. I fought to have her naturally, but it eventually became medically necessary to transfer after 40 hours of labor. My water had been broken for nearly 48 hours. I had to surrender. This was my Garden of Gethsemane. “...Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” -Matthew 26:39 NKJV There were some incredibly HOLY moments late in my labor where tears flowed from the depths of my soul. I was able to dance and worship, feeling almost zero pain for a couple hours!! I had a supernatural breakthrough and clearly heard the Lord speaking to me about restoring the family unit, the ancient ruins (Isaiah 61), and the places that have been long devastated through many generations. He spoke to us about making all things new through us, a fresh start, a new and healthy generation, and encouragement that I don't have to be afraid of me or Zach doing the things I witnessed growing up. These have been deep, tormenting and paralyzing fears throughout my life. The Lord "delivered" me as I was delivering my daughter into the world. I was fully surrendered at that point and HOLY is the only way to describe it. Perhaps if my birth story had been "easy", I would have missed out on the healing that only comes through the kind of pain that brings you to your knees. I could quickly get caught up in grieving and re-living my birth story, wallowing in the emotions and making it an idol. Instead I CHOOSE to simply trust The Lord and thank Him for this baby girl that was worth it all!! After all, I don't "deserve" anything. Anything the Lord gives is a gift of grace in reality. Ultimately we had our home birth...with a cesarean delivery and a healthy baby. We did everything we could and therefore, will never have any regrets. In God's mercy and grace, Miss Mercy Reign never once showed any sign of fetal distress through the entire labor or birth or postpartum!! Thank you Jesus!!! We are in love!!! Mercy is so strong and healthy and BEAUTIFUL and FUN and squishy and delicious!!!! God's MERCY truly REIGNS and we can be grateful His plans are better than ours will ever be!!! THANK YOU to ALL who have prayed, called, sent cards and gifts, celebrated and journeyed with us!!! Psalm 136:1 "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For HIS MERCY ENDURES FOREVER." FUN FACT: A breech presentation is a variation of normal (like us! haha), not a pregnancy complication. It occurs in 3-4% of pregnancies and no one really knows why. Vaginal delivery is ideal for a low-risk breech baby so long as you have a properly trained birth assistant (OB or Midwife). The real problem is that medical schools are no longer training Doctors how to deliver breech babies, so there is a LOT of fear-mongering around this topic. Just as many, if not more, things can go wrong during C-section delivery of a breech baby if a Doctor isn't properly trained (brachial plexus injuries, etc). It is still wise to avoid a surgical birth whenever possible unless it is truly medically necessary like mine ultimately was. On 7/23/17 we found out that Baby G was a Baby GIRL!!! Mercy Reign Grimm Zach & I weren't sure we wanted kids. At 37 you can imagine how many comments & questions (and even rumors) there has been as to WHY we don't have kids yet. We trusted if kids were God's plan for us that He would change our hearts & prepare us, in HIS time. My prayer was simply this: "God if you desire us to have children, then put the desire on BOTH our hearts... AND... will you inspire Zach to ask me for a baby?" God was not tapping His watch and rolling His eyes at us ;) God had us focused on our own personal growth & healing & strengthening our marriage BEFORE bringing kids into this crazy world. There's been A LOT to overcome if you know our story ;) Well, God answered both prayers! Last July I held my friend's newborn baby and I loved it!! Then, I had a dream (yes, again). God planted a strong & sudden desire in my heart to have a baby. In the dream, He told me it would be a girl and He gave me her name (Mercy Reign). I woke with a strong desire to have a baby! Within a short time, Zach started talking about wanting kids! We were surrendered to His plans & His timing.
When I was 24, I was diagnosed with endometriosis. I was told I would likely never be able to have kids. (I NEVER BELIEVED THEM!) My Doctor pushed for a hysterectomy OR a "minor surgery" to "clip" my sacral nerves (so I couldn't feel my uterus/pain... which would also cut off "function" to my uterus!) The other option was to take Leupron which would immediately put my body into menopause. What?! Ironically I worked for Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals in St. Louis, MO at the same time making this exact drug. I KNEW what went into it. I said no! I was not saved and knew little about health back then, but I KNEW something had to have CAUSED this endometriosis. I knew there had to be a better answer. I opted for birth control pills (the lesser evil at the time) and made some drastic changes. This was a turning point in my life. This is when I quit working in the Pharmaceutical Industry and made the terrifying decision to go back to school and get my Doctorate. I was determined to "fix myself." THIS is ultimately how I got saved (moving to Nashville after graduation... still desperate & broken)... and what God used to launch me onto a journey of health, wholeness & freedom I never knew was possible! Obviously there are hours of testimony between then and now... SO...fast forward to last Fall 2016, after the dream. I was coming off of an insanely busy & stressful season. I could tell my body needed a "reset" before trying to get pregnant. Wisdom said: WAIT on the Lord. It was so worth it. My periods were suddenly all over the place. I was overwhelmed and exhausted. The stress of the 2 years prior had taken their toll on my body. Making and having a baby is serious business and CAN BE an enjoyable, healthy, nearly painless experience if we "train" properly for it. Most misacrriages and infertility are preventable. So I spent last fall getting acupuncture, cleansing, resting and letting my hormones re-balance (as the Lord lead). We thought we were ready in November...and the Spiritual war began! NOVEMBER: Zach got heavy metal poisoning at work from soldering old cast iron pipes. Not good for making a baby and birth defects! DECEMBER (ovulation time again): I bulged 2 discs in my back with severe muscle sprain. Had to close my office for 3 weeks! Not possible to make a baby ;) JANUARY: Still recovering from back injury. (Still not God's timing) FEBRUARY: God confirms I'm supposed to open a new office & provides the space! (But God! I thought you wanted us to have a baby! Are you SURE I should be opening a new office??? Shouldn't I stay home & keep it simple???) ...Questioning God...Busy....More warfare...Shift of focus (temporarily)... Still not pregnant... MARCH: all focus is on opening new office. BUSY again. More warfare! Ovulation seems to come & go at the worst times! ...still not pregnant. Trusting. Doubting. Trusting. Doubting. APRIL: Still getting settled in new office... actually got to "try" to get pregnant...more warfare...but still not God's timing. Now, I must say, if I were the devil and knew someone was going to bring a little God-fearing warrior into this world....I'D TRY TO STOP THEM, TOO!!! But God...Satan and these "obstacles" were simply tools that GOD ALLOWED to get us where God wanted us and were all part of God's perfect time, order and plan. MAY: Mercy Reign Grimm was conceived!!! God's perfect timing. He gave us what we didn't deserve (Mercy). We both abused sex, our bodies and our "worldly freedom" to take care of the consequences of our past sin. I used to advocate for "women's rights" and abortion. BUT GOD...He is merciful and faithful. Even in my sin and ignorance, He gave me the wisdom to say no to a hysterectomy over 13 years ago for such a time as this. We never had to battle infertility. We simply had to be patient to wait on His timing. A January baby is perfect for us. We are so humbled and excited about being Mercy's parents and give all glory to our good God!! His love and grace never run out. He has given us beauty for ashes and redeemed all that the enemy meant for destruction!!! "You are blessed because BECAUSE YOU BELIEVED that the Lord would do what He said" -Luke 1:45 NLT BRYCE'S AUTISM HEALING TESTIMONY >>> HOPE!!!
I'm SO EXCITED to share this story with you guys!! I got to interview Careen, my dear friend, sister-in-Christ & Office Manager, about her son, Bryce & what God has miraculously healed since May of 2016. I have the privilege of being his Doctor & God has blown our minds!! There is HOPE for Autism and all "diseases". God has showed me how truly simple it can be. God can do the impossible! I have to add: This is Bryce's story. This is not a "protocol to heal autism". What we did for him was HIS CUSTOM PLAN. I prayed for him and muscle tested him. His protocol will not necessarily work for someone else with autism. Each patient's plan will look quite different. Each Autism case will be different. All of our bodies have different layers of toxins, genes, blood type, and many other factors affecting it, and we will all differ in the natural remedies that will work for each of us. If you or someone you know needs help/hope, please pray before you make any health decisions. The Lord will show you who can help/where to go :) Share & Comment if you are inspired in some way! We love to hear what God is up to. Download the FREE PodBean App & SUBSCRIBE to my channel if you want notifications & access to all Christ-centered workouts, Health Teachings, Testimonies & other podcasts I post. ARE WE MANAGING? …OR TRULY DELIVERED? It is very common practice to “exchange” addictions instead of receiving true deliverance/healing (AKA: FREEDOM!). Allow me to define what I mean by “Deliverance” below since (I've come to learn that) this can be a debatable word in Christian circles. Working out obsessively in place of binge eating or drinking alcohol, or chain smoking after quitting drinking or doing drugs, or guzzling coffee after laying down alcohol, or substituting porn for gambling & vice versa, or using phrases like “I LOVE/HAVE TO HAVE coffee. At least I'm not an alcoholic anymore!”… Can anyone relate? I’ve been here. We just exchange one crutch for another, more palatable one ;)
The difference: MANAGEMENT: WE are trying to have control (but never really do); based on will-power; NO REAL REPENTANCE for the sin; pride; still tormented/guilt; temporary; deceiving; we are still not truly FREE; still bound by man-made rules to “try” to be good; (ie: Every time I want a ____, I'm going to ____ instead)...one source of false comfort is exchanged for another. DELIVERANCE: GOD is in control; GOD’S POWER ALONE heals us from addiction and bondage (very real spiritual warfare); TRUE REPENTANCE & DESIRE TO CHANGE; humility; no more torment/guilt; lasting; Truth; TRUE FREEDOM. Simple. The work is done at the cross! A new creation in Christ. The ONLY exchange that takes place is THAT THING we just have to have/do is replaced with God's unending Love, the only thing that NEVER RETURNS VOID. When our “addictions” just change from something illegal to legal, or “ugly” to socially acceptable…we are not truly free. It’s still bondage, only more deceiving because it can be masked as “health” or “freedom” from the world’s perspective. When we “manage” our addictions, it appears we are moving in the right direction, so friends and family will praise us for our “strength” or “will-power”. But that’s just it…it’s our own strength, not God’s. It will eventually fail us. God has better for us. DELIVERANCE brings forth true joy, clarity, and real freedom in your life. Deliverance, as I am calling it, is really just another word for breaking the chains, breaking strongholds, or the sanctification process that is continuously happening from our day of salvation until the day we die. As we get to know Jesus more and more, we are humbled and repentant of more and more, allowing God’s power to transform us (deliver us from) more and more. I call that Deliverance. There are “Christian books” on deliverance that are “formula-based” or “works-based”…I want to be clear that following some strict formula for Deliverance is neither Biblical nor accurate. Simply acknowledge and repent for your sin and know that God is the only one who has the power to heal. It may look very different from someone else’s journey. My sobriety required no 12-step program or other human being. God did use a bible study I was in to feed me the scriptures that finally convicted me and lead me to repentance. Remember: It's God's kindness (and GOODNESS) that lead us to repentance (Romans 2:4). My healing came through the mighty Word of God, a repentant heart (God knows when your heart is truly sorry), and God’s amazing power and grace. SIMPLE. I have never touched or craved alcohol again. I know what boundaries I cannot cross in order to stay free. It is a choice. And now that I finally stand on the freedom side of this, I see the level of deception I was under, how easily I could argue against everything I am now saying. I could even manipulate scripture to justify why it was okay for me to drink. It not only hurt me by keeping me tangled in the lie, it kept me tormented, powerless, and exhausted. It also mislead so many others. I’d love to pray with you if you need healing in this area. Psalms 18:2 NKJV The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Three years ago I would have told you I was fine. But until we’ve been set FREE, truly set free, another piece of our heart fully surrendered to Jesus, we DO NOT know what we are missing because all we know is where we have been. Amen? I WAS an alcoholic. I WAS in bondage to promiscuity and drugs all through my teens and 20's. I was tormented by FEAR in so many ways, the worst being night terrors from as early as I can remember until the day I quit drinking! There are so many battles the Lord has delivered me from over time. I want to tell you my story about "alcoholism"…which I was delivered from in August 2013 (WOOHOOOO!!!) THAT was the link that instantly set me free from a lifetime of night terrors and paralyzing fear and anxiety. Yes, we are delivered from the bondage of sin and hell, and given the promise and hope of Heaven the day we are saved!! That does not mean, however, that everyone is instantly freed from every stronghold at that very moment. Some people ARE instantly changed or healed. For others, like me, some (or many) strongholds remain. When we acknowledge sin for what it is, repent for it, and invite God to help and heal us, knowing we cannot do it for ourselves, He comes in and faithfully heals us (delivers, however you want to word it) in ways we may never have seen the connection. I NEVER IMAGINED THERE WAS A LINK BETWEEN MY DRINKING & NIGHT TERRORS. I started drinking and smoking and doing drugs at age 12. I slept on bar-stools as a child and knew all the other kids at the bar my parents frequented. It was normal to me. It certainly wasn’t “an addiction” in my eyes. Everyone did it. I thought it was weird when people didn’t drink. I learned very young that those people were “prudes”, “boring”, “judgmental”, “didn’t know how to have fun”, AND that “I worked my BUTT off (since performance & pride were other struggles), so I DESERVED to TREAT myself to a drink”. I became a cocktail waitress ON my 18th birthday, and then BARTENDER as soon as I turned 21. I was raised with the mentality that if you’re not living on the streets and missing teeth, getting multiple DUI’s, or losing custody of your kids for being a drunk that you do not have a drinking problem. Heck, all of our Catholic Church picnics were BEER FESTS!! I worked hard, got good grades, paid my own bills, excelled in school and work, so I did whatever I wanted. And there were consequences. I finally crumbled at age 28, getting radically saved as soon as I graduated Chiropractic school within days of moving to Franklin, TN. God was rocking my world and my beliefs started to change. Fast forward 6 years into my salvation and MANY MISTAKES later, God got my attention at the end of August 2013 with this verse: 1 COR 6:12 (NIV) “Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial,” says the Lord. “Everything is permissible for me, but I WILL NOT BE MASTERED BY ANYTHING.” (emphasis mine) (*God repeats Himself again in 1 Cor 10:23) In a moment, I knew that God knew (that I knew for sure) that I had been running from this for years. I knew that He wasn’t going to launch me back into full-time ministry to be trusted with HIS people until I dealt with this. I knew I wasn’t just battling “toxic guilt” as many of my Christian friends, my “healthy” drinking buddies and husband would tell me (beware who you get advice from…Do we really want THE TRUTH or people who justify our sin & tickle our ears?). I KNEW God had been speaking to me for years and that HE KNEW I was convicted. It was my choice to continue in sin and face harsher consequences or repent and trust HIM to do what I was never able to do. God gave me SO MANY second chances, SO MUCH GRACE and SO MUCH MERCY. I made SO many mistakes under the influence....BUT GOD... OH how He loves us! Clearly if I actually had power over this (aka: it wasn’t an addiction) then I would have walked away from it after the millionth mistake and the repeating saga of shame and guilt and hangovers that followed. It was insanity. Fear told me I couldn't quit, so denial was easier. I heard the Lord say “You can LEAD my people out of OBEDIENCE, or you can MISLEAD them in your DISOBEDIENCE“. Ouch! …Humbled. Convicted. Surrendered. I was afraid to admit this was such a stronghold in my life because I DID NOT BELIEVE I could ever quit. And I was right. I couldn’t. BUT GOD COULD. I was instantly delivered when I truly confessed from the bottom of my heart, when I cried out to God that I was really truly ready to be healed from this, when I believed I had no power over this on my own, and when these scriptures became life and Truth to me. I. am. so. grateful. This wasn’t just about me. This decision changed the course of my life, health, marriage & ministry...for the better!!! I CAME TO THE END OF MYSELF & GOD GAVE ME A NEW LIFE. From that day forward, I was set free from a lifetime of night terrors (33 years my friends!). I slept sound for the 1st time in my life!! I had peace I’d never experienced before. I had the courage to do things I never could. The 1st six months were hard in other ways, but ultimately my husband joined me in complete sobriety. We were FINALLY equally yoked!! My husband immediately received a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit, and God anointed us to go out and share the gospel. God united us like never before and answered prayers we had so desperately desired! Within WEEKS, He blasted open the doors for the Revelation Revolution Fitness Ministry!! He gave me the name, the location, the courage, the wisdom & the anointing to say and do the things I wasn’t able to before!! GOD DID THE IMPOSSIBLE. Confessing & laying down our sin isn't just about us. It has a ripple affect. When we do not surrender it robs the next generation of freedom. We are essentially teaching our children and the many people we influence that compromise is okay. THE TRUTH IS: Partial obedience = DISOBEDIENCE. Obedience slams the door in satan's face, saying “NO MORE! The enemy CANNOT have my life, my peace, my mind, my family, or my FREEDOM!!” We must fight for our freedom!! A hopeless world is watching us….looking for answers, wondering if God really is who He says He is, desperate, doubting, drowning, watching whether we stand or crumble when the storms come. If we don’t stand out and truly walk in the freedom that Christ died to give us, how is God’s power and glory really displayed in our lives??!! If we look & act just like the world, how can we call ourselves a "peculiar people, a chosen generation"?! If we never give God the opportunity to do the impossible, then do we truly believe HE ACTUALLY CAN?? OR are we just repeating words & songs and doing whatever we want? I think that's called "religion". We want RELATIONSHIP. WE ARE THE VESSEL HE WANTS TO USE!! What are we willing to lay down for THE ONE who gave it ALL for us?? Are we willing to go lower so that HIS NAME can go Higher?! Know the Truth and the TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE. Let Freedom Ring!! 2 COR 1:20 (NKJV) For ALL the promises of God in Him are YES, and in Him AMEN, to the glory of God THROUGH US. …Amen? HEBREWS 12:1 (NIV) Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw of the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. I AM PRAYING that every reader who ever reads this blog will surrender, repent, and RECEIVE THE FREEDOM that Jesus Christ died to give us! To Him be the glory. Amen. YOU GUYS, THIS IS AN AMAZING STORY OF GOD'S REDEMPTION & HEALING POWER!!! Careen and I met through mutual friends at church. She had already cut out processed foods, trans fats and lots of sugar for about 10 months prior to coming in. She came to me for high blood pressure, low energy and weight loss. Careen weighed 164 pounds when we started and she was NEVER a morning person. She even trained her dog to sleep in because that was just "who she was". Everyone knew not to call her until AT LEAST 10am! If she had to be somewhere early, she would be dragging! Brain fog was the norm for as long as she could remember! (classic candida overgrowth symptoms!) I remember sitting on the exam table with her saying "You ARE going to be a morning person someday! You watch!" ...She laughed. As I dug deeper with more questions, I found out her eyebrows, eyelashes and hair had been thinning for years, she had normal menstrual cycles but with occasional spotting (more classic thyroid symptoms!), she woke up at about 3am every night (classic liver symptom!), yet she had decent daily bowel movements. SO, we prayed. Heaven came down to earth. I tested her. We got answers! SHE GOT HOPE!! Careen had a severely underactive thyroid, Candida overgrowth, a gluten and dairy allergy (likely from the YEARS of Candidiasis destroying her gut and immune system), an unhappy liver, gall bladder and colon, and low stomach acid/poor digestion. As the Spirit lead, I customized a plan for her: put her on a Candida Detox Diet, customized a supplement plan incorporating natural anti-fungals/immune support, heavy probiotics, essential oils, HEAVY Thyroid Support, digestive support and other herbs/supplements that changed over the months as her body changed. God gave her a new mind, the strength & discipline she needed, the FAITH to trust the process, the Truth to replace the old lies about her body and choices, the wisdom and discernment to begin understanding what was happening inside her body, and the POWER & DESIRE to change! It was no longer about "weight loss". It was about glorifying God in how she spends her time, her money, her resources. He changed how she thought about food and exercise...WHY she worked out...it became a "GET TO", a radical time of worship and revelation instead of a "HAVE TO". God transformed her body as He transformed her mind (Romans 12:2) giving her back the abundant life she had missed out on for decades! She wanted MORE of God and her inheritance as a daughter of the King of Kings!!! Careen's blood pressure was normal within 2 weeks! She began losing inches and was down 8lbs in 1 month. Within 2 months she was waking up between 8-9am with less brain fog, no spotting and was sleeping great! There were some battles with constipation during the height of Candida die-off (detox), which is very common, but as we progressed, she woke up on her own, earlier and earlier, bowel movements became more and more regular, energy increased and weight continued to fall off. All of this was the outward expression of the internal healing that was taking place. This was a life surrendered to the refining work of Christ! God revealed some tough emotional layers over the months that we had to work through. Those weeks were not easy. No supplement or pill or Doctor or surgery can fix what only God can heal & reveal. The Lord was faithful to carry her through the hard days, and the results and freedom have been amazing to witness!! We were able to move from 1x/month visits to every other month starting in August (6 months into the process). Careen just turned 48 last week, weighs 140 pounds and has the metabolism of a teenager! Her skin is so soft and bright! She is FIT & BEAUTIFUL inside and out. She is no longer obsessed with the scale (freedom!!). She sees food differently and has a new respect for her body, the temple of the Holy Spirit! The only measuring we do is measuring our hearts against Christ's, Amen?! She rises early with the Lord daily now (YEP, she's a morning person!! Told ya so!!) She has time and energy to be a Nana and keep up with her 2 year old granddaughter, Sage! She no longer misses morning activities because she would rather sleep in!! Think she's growing in the Lord even more now than before?? She was up BEFORE ME at the river!! Haha! She has at least 4 more hours every day to spend glorifying God with her life and new-found JOY and ENERGY! She has a whole new wardrobe (because she HAD TO GET ONE) ...she literally SHRUNK & built solid lean muscle mass...slowly but surely, as her body healed, which means she had no loose skin and she will easily keep the weight off for a lifetime so long as she eats real food and keeps a moderately healthy lifestyle. Careen started at 164 pounds and teetered between a size 10 and 13 before, and now she is 140 pounds and a SOLID SIZE 4!!! She went from a LARGE top to mostly SMALLS now! Maintenance is the easy part! And the weight loss is just the icing on the cake (God's grace) because she kept her EYE ON THE PRIZE (obedience; discipline; faith). GRACE always WINS THE RACE! Careen and I just hung out for her birthday. We went paddle boarding and then played at the park. She said it was the 1st birthday she wanted to do something active...and in a bathing suit! She was doing back walk-overs and front walk-overs (not in a bathing suit...haha!) while I pulled a hamstring doing a cartwheel!! What a treat to celebrate life with this one!! The JOY of the Lord oozes out of the person who SEEKS FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD & HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. Our daddy in Heaven has good gifts for His children. I am so blessed to get to witness this stuff in this ministry I am called to. God is kind :) Have HOPE, friends. Careen is ONE OF A KIND, but ONE OF MANY who have been blessed with the gift of health & redemption (grace). MUCH of our suffering comes from a lack of discipline and obedience, fear, doubt, complacency, and flat out lies from the enemy. God wants you to BE FREE!!! Obsessing over our health and bodies and becoming afraid of food IS NOT freedom. But neglecting your body and paying no mind to what goes in your mouth and body and mind is not freedom either. ***FREEDOM IN CHRIST is not a license to sin*** Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Don't think. Pray. Don't fear. Trust. Stop researching. Just Pray. Listen to GOD. Not the world. HE will carry you. HE will provide for you. HE will heal you. THIS IS A JOURNEY. CAREEN DIDN'T GET SICK OVERNIGHT. 8 MONTHS WAS WORTH EVERY PENNY AND TEAR WHEN COMPARED TO THE YEARS SHE SPENT BLIND, SICK & TIRED!! CAREEN'S OWN WORDS:
Words cannot express how thankful I am that God lead me to work on my health issues with Jana! Over 1 year ago, I was at a health crossroad... either I could begin down the long and hopeless road of a lifetime of medication and side effects or I could invite God into my healing process and do it His way. The choice was mine to make! So I prayed and asked God to guide me and show me what to do and He so graciously lead me to Jana! From the very first visit and every visit thereafter, Jana brought Jesus to the center of my healing journey. She prays with me before every visit and together we ask God to show her what is at the root of the problem and how to effectively treat my issues with whole foods and proper supplementation. Jana is a wealth of knowledge regarding the body and how to heal it naturally! She has a tender heart filled with love, grace and compassion for those who are sick, hurting and broken. Today I am healthier, stronger and I have more energy than I ever dreamed possible! Thank you Jana for walking in obedience to the call that God has clearly put on your life! -Careen SO, I have been really busy and feeling super sluggish the last few weeks – Bowels. energy. Waking up. Thyroid needing extra support lately. Skin a bit dull. Cranky. Irritable. Anxious. OVERWHELMED. Brain fog. Joint pain. Just NOT myself. The EASY, fear-based, take-this-into-my-own-hands solution would have been to call MY Holistic Doctor. BUT… I GOT THAT “CHECK” IN MY SPIRIT… INSTEAD, I felt like I was supposed to start a cleanse (praise God I keep those in stock) and go to bed early to spend time with Jesus.
I laid in bed last night confessing & repenting for my lack of discipline in some areas, laying at the feet of Jesus, asking Him to show me things in my life that distract me from His presence, peace and healing. “Jesus, show me, teach me, help me. FORGIVE ME for my rebellious ways.” I LONG to wake up early daily and have more of a routine, but it seems as soon as I have a good stretch of waking by or before 6am, I blow it. Before long, I’m sleeping until 7-7:30am-ish, my day is full-speed ahead, it’s time to work…and my devotional time gets skipped….AGAIN! Another day overwhelmed and surviving on GRACE. * AND REPEAT * UGH. I know better. I KNOW what a day without “my daily bread” is… hungry, thirsty, empty. “WHY GOD? WHAT AM I MISSING? Is this just “who I am” and I just need to work with it? Or is there something you want to change in me?” I know not to go down the shame and guilt road that leads to NOWHERE GOOD really fast. The enemy fires quick when we’re run down…”you’re lazy, pathetic, joke of a leader, never get it right, always late, never gonna change, phony, hypocrite”…. LIES. LIES. LIES…. Cast those down immediately!! PRAISE: This morning I was awake by 5:45am!!! I sat down with my journal and Bible 1st thing and I heard God say: Make health A priority so that I can be THE PRIORITY EVERY DAY! And then He showed me what MY NEXT STEPS were and what was “out of balance”. He told me I needed to cleanse my liver (confirmation!), set some healthy boundaries with clients and social media, and STOP checking my phone 1st thing in the morning. We also had a chat about “FEAR”. God helped me look at my list of symptoms objectively as I would any client I was working with. It was so obvious. I was not confused. My liver was bogged down. I let things get out of balance and got caught in the vicious cycle of infirmity/busy-ness/emotional chaos. Fear increased as my physical health took it’s toll on my priorities and daily routine. PERFECT LOVE casts out fear (1 John 4:18). My time in the Word, sitting amongst PERFECT LOVE had been lacking. FEAR has been holding me back from setting some new boundaries. God is blessing this ministry and my responsibilities are shifting. GOD GAVE ME GRACE and got me out of bed. HE HELPED ME KEEP MY PRIORITIES STRAIGHT, and in the stillness, I could hear His voice. He was faithful to give me my “daily bread” as He promises!! HE TRULY IS A GOOD GOOD FATHER!! PEACE restored. As I write this at the end of the day, I feel better already!! God, OUR GREAT PHYSICIAN, The Doctor of all Doctors, took me to the ROOT! My thyroid is back to life already! Energy’s up. Poops are great (sorry! TMI! ha). Mind is calm. Anxiety down. Fog is lifting. Skin’s breaking out…that’s a good sign the garbage is coming out! Back to THRIVING in GRACE, not just surviving. * * * KEEP IT SIMPLE * * * But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. – Mat 6:33 ESV What has YOUR lack of health or discipline cost you?? Our merciful Father has SO MUCH MORE for us, if only we seek Him, ask Him, spend time with Him. We will save ourselves so much unnecessary suffering, so much wasted time and money, so much anxiety, so much frustration. He will show you the NEXT STEPS. He will protect you from becoming obsessive about health and chasing your tail. God’s Word can cut where no surgeon’s scalpel or whole food supplement can! GOD is our Primary Care Physician. He may give you a referral or it may not be what you WANT to hear, but at least it came from the TRUSTED SOURCE of TRUE WHOLENESS! And in that, you can “Trust the process”. The Lord gave me a great word in 2009 as He called me to start sharing my testimony & past publicly: Once God heals you of your offenses and sin and YOU become OK with YOU then no one can hold it against you ever again. The shame and the guilt end today!! Receive your freedom friends! Tell your story. Make God the main character :) *The videos that auto-populate after Jana's YouTube.com videos are not posted or endorsed by Jana and in no way reflect Jana's views or beliefs!
We got married in Breckenridge, CO on Good Friday, April 2, 2010. We called it an Easter Weekend Wedding and Jesus was ALIVE that weekend! I was living in Franklin, TN and Zach was living in Denver, CO. God was moving FAST in our lives. Zach & I were smitten kittens in high school (1995) when his family moved to Belleville, IL from Southern CA (ironically). Back then we were wild & crazy. Anyway, his family moved away 9 mos later and Zach & I were pen pals for the next 4 years….and never spoke again until he found me on FACEBOOK in april 2009! We were married 1 yr later and God worked miracles in our lives!! God pieced this long distance wedding together w no rehearsal, every step planned from 1300 miles away in < 3 months, a minimal budget, celebrity photographers who shot our wedding WEEKEND for FREE (OMG…best gift from God!), little support from family or friends, and a LOT of Holy Spirit FAVOR!!!
After 5 days w #mylove I had to get on a plane and go home to Tennessee, on faith that one day Zach’s parole would get transferred and we would get to live together. It was a VERY difficult 6 months, but after dating long-distance 1 year & being married 6 months long-distance, God made a way where the law said No…and He’s built our faith and trust and set us #onfire as a result of the many trials we’ve been through together. Without Jesus we wouldn’t have made it 1 year!! While most people don’t recommend marrying a guy coming out of prison (and I get it..lol), GOD DID. And my 1st visions and prophetic dreams began the month I met Zach. God graciously confirmed him to be my husband over & over again, because it didn’t make sense and it cost me most of my family & friends at the time. God knew Zach was a new creation in Christ and was teaching me to TRUST GOD over myself. #noregrets We must submit our plans to the Lord if we want to receive the desires of our heart!! It won’t look like our own “plan”…but it WILL be worth it. IT WILL BE WAY BETTER than ANYTHING we could ask or imagine!!!! #happyanniversary to God’s pick for me…the ONE that my pride and fear almost kept me from, to the one who has patiently stood beside me while God has healed the “brat”, “snot” and “people pleaser” in me. IN 1 WEEK I’LL BE ON A PLANE TO NASHVILLE FOR THE 1ST TIME SINCE WE MOVED HERE!!!!!!!!!!! It’s been 2 YEARS already!!!
SO. MUCH. HAS. CHANGED. It will be the exact week we left Nashville in tears of grief and joy, Sunday Nov 11, 2012….after saying goodbye to our Conduit church family at our last TN church service. There were so many emotions, but the vision was SO CLEAR that we never looked back. God called. We answered. The vision was clear “Sell everything. Move to California. Live on a boat. Share the Gospel.” And then God confirmed it dozens of times over. We headed west in our Jeep with 2 chihuahuas and the bare essentials. We laid down everything to run with Jesus. We left behind the people, place, “stuff”, career, comforts, security…everything that God had blessed us with. It was the scariest, most amazing, yet most peaceful event of my life to date. So much changed all at once. We were on cloud 9 for the 1st 2 months. It was fun being homeless for a month and figuring out where in California we were going to live. God had a plan, but we didn’t know it but 1 step at a time. Zach’s parole officer made it clear we WOULD BE living in Orange County since that’s where Zach’s immediate relatives lived. That’s the rule, so God used to plant us here. Ultimately God planted us in beautiful Dana Point, right next to the harbor, but not on a boat. Thennnn…. reality set in, and God had VERY DIFFERENT plans for us (well, He knew all along, we just didn’t forsee it…haha). I completely overwhelmed myself trying to get licensed in CA because I “just knew” I was going to rest for maybe a month and then open another practice. 2 months of “vacation” (rest…let’s be honest, there was VERY LITTLE rest) felt like an eternity! Mama HAD to get back to work…. OH CONTRARE!! I ended up never getting re-licensed in CA, and literally went on sebbatical for OVER A YEAR, resting, healing, “facing my crap”…it was painful, humbling, HARD, SO HARD, SO DARK at times….yet …GOD KNEW BEST. I was spent!! Every health problem I’d ever had came back with a vengeance. I went into a dark depression. For the first time in my life, I battled the lies the the Lord had forgotten about me, that we made some mistake, that I had my seaosn of “bliss’ and it was all over forever. The biggest lie I battled was that I had NO PURPOSE, and I truly believed I could not live without purpose. Hopelessness kills. The warfare raged spiritually, emotionally, physically and maritally. I spent my whole life full speed ahead. I NEEDED REST. I NEEDED HEALING that no one could see on the outside. But I could never allow myself to do it. It seemed lazy, irresponsible, ridiculous…it felt like my healing was taking SO LONG…WHY WAS IT TAKING SO LONG??!!!! HOW were we going to pay our bills without me working?! I was always the bread-winner. I DID NOT like to be “down”. I guess God was actually serious that He needed me to rest. It took me almost a year to realize that this season was a GIFT and not a punishment! Well, fast forward, 2 years later, I NEEDED THAT REST to be completely re-built. God had the most amazing plans for me, but I needed to be refined. Apparently, He wanted to make me a TOTALLY NEW CREATION. God stripped me of all those things I found my identity in outside of Him. There were MANY. God delivered both Zach and I from alcoholism, He healed our marriage and united us in a way I would not even allow myself to DREAM OF! Yes, those fires burned off a lot of “you know what”. God showed me how HE could provide when it seemed impossible... (I mean hello, He moved us to ORANGE COUNTY…one of THE MOST EXPENSIVE, VAIN…and BEAUTIFUL places to live in the U.S.!!) He healed me on a level I didn’t know I needed. It taught me so much, which now spills over into the ministry God has called me to today. The way I “practice” looks completely different than before. He downloaded supernatural wisdom that daily humbles me. He has given me Authority in areas I am humbled to have, gave me territory to boldly proclaim His love & gospel message that doesn’t even make sense!! ALL GLORY to Him alone. When it was time to go back to work full-time in April 2013…BOOOM! It was quick! Doors flew open, anointing was released. Satan’s power was CRUSHED! All that heaviness miraculously lifted. Years of bitterness GONE. The POWER OF GOD was released in our life like never before. Apparently, we were now ready for His next set of plans for us… We have only begun to scratch the surface of what God wants to do with us here….but I can assure you GOD IS ALIVE AND KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING. WHY HE CHOSE US, I HAVE NO IDEA. But we are ALL IN for Jesus!! We wouldn’t change ANY of it!! We know we are exactly where we are supposed to be, and we see God’s provision! We know if we are supposed to live on a boat someday that HE WILL PROVIDE a boat, the timing, the location, etc. Until then, we are content. I have never experienced such PEACE, joy and freedom before in my life!! I have never found my husband more attractive as I do now. I now respect and trust Him and feel “ONE” with Him like never before. We are both in our proper places, in Godly order in our marriage. I feel so grounded in Christ simply because we took a chance. I see His power on a daily basis. We experience so much grace knowing we are not perfect and that God always gets us back on track as we navigate these waters of ministry and life. We GAVE HIM the chance to show off and do miracles and HE HAS BLOWN OUR MINDS!!…All He wants is a willing heart and He will use us in WAYS WE CANNOT EVEN IMAGINE! I encourage anyone whose read this far…let go. say yes. Trust. You will never regret it. THIS is where the peace that surpasses all understanding comes from. This is what everyone wants, but often isn’t brave enough to simply surrender to the process. IT. IS. WORTH. IT. and will always be. |
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November 2024