ARE YOU ANNOYED BY THE GLUTEN-FREE TREND?? #DontJudge Well, if I may…I want to explain why this is a lot more legit than you think.
MOST people eat more GMO foods than whole, organic foods. In fact, most people eat no living foods most days. FEW people are actually feeding their body its need for 5+ servings of vegetables & fruits/day (more veggies than fruits). God created our body to have certain needs. We must eat living foods to be truly ALIVE and thriving. So we can either eat them or supplement them. But we need them to be well.
We also run to medical doctors and get antibiotics and other toxic drugs for sickness WAY MORE than we need to. There are plenty of natural anitbiotics, anti-virals, natural “medicine” available to us (food/herbs are medicine). And YES they work if you are using the RIGHT products, QUALITY products, know HOW to use them and take the proper dosage. We have a culture living blind to Candida overgrowth in their gut, which leads to leaky gut, which = FOOD ALLERGIES. We become allergic to that which we eat the most of…WHEAT (and gluten grains), sugar, dairy, corn, soy, etc (most of which are GMO foods…aka: not even real food anymore…essentially poison to our bodies). There are consequences to these things…hence the generations of people that now have some or many food allergies, namely gluten-sensitivities. Our genetics also play a role in what foods are and are not beneficial to us. Wheat/gluten happens to be a common genetic allergy or sensitivity in modern generations. Why is it so hard to go gluten free?? Because THIS IS WHAT MOST PEOPLE EAT DAILY. This is the same reason so many people are allergic. AND so many people live in denial because they don’t understand what this is. Only ~50% of gluten allergies have digestion symptoms. This is known as non-celiac's gluten sensitivity. These symptoms are primarily mental/emotional/hormonal. This is one way the gut-brain connection manifests itself. FOR ME- nothing happens to my “gut” when I eat gluten. It’s all hormonal, emotional, metabolic. My thyroid crashes after even a trace of gluten. My daily natural thyroid supplement that keeps me well usually has to triple in dose for about a week (sometimes longer) to pull me out of the crash. I also have to add other things for my gut/liver and immune system such as Food Enzymes, Silver Shield and N-acetyl cysteine. (That’s both EXPENSIVE & ANNOYING…not worth it!) I CANNOT afford to be down as my calling requires me to be organized, motivated, healthy, alert and wise so that I can manage my practice and lead and encourage a multitude of sick people. Do you have hormone imbalances, thyroid symptoms, menstrual problems, sleep issues, can’t lose weight, feel cold all the time, hair falling out, skin problems, lack of motivation, DEPRESSION, anxiety or psychological problems?? I strongly encourage you to go gluten-free, but better yet, grain free, at least for now. It’s likely 1 piece of the puzzle. It won’t fix everything, but is a critical step of obedience for anyone with autoimmune symptoms of any sort, especially thyroid symptoms. If any of these resonates with you, then pray about making an appointment to get a custom plan designed specifically for YOU, so that you can live the abundant life in Christ, for Christ. Have HOPE. There are answers. God will give you the self-control & discipline you need to change your diet or lifestyle. He cares. He knows. He sees. He loves you!! Wanna know more about environmental toxicity:
We must find that balance of knowing God’s Word, meditating on scripture AND CONTEXT daily in order to know Him & what His Word REALLY SAYS….all the while balancing the fact that…
There will always remain some level of mystery with God!! HE is God. WE are not. (THANK GOD!!) He has 3 parts: God the Father, Jesus our friend. And the Holy Spirit. Let the HOLY SPIRIT be the Holy Spirit. That’s not our job The Holy Spirit guides, counsels, comforts, strengthens, reveals, convicts, blesses, transforms, knows, revives, warns, protects, rewards, sanctifies, enriches, speaks, brings JOY…. NEED I SAY MORE??! It’s in the scriptures In those “grey areas”…the places “unknown”…FAITH & DISCERNMENT ARE ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. We MUST get to know God’s voice. Only God knows what man does not, and HE CAN REVEAL TRUTH to use at any moment when we are walking in step with Him, when we have received a baptism of the Holy Spirit, and we are in tune to HIS VOICE. If we are not hearing clearly from Him, we can humbly ask the Lord to reveal any sin in our lives. Repent for what He reveals. Receive HIS forgiveness & grace (don’t let condemnation try to rob you of God’s grace!!). Ask for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit or a baptism of the Holy Spirit if you have never done that before. And then simply move forward. TRUST GOD to complete His good work in you We are all sinners in need of forgiveness daily. Luke 11:13 NIV If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” This is where the rubber meets the road. This is where our knowledge of scripture, wisdom & faith collide in real life as we learn to navigate those “grey areas”…the uncertainties, the unusual experiences, the supernatural, the things that happen outside the box. The radical healings. The miracles! The true FREEDOM. Much of our “church” today is scared to death of REAL FREEDOM. FREEDOM IN CHRIST…not freedom to do as we please as the world sees it. MUCH of “American church” has quenched the working of the Holy Spirit, with our hyper-literal thinking, our legalistic or false teaching, and our controlling (fear-based) ways of thinking and living. We live in a world that goes to the ends of the earth to “figure everything out”, and it has spilled over into our faith (or lack thereof). This world is so obsessed with science, self-help books, me-first, “what will people think”, more, more, more, GOTTA HAVE A PLAN, and where’s the coffee & someone-looked-at-me-funny-in-church kind of problems…We don’t “need” a lot of faith in America. May we remember Jesus had no letters behind his name, no “scientific” background, spoke in parables, had no place to lay his head, did not wear name-brand or “professional” clothes before He went to speak, and was qualified by God alone…and He conquered MILLIONS, defeated death, LOVED ALL, and spoke to more life issues than anyone or anything else (put together) in ancient and modern times! WORD!!! This is often where churches & friendships divide. Those raised under legalism can tend to be afraid of the movement of the Holy Spirit. Judgemental and overly-literal. They throw people in “spiritual jail” for living out the prompting of the Holy Spirit simply because the movement of the Holy Spirit “looks different” than anything they have seen or experienced. Those not rooted in sound doctrine can get out of order and “hyper-charismatic”. Both are simply another example of humans acting in the flesh. We are all human! We ALL battle our flesh. Salvation issues and fundamental doctrine….we must KNOW IT and be willing to stand for it at all cost. The other stuff…when we don’t understand someone else, when we have different convictions, we disagree with them, or we don’t relate because of different backgrounds/flavors/giftings/style/life experience, whatever…we must communicate in LOVE. We do not need to divide over these issues! And how about exercising FAITH?! If that person is saved, then the Holy Spirit got ahold of them that ONE TIME remember?? And we can TRUST, BY FAITH (pray!) for that person, that they would receive a fresh filling or baptism of the Holy Spirit…and that GOD WILL BE GOD and gently make their way straight Takes A LOT MORE FAITH, obedience, maturity, discipline to sit back, be quiet and TRUST doesn’t it? Don’t we tend to think things would happen a LOT FASTER if we just “told them” what they’re doing wrong instead of waiting on & trusting the Lord (aka: praying for them and BELIEVING GOD CAN). I realize there is a time and place to speak up or share something from the Lord with someone else…but I have been challenged to ask myself…haven’t I gotten ahead of the Lord before? How often have I taken a “feeling” and thought it to be a “Holy Spirit nudge” and responded to my flesh vs the Spirit? WE ALL DO. None is exempt …and isn’t this the same thing we are judging in other people? OUR “mistakes” in trying to be HOLY can cause a lot of damage. I’ve been on both sides of this. If we ARE to speak up, I pray we have the courage to do so, and most importantly, we speak in LOVE, keep our opinions out of it, and seek only to BUILD THAT PERSON UP. Lord, help us all! Let “worshippers” be free to sing & dance. Let “literalists” be literal. Let GOD be GOD. PRAY for one another. GOD IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN CHANGE PEOPLE. We are FREE from the BURDEN of trying to control or change people!!! Hallelujah!!!! 1 Peter 2:9 We are a CHOSEN GENERATION, A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PECULIAR PEOPLE!! REMEMBER: the Holy Spirit moves different in different people. We cannot box him into our small capacity of life experience. BE FREE within the confines of scripture not man’s misconceptions. God is omnipotent (all-powerful, all Mighty), omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (everywhere). We must be careful not to put God in a box and assume we know the recipe for how He works & moves in other people’s lives. LOVE people. TRUST GOD to complete the work in his people (not us!) Edify the body of Christ. Build people up! Speak life. Forgive quickly. Judge slowly. Quit trying to control things. GOD IS ABLE, and HE LOVES US ALL. Ecclesiastes 11:5 NIV As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. It’s not about us. It’s about HIM. |
Past Blogs
May 2024