Apex Energetics
Advaced TRS Testimonies
Designs For Health
MircoBalance: Mold Products
Nature's Sunshine
Priority One Thyroid
Pure Water Distillers
Standard Process
Young Living
Advanced TRS: Diarrhea & Metallic Smells
Metal coming out pimple needle aluminum
Stools have metallic smell, smells like anoxicillin or antibiotics
Metallic smell amalgams dental nurse
vaccine metal coming out
Metallic smell coming out mole half size
Autoimmune disease, metal study improved health. email..
Child BM that smells strongly of metals
Metal detoxing from brain able to breath, sinuses clear, grounded, mental clarity
Metal coming out club
Vacc injury cal, focused, massive stools, metallic smell
Black metallic aluminum coming out of armpits
Advanced TRS: Mold, Chronic Fatigue, MS
Amalgams neuropathy, feet mercury toxicity leading to MS. story
MS, transverse myelitis
8 mo, glyphosate spd chronic fatigue, ADHD eczema, candida, brain fog anxiety
Chronic fatigue, fibro, retracing, brain fog, pain, sweating, endometriosis
Eyes, glaucoma, mold, mthfr..
Thyroid mthfr off meds adrenal fatigue1
Mold eczema upped sprays 15-20 per day skin baby
Tremors, eczema, retraced and gone, black mold gone...
Lyme, parasites, energy, mold, mthfr, flu shot
Brain fog dementia Parkinsons...
MS thyroid - off meds... story
Parkinson's Crohns EBV Tourettes toxic dyslexia depression MADD melasma.
Eczema, flare, retracing chronic fatigue, eyesight more clear.....
Migraines mold
Mold tests, still in house
Mold, skin rash, then gone topical
EBV mold, eczema, panic attacks and anxiety less, more energy and better sleep
MS depression, flu shot
Tremors TBI, Parkinson's-like tremors
Baby mast cell mold, rested, eczema, no PMS symptoms...
Colitis (IBS) chronic fatigue candida energy happier gut retracing
Fibro, chronic fatigue
Mold puffy, improvement candida eczema
Mold growth spurt lupus candida, sugar craving, inflammation, Pandas, focus..
Mold, allergies adding to humidifier, peetoxing
SLE lupus, fatigue and sleep better pain less depression, IBS gone off meds
Advanced TRS: Weight Gain, Pregnancy, Getting Pregnant
Allergies, bedwetting, asthma, calm, got pregnant meltdown, gest diab, brain fog, hair, speech
Safe for pregnancy and newborns
Fulvic easier pregnancy no epidural needed, TRS and Fulvic
Pregnancy liver pain lower
Pregnancy strong, alert, rhogam, recovery fast, TRS baby story
Rhogam shot, pregnancy, candida yeast
Weight gain, energy inches brain fog
Inflammation way down and weight loss
Pregnancy seasonal allergies better, muscle tested for higher sprays
Weight loss, food, calm cravings, brain fog focus....
Amazing labor and pregnancy, hematoma blood clot, healthy baby, less pain
Babies pregnancy on TRS, acne, easy labor, recovery
Babies pregnancy, pain story
Pregnancy much easier, fast recovery
Psoriasis and weight loss
Thyroid, coming off levothyroxin pregnancy antibiotics trauma welcome
No anemia in pregnancy, no preeclampsia in this pregnancy
Pregnancy seasonal allergies better, muscle tested for higher sprays
Candida and parasites, weight loss, 4 bottles
Neuroprotective to baby good weight gain, removes fluoride
2 pt story got pregnant painful intercourse, allergic reaction ADHD...
Babies pregnancy, food intolerances
Lyme babesia pregnancy remission
Pregnant, infertility, progesterone
TRS baby, pregnancy strong breastfeeding.
Safe in breastfeeding pregnancy
Depression weight loss anxiety acne peeling scalp Now LOOK AT THIS YOUNG MAN!!!
Advanced TRS: Heart-related, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar
Brain fog, sugar cravings, depression, anxiety, seasonal allergies
Chronic kidney disease, RA tests, blood pressure
Losing weight dark circles, sugar cravings gone
POTS, heart rate, covid
Blood pressure up
Cholesterol practitioner insulin blood sugar triglycerides eating worse
Heart disease, fibromyalgia, pain, retracing very slow low,
Heart, fibromyalgia, pain, retracing adhd, depression, mental illness
Reduced blood pressure
Blood Pressure
Diabetes gone blood pressure normal drop meds at night welcome
Liver enzymes, cholesterol down 40, weight
Mold growth spurt lupus candida, sugar craving, inflammation, Pandas, focus..
Military life, toxic, retracing candida, sugar parasites, sleep, tremors, aluminum coming out
Autism spectrum blood sugar, weight loss, words, talking, welcome
Blood sugar and blood pressure 2+ weeks
Heart issues autistic emotional detox. covid
Blood pressure down, weaning off meds!
Genetic testing, dtap, pitocin, vit k, pregnancy, glucose drink
More focus, vacc injury, blood pressure, sleep better,
No gestational diabetes this time, better pregnancy, healthier womb
Afib, heart, covid..
Clots gone, pulmonary embolism, heart arrythmia gone, covid
Diabetes blood sugar down ADHD calm
Advanced TRS: Thyroid, Hormones, PCOS
Acne pimples heavy periods no retracing
Parasites, period, (military) tremors shaking head....
PCOS no cramps or PMS emotions going to work welcome
Reversing regression affectionate cost words cramps period welcome
Fulvic, stress, PCOS, regular cycles, better focus
MS thyroid - off meds... story
Off thyroid meds ASD OCD calm anxiety story
Thyroid MTHFR off meds adrenal fatigue
Mast cell activation, POTS, SIBO, thyroid, PTSD, sleep, digestion,
Mood, period, skin, parasites, food sensitivities gone
Eczema, food allergies, seasonal allergies, regulated cycles and hormones
Hashi lupus pain free focus thyroid inflammat endometrio story
Thyroid hashimoto red eyes spray into eyes topical
Lyme, EBV, thyroid endometriosis, pregnancy, celiac, welcome
Thyroid eye disease, Grave's, unusual very fast results, candida
PCOS, brain fog, energy, Motivated, sleeping well, hormones rebalanced cramps, cycle normal again
Fibro anxiety pcos depression pain energy...
2 years, passed parasites, no Cramp periods, no more migraines, brain fog gone, hair fall stopped
Menopause, fibro, Arthritis, focus, pain, hermit, anxiety less, feeling balanced, calm...
PCOS, constipation fatty liver, hypothyroid MTHFR
Hot flashes, detoxing mercury, hormonal, periods getting better
Weight loss in menopause
Muscle weakness, Lyme, ebv hashi peace, calm thyroid
PCOS, dark circles, hyperpigmentation
Recovering from Lyme antibiotics, lowering and off thyroid meds, energy....
Thyroid, coming off levothyroxin pregnancy antibiotics trauma welcome
Thyroid anxiety wellbeing vacc'd. thinning hair an hair loss, always cold
Advanced TRS: Autism & Sensory Processing
2 years gains on autism spectrum....
8 mo, glyphosate spd chronic fatigue, ADHD eczema, candida, brain fog anxiety
Autism 3 weeks coming back, eye contact, speaking
Autism, eye contact words stimming less
Food sensitivity spd circulation, calm happy
Meltdowns , speech, autism headbanging vaccines regression talking
Tics, autism, words, PANS.
Vacc slow steady, regression, starting to talk autism...
SPD, food sensitivities, calm, speech - more responsive, eating
Medically caused autism spd
Affectionate, reversing regression, social anxiety autistic, eye contact story
3 years, SPD, bed wetting, acid reflux, speech disorder, word explosion
8 months, ADHD, spd
asd autism toe walking eye contact, behavior
Autism spectrum blood sugar, weight loss, words, talking, welcome
Eye contact control food aversions ADHD SPD retracing
Regressive autism, new foods, words, humming, eye contact
UTI, topical, gut anxiety ADHD spd all slowly better
UTI, topical, gut healing, anxiety ADHD spd all slowly better
Seizures, genetic, autism, eye contact, affectionate, words, laughing, story
Food senstivites, spd, calmer, ADHD, calmer
ADHD, focus, SPD, impulse control, now neurotypical!
Aspergers OCD less, spd, happier
Autism spectrum detail. dyslexia, hope focus
Autism, meltdowns, antisocial to now normal 3 yer old, words, happy, playing!
Gut healing SPD
SPD, cyctic acne, PMS, smoking, sweating autoimmune, anxiety cramps,
Psoriasis, skin autism, PANS, mood, eating
Head banging, spd, asd, eczema, words, now neurotypical after 2 years
spd, tics, PANDAS, 2 years, academic progress
Vaginal fistula, gut healing, cancer, autism parasites, gut healing
Advanced TRS: Cancer, Astigmatism, Post-vax Strabismus
Astigmatism gone, 20-20 vision, floaters and cholesterol deposits gone
Blood clotting protiens, rare cancer, chemotherapy welcome, covid
Breast cancer cysts are shrinking, gone
Eyes astigmatism
Pets rabies vac tumor cancer restless leg syndrome helped topical
Strabismus before and after vacc, MMR, welcome
Strabismus, vacc injury, eyes close all the way at night now
Vaginal fistula, gut healing, cancer, autism parasites, gut healing
Cancer tumor smaller dissolving welcome less anxiety
Strabismus hearing loss, cancer survivor tonsils, fulvic
Skin cancer precancerous topical use 4 years...
Astigmatism gone, 20-20 vision, floaters and cholesterol deposits gone
Astigmatism improving
cancer, but sleeping like a baby
Brain tumor, cancer gadolinium
Cancer good sleep in 4 days
Cancer survivor, lungs, kidney blood work welcome
Strabismus after vacc now words talking..
TRS vs earth-mined zeolite powder for cancer
Strabismus vacc injury , Hep B and Vit K, mercury filling
Cancer therapy zeolite activates the P21 gene (a powerful tumor suppressor)
Cancer lung stage 4
End stage cancer, better energy, dark circles under eyes aare less
Astigmatism he drinks the whole bottle - he has drunk 6 this way
Cancer metastasis bones, painfree welcome updates
Parasites cancer less pain joints,ribs bones,
Radiation, no outward signs, detox cancer liver testing no retracing
Strabismus poor vision in both eyes to 20-20 in both eyes
Vaccine injury, strabismus eye surgery long detox,
Breast cancer, damage to teeth from radiation, no longer bedridden, migraines, less dizzy
Breast cancer cysts are shrinking, gone
Parasites less pain in joints and ribs cancer
Pituitary cancer dissolving, a clear anxiety-parasite connection seem...
Advanced TRS: Lymes & Food Allergies
Food allergy to wheat, candida and headaches, gone 1 year,
Hives food allergies wheat, eggs, gluten, nuts,_1
Muscle weakness, Lyme, ebv hashi peace, calm thyroid
Regressive autism, new foods, words, humming, eye contact
Eczema food restriction
Lyme, PANDAS, hashimoto, anxiety, vacc injury
Lyme less anxiety. depression, energy up, decreasing off med...
Lymes pregnant muscle testing for trs
Lyme, Prions, brain fog, sleep, depression, prostate (not up to BR 6 time nite anymore!)
Lyme in remission!
Allergies, stomachaches, food allergies gone!
Asthma allergies food inhaler story
Neurological Lyme, food sensitivites restrictions welcome,
Eczema, food sensitivity
1 year on TRS, Lyme, CIRS,
Lyme chiropractic naturopathic doc okayed
Lyme remission savings
Recovering from Lyme antibiotics, lowering and off thyroid meds, energy....
Lyme, EBV, thyroid endometriosis, pregnancy, celiac, welcome
Anaphylactic to eggs food allergy story
Gluten, food allergy
Gluten lactose intolerance, dairy, gas, pain, bloating
Lyme co-infections babesia parasites off pain meds knee surgery... 6 mo.
Constipation, bloating, neuropathy, gut issues, food restriction,
Excema, food allergies, seasonal allergies, regulated cycles and hormones
Lyme, parasites, energy, mold, mthfr, flu shot
vac injury, calm seasonal allergies and food allergies slowly getting better
Lyme babesia pregnancy remission
Lyme, cleared of babesia, fungus, bartonella SO much better!
Lyme anxiety talking remission affectionate speech happier sleep
Prions, Lyme, communication, dreaming, focus, EBV, CMV Bart, brain fog gone,
Advanced TRS: Parasites, ADHD, Tantrums, New Words
From aloof to affectionate, less meltdowns. pt 2 PNG
Autism, meltdowns, antisocial to now normal 3 yer old, words, happy, playing!
No more meltdowns - 8 months
Meltdowns, bedwetting, affectionate, at 1 week in
Food senstivites, spd, calmer, ADHD, calmer (2)
Acne ear inf. candida and parasites, teeth, pet focus tinnitus depression story
Candida parasites emotional mood
Parasites, period, (military) tremors shaking head....
Vacc injury steroids, calm happy, parasites, behavior, meltdowns
3 year old, better behavior, focus, less meltdowns!
Meltdowns , speech, autism headbanging vaccines regression talking
Speech delay apraxia meltdowns calm therapy
2 years, passed parasites, no Cramp periods, no more migraines, brain fog gone, hair fall stopped
8 months, ADHD, spd
ADHD calm behavior
Better processing, math, words, ADHD
Parasites, candida, sprays, stopped drinking...
Vaginal fistula, gut healing, cancer, autism parasites, gut healing
Aspergers dark circles meltdowns
MTHFR meltdowns vacc injury
Words, vocabulary, affectionate, less meltdowns, dangers of health system
3 months to expelling parasites, feels great afterwards
Candida and parasites, weight loss, 4 bottles
ADHD, ODD, mental illness
ASD spectrum parasites
Parasites in sinuses cause of allergies
Parasites, 30 year chronic diarrhea gone, high sprays...
RN with all the vaccs, flu shot, psoriasis, passing parasites, energy, euphoria
Military life, toxic, retracing candida, sugar parasites, sleep, tremors, aluminum coming out
Advanced TRS: Pets
Pet cat anxiety calm, story
Pets rabies vac tumor cancer restless leg syndrome helped topical
Vaccine injury cat pet seizure story
pets, liver failure, enzymes now within normal limits weight gained needed welcome
Pet Corgi strabismus, crooked eyes, story
Advanced TRS: Misc. Testimonies
Anaphylactic to eggs food allergy story
Acne ear inf. candida and parasites, teeth, pet focus tinnitus depression story
Babies pregnancy, pain story
Diabetes, going off meds story
Liver enzymes, cholesterol down 40, weight
Gut, skin, IBS, ulcerative colitis
6 mo chemo, rash, tons more energy, radiation story, welcome
Capture amalgams neuropathy, feet mercury toxicity leading to MS.
Asthma allergies food inhaler story
MS thyroid - off meds... story
Coming off seizure meds story
Story got pregnant painful intercourse, allergic reaction ADHD...
Alopecia correcting hair ALL over her head, eyelashes and brows!
Attention span ASD, lead, MTHFR reading, words, calm, foods, affectionate story
Hashi lupus pain free focus thyroid inflammat endometrio story
Off thyroid meds ASD OCD calm anxiety story
Pregnancy strong, alert, rhogam, recovery fast, TRS baby story
Pet cat anxiety calm, story
Vaccine injury cat pet seizure story
Pet Corgi strabismus, crooked eyes, story
Apex Energetics
Advaced TRS Testimonies
Designs For Health
MircoBalance: Mold Products
Nature's Sunshine
Priority One Thyroid
Pure Water Distillers
Standard Process
Young Living