KINESIOLOGY is a branch of science which was developed in the U.S. by various kinds of Doctors and Natural Practitioners. It is an amazingly accurate and efficient way of analyzing the body holistically so that it can return to excellent health, strength and function the way God created it to. It stands apart from any other type of health technology, which is why I've taken the time to explain what Muscle Testing is to ME, what it isn't & how it works. The term “kinesiology” I am referring to in this blog is a TECHNIQUE and includes manual muscle testing. It is not to be confused with another definition of “kinesiology”- the branch of physiology that studies the mechanics and anatomy in relation to human movement (not a technique but a field of study).
The human body's 12 systems are ALWAYS communicating with us through symptoms, reflexes, reactions, and other bodily responses. Praise God! He created it to do that. In fact, we have bundles of nerve endings all over our skin's surface called "reflex points" that we can use to test each organ. I think of them as "buttons" for each organ. The central nervous system (our brain and spinal cord) is our body's master control system. It extends down the spine and branches off the spine into a HUGE network of nerves that extend all the way to our skin's surface, which is how we FEEL and interact with our external environment. Nerves control the function of the more than 600 muscles in our body. The human brain has conscious and subconscious, voluntary and involuntary functions. Quite simply, if there is no interference in the nerves that flow to the (deltoid) muscle (arm/shoulder), we can hold our arm up against resistance without it failing. That's how you begin a muscle test...with a strong, intact, voluntary muscle contraction that is engaged when I place equal pressure against your arm. (You can use other muscles; it doesn't HAVE to be the arm.) It's simple. I have many checks and balances to ensure you aren't "faking it" or pushing too hard/soft. This part of the test is a VOLUNTARY muscle contraction. I then use the strong muscle as my "tester", and assess the reflex points (for every organ in the body). If I touch a reflex point of an organ (ie: liver) that isn't functioning properly, the arm has a quick, involuntary response (goes weak; falls), which is a neurological response, and I then know that something is going on with that organ. I follow through with a systematic approach to analyze the whole body, and am then able to narrow down where the problems are coming from. I then use homeopathic test kits to see if there's any "bad stuff" in the body that needs to come out (fungus, parasites, bacteria, virus, chemicals, heavy metals, or food allergies). Using the same basic muscle testing approach, the body (the temple of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth that discerns, directs & gives us wisdom), tells us what to work on FIRST, what products/supplements/cleanses/etc will and won't work on you, what foods you are allergic to, and exactly what dosage you need of each product. THAT is how I customize a plan for each person. It takes a lot of practice and discernment to use this technique properly and effectively. It is an art, a science & a gift, much like Chiropractic is. God has shown me what to use & what to disregard. There's good and bad in all disciplines (dentists, chiropractors, nutritionists, pharmacists, medical doctors, plumbers, etc). Unfortunately, the New Age movement has perverted a lot of great things in the natural medicine world, making Christians hyper-sensitive to some things perceived as "demonic". You have to KNOW your practitioner and the context of what they are practicing & what THEY Believe. I am VERY CAREFUL about who helps me or leads me in ANYTHING, so I appreciate when someone is trying to be discerning. LIFE requires FAITH, and it is only faith in Jesus Christ that will lead you to the whole TRUTH, and the right person for YOU. Pray. God will direct you. Just because a lot of new age practitioners use muscle testing does not mean we throw out the baby with the bath water! I understand the concerns of fellow Believers, and I am ALL TOO FAMILIAR with much of the "New Age bologna" that exists in this field. After all, this is the mission field I've been called to. I face attacks from "the world" for talking about Jesus too much... and then I face (at times, extremely cruel) persecution from brothers & sisters in Christ who have read or heard something bad & have slandered me beyond anything "Christian" in word or deed. I have to swim upstream daily against LOTS of accusations, false teaching and misinformation out there.... this isn't my first day on the job. Twice I have surrendered my practice, my home & everything I knew & had when the Lord asked me to (Read our story here). I have nothing to gain by defending muscle testing. I pay myself a very minimal salary, I consider everything I do to be ministry of some capacity & my 1st CORE VALUE is NO SELFISH AMBITION. I mention that simply to give you my background of obedience & honor to the Lord much like Paul did in 1 Thessalonians. I have sought the Lord deeply about this, and despite the seasons when throwing in the towel would have been easier, the Lord would not let me throw this gift away. In the U.S. (and most places), we are indoctrinated with Western Medicine (allopathic) philosophy, which does not CARE for the body or look at the big picture, the CAUSE of the symptoms. Instead we chase diagnoses and "manage symptoms", none of which are HEALTH CARE. But the LIE that we've been fed is in the name...we call it "Health Care" and "Health Insurance". Prescription drugs and surgery are at times necessary, but NOT NEARLY as often as they are used. And by no means, do those "ensure" or promote "health", rather they manage symptoms and keep you caught in the vicious cycle of infirmity and hopelessness. We cannot get better until we learn to LISTEN to what our bodies are trying to tell us and invite the Lord into the process. FOR ME, muscle testing is 1 of several tools in my toolbox that I use to interpret what the body (God speaking through symptoms that HE created our body to have!) is trying to tell us. We HAVE to have an accurate way to assess the body in it's entirety, without causing further damage, to get to the ROOT of what's causing the unpleasant symptoms (diagnoses, dis-eases & diseases). We don't JUST HAVE a thyroid problem, and we cannot just blame genetics. If everything were as genetic as the medical world claims, then how do you explain the hundreds of people I've seen healed from thyroid problems?! Something caused it...and THAT MEANS THERE IS HOPE!!! Once we know the CAUSE, we can fix it (God-willing). SO MUCH of what people suffer in their health is totally unnecessary if only we knew THE TRUTH. I have sat, prayed & fasted with the Lord extensively, fully willing to lay down "muscle testing" if it were not something The Lord approved of. I KNOW that I have to answer to HIM before I answer to any human being, and I am now certain this is a gift He has given me, combined with prayer and other modalities, to lead people to freedom physically, spiritually, and emotionally. There is fruit AND the name of Jesus is being glorified above all else. That's the bottom line. Jesus will always be the main thing, and the intent and belief of the practitioner is everything. If we truly BELIEVE that "Greater is He who is in us", then we can trust the Lord to give us wisdom, discernment & protection. As I've grown in my faith, I've become more bold & committed to praying with each patient. My "success" in practice, in seeing more radical changes in people's health/lives (spiritual, emotional & physical) came as a direct result of surrendering ALL of me for ALL of HIM. Prayer is #1. Putting the Lord FIRST and maintaining a direct connection with Him keeps our priorities straight and our answers clear, revealing things that NO TEST OR DOCTOR could. Again, muscle testing is just a tool. When I am testing a patient, I am communicating with GOD, the Creator of the body, not "the body". I don't believe muscle testing to be nearly as accurate if it's not combined with prayer to the Great Physician, Jesus Christ, the ONLY ONE who knows everything about our body & our lives. ONLY HE has the power to heal. It is JESUS, working THROUGH ME, that heals people... and I Believe muscle testing to be a gift, a non-invasive, accurate way of assessing the body that does no further damage. After all, as Doctors, the oath WE ALL TAKE, is "first, do no harm". No "test" is perfect. :) I overlooked a lot in my early years of practice when I used muscle testing and head knowledge without prayer. But in God's grace, He has worked in me to refine what I've learned and use it to HIS GLORY. If He can redeem a vile sinner like me and you, surely He can redeem other things like muscle testing, too. He can also heal those bound by fear or a religious spirit who quench the moving of His Spirit. We cannot box God into what is comfortable & logical. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. -James 1:17 The body is one big integrated package of systems, so literally, ANYTHING can cause ANYTHING. There is no ONE cause for high blood pressure, autism, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, acne, hypothyroid, etc. Western medicine has misinformed us to believe there is a simple answer for every symptom or diagnosis that exists. This could not be further from the truth. The process of “diagnosing” in and of itself is misleading and still gives a patient no answer for what is causing the problem OR what can be done about it. My approach to getting better is essentially the same for everything: PRAY, start with a holistic assessment of the entire body, get to the root, and then customize a lifestyle, nutrition & treatment plan accordingly, which will look different for every person. I muscle test to find any weaknesses in the body, see what “bad stuff” needs to come out, see what “good stuff” and nutrition (food, herbs, supplements) needs to go in, determine the exact product and dosage that will work for YOU, and advise of any necessary lifestyle changes, pointing people to Jesus for further wisdom, strength, discipline & the power to overcome. I firmly believe in Jesus Christ, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit as our Healer. I believe prayer, fasting and the laying on of hands to be the most powerful and effective tools to fight spiritual warfare and seek healing. I am very careful not to entertain anything that is a New Age practice. A practitioner’s INTENT/BELIEF is everything. I believe in analyzing & addressing the body non-invasively, thoroughly and holistically FIRST, always inviting the Lord into the journey. I am not a licensed counselor and do not offer counseling services. I do openly pray and talk about the Word of God. The body is too complex for ANY human to figure out completely because it was created by an enormously complex, amazingly creative God who chooses to leave some aspects of life to faith and mystery. Muscle testing is a gift and is an extremely effective tool for testing the body thoroughly, though there is no system in this human world that is perfect. There is only one fool-proof, absolute and perfect system, and it does not exist this side of heaven. I do the best I can with the gifts, wisdom, and unique “system” the Lord has given me. My practice will not look like any other Doctor's practice because JESUS is my business coach, my mentor & my CEO. FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Taking Pharmaceutical drugs & blindly getting invasive testing or procedures done that use anesthesia, surgery, radiation & chemicals (first, do no harm??) should be of FAR greater concern. We, the Church, need to wake up. We need to stop scouring the internet & researching everything to death & start devouring God's Word. Are we seeking first the Kingdom in ALL things? Are we being overtaken by fear or a religious Spirit? Are we spiritually "asleep"? The word Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical comes from the Greek word PHARMAKEIA which Biblically means: the use or administering of drugs; poisoning; sorcery, witchcraft or magical arts often found in connection with idolatry & fostered by it; the deceptions & seductions of idolatry. Galatians 5: 19-21 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery,[a]fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders,[b] drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But wait, there's more ;) ... Revelation 18:23 The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived. Lord, may your Truth & Peace reign in all of our hearts. Lead us, direct us, correct us & heal us. In Your mighty & matchless name we pray. Amen
2/22/2017 07:21:13 pm
Thanks for such a great and pure explanation. I didn't quite understand when I first came to you. You have helped me immensely! Thank you for being you and allowing me to be blessed because of your willingness to let God use you.
2/22/2017 09:28:38 pm
You are doing good work, Dr. Jana. LOVE does HEAL. You are practicing what our Father in Heaven instructs us to do. Muscle Testing does work. We've seen it over and over. Thank you.
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