When our bodies are HEALTHY, we use daily exposure to sun to MANUFACTURE Vitamin D. However, MOST PEOPLE are not healthy & have Candida overgrowth & other gut/liver problems. I test every patient I work with locally for heavy metals & chemical toxicity, Candida overgrowth, parasites, viruses & bacterial infections, amongst MANY other things. Almost EVERYONE has 1 of more of these things hiding in their body. In order detox the body of these things, you need a custom diet, lifestyle & supplement plan to get well. You can get all the sun you want, but if your liver & gut are not well, you will likely remain deficient in Vitamin D because your body isn't well enough to utilize the sun to make it. More proof: I test patients from SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA all week long! There is no shortage of sun here, yet the number of patients with Vitamin D deficiencies is the same as anywhere else. ALMOST EVERYONE I TEST IS LOW IN VITAMIN D. For now you'll need to supplement it until you get your gut healthy.
If you are a patient, I can quickly muscle test you in your New Patient Exam OR in any follow-up appointment to: A) tell if you are deficient (in D, B's, omega 3's, etc) B) tell you how much Vitamin D (or any vitamin/mineral/herb) to take and also when to decrease your dose and by how much. C) Customize & fine tune your plan to continue healing your whole body so that you do not have to supplement such high doses of different supplements forever. If you are not a patient, you can ask to have your Vit. D levels checked next time you get bloodwork. 25-80ng/mL is said to be "normal" or optimal, though you want to be on the high side of this range in my opinion. It's important to note that Vitamins A, D, E & K ARE fat soluble so they can build up in the system. The problem is Medical Doctors have scared people to death about overdosing on these vitamins if they take too much. Probelem is, after about a decade of testing patients, I can say for certain that most people are so severely deficient that if they don't START with therapeutic doses, they'll rarely see any change in their health. The only way to truly know how much YOU should be taking of ANYTHING is to find a Holistic Doctor who KNOWS you, who you see at least a few times a year, who practices HEALTH CARE & not "sick care", WHO HAS A SYSTEMATIC AND ACCURATE WAY of testing your body and customizing a plan JUST FOR YOU. It's the only way anyone can honestly tell you how much YOU should be taking. As you get healthier, your Vitamin D dosage will change over time, and your other supplements & herbs will change as your body and health begin to change. This is one of the most common Vitamin deficiencies and it is critical for healthy bones and teeth, healthy thyroid (hormones, metabolism & energy), immune, gut, and brain function, to name a few. I used to have to take 30,000IU of Vitamin D3 until my gut and liver (and thyroid and adrenals and...) started to heal. That happened only after quitting drinking alcohol, removing grains, sugar & starches from my diet for many months, overcoming Candida overgrowth and leaky gut, regular Chiropractic care & Acupuncture, and repenting for a LOT of bitterness and anger in my heart which was keeping my liver & gut from fully healing (that's just a glimpse of my journey...haha). My dosage of Vitamin D3 SLOWLY went down over time. Now I don't supplement any Vitamin D :) I get checked a couple times a year and my levels are staying in normal range. I practice HEALTH CARE. I go to who the Lord leads me to help me, not who an insurance company dictates I go to ;) I check in regularly with Jesus to make sure I'm not harboring sin or disobedience and repent regularly for my wretchedness. God is my primary care physician. He refers as necessary. He kindly corrects me when necessary (and I allow Him to. Good parents discipline their children). He leads me beside still waters. He sets the pace of my life. He has everything I need. He has healed me beyond my wildest dreams. I am not perfect. My body does not feel "perfect" every day (ps: no one's body does. You're still aging & doing life in a fallen world), but He carries me in my weakness and has given me beauty for ashes despite the horrible ways I used to abuse my body with food, alcohol, drugs, promiscuity, and disobedience of every kind. If this is a good as it gets, I'll take it. It's more than I deserve. And I'll praise Him with all my heart, soul, mind, strength...with every gain, every loss, every sickness & every healing victory, every promotion, every fall. He is God and He is good!!!
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November 2024