1/2 stick (1/4 cup) grass-fed butter, melt 1/2 2 apples or peaches, thinly sliced or 1.5 cups berries 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream 1/2 cup full fat cottage cheese 4 large eggs 2 Tbsp pure maple syrup (optional) 2 Tbsp Nature's Sunshine Psyllium Hulls Combination 1 tsp vanilla 1/4 tsp sea salt INSTRUCTIONS: Preheat oven to 450 degrees. In a blender, add the melted butter and all other ingredients except apples, cinnamon, and the other 1/2 of the butter. Blend well. In a medium sized cast iron skillet, melt the other 1/2 of the butter and sauté apples, peaches or berries until softened. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Quickly re-blend the batter and pour over your hot, softened fruit. Bake 15 minutes at 450 degrees until firm, it starts to get golden brown, and your knife or toothpick comes out clean. Serve immediately! Optional: Drizzle with small amount of raw honey or pure maple syrup (skip if you are on a strict sugar fast). *NOTE: heavy whipping cream & cottage cheese are "grey areas" for a true Paleo diet. Avoid if you have any autoimmune condition or known sensitivity to dairy.
INGREDIENTS: 8 oz Kite Hill almond milk cream cheese or regular organic cream cheese (if you can tolerate dairy) 1/4 cup organic virgin coconut oil or salted, grass-fed butter 1/2 cup organic almond flour, super fine 1 oz Bocha Sweet, monkfruit, Swerve or other sweetener (must be sugar-free to stay Keto) 2 tsp fresh lemon juice Zest from 1 lemon 1 tsp vanilla extract, optional (alcohol-free) OPTIONAL: For more lemon flavor you can add 1/2 - 1 tsp BioFinest Organic Lemon Powder (amazon) or a few drops of Nature's Sunshine lemon essential oil COATING INGREDIENTS: 1/2 cup shredded organic coconut, unsweetened 1 tsp Bocha Sweet, monkfruit or Swerve sweetener INSTRUCTIONS: Blend all ingredients (except shredded coconut and 1 tsp. monk fruit) in a food processor until smooth. A kitchen aid or hand mixer will work too. Place mixture in freezer for 20 minutes or until firm enough to hold the shape of a ball. Combine coconut and monkfruit in a small bowl. Remove the cheese mixture from freezer and roll into 1 inch balls (I use a slightly heaped Tbsp). Roll the balls in the sweetened coconut mixture. Refrigerate until chilled and enjoy!! Store in fridge or freezer. Recipe adapted from
CRUST 2 cups fine almond flour 6 Tbsp butter, cold 2 Tbsp granulated sweetener (Bocha Sweet, monkfruit, Swerve, maple sugar, coconut sugar, etc) Mix the almond flour and sweetener together, then cut the butter in. Make sure it stays in a mealy consistency, and press evenly into the bottom of a spring form pan. Cut a piece of parchment paper for the bottom and give a light oiling around the sides. FILLING
3, 8oz packs of (Kite Hill Almond) cream cheese 4 eggs 1 cup granulated sweetener (Bocha Sweet, monkfruit, Swerve, maple sugar, coconut sugar, etc) 4 droppersful lemon flavored stevia 2 tsp vanilla extract (alcohol-free) 10 drops Nature's Sunshine Lemon essential oil 1/2 tsp sea salt Zest from 1 lemon 3 Tbsp lemon juice *For more lemon flavor I recommend 1-2 tsp BioFinest organic lemon juice powder, or more, to taste ( TOPPING 1 cup full-fat, plain (or Kite Hill almond) yogurt 4 Tbsp granulated sweetener (Bocha Sweet, monkfruit, Swerve, maple sugar, coconut sugar, etc) 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract (alcohol-free) Optional: for more lemon flavor add some lemon essential oil or the above mentioned lemon juice powder) to the topping mixture INSTRUCTIONS: Mix filling ingredients together in food processor until smooth. Pour filling on top of crust. Bake 25-30 mins at 350. Check to see if it looks set, center can still be slightly jiggly. Take out of the oven and pour the topping mixture on top of your cake and bake for another 10-15 minutes until set. Cool and refrigerate. Serve chilled & then store in the refrigerator. INGREDIENTS: 1 Tbsp RAW apple cider vinegar 1 Tbsp lemon juice (or 2-3 drops Nature's Sunshine lemon essential oil) 1-2 drops Oregano essential oil Optional: Can add 1 drop Frankincense essential oil to this mix if you like (if you're getting really sick) OR substitute Frankincense for the Oregano essential oil. INSTRUCTIONS:
Add all ingredients to small glass or glass/metal medicine cup and drink 3-4 times per day (with meals), as needed for sickness, allergies, or cold/flu prevention. Stop if it bothers your stomach. NOTES: Oregano essential oil is HOT. It can burn your lips or skin. Be careful not to let it touch your lips if possible. For adults, start with 1 drop oregano oil until you see how you tolerate this. *Do not give this to children. ALL essential oils can be purchased at wholesale cost through my ONLINE STORE. Never ingest store-bought essential oils unless you are CERTAIN they are safe to ingest. They MUST BE 100% pure to take them orally. Learn more about the quality of Nature's Sunshine Products at the ONLINE STORE link above. Menu and recipes are at the bottom of this page. We'd love to hear your feedback in the comments if you try any of them. It is my honor to help you guys start new, healthy traditions and to assist those who are currently fasting from sugar or gluten or dairy, etc to still enjoy the Holidays! If God has lead you to make some lifestyle changes, then simply obey. You can trust Him. He who has called YOU is faithful & HE will do it! (1 Thes 5:24) It is worth it! YOU CAN stay healthy AND enjoy delicious meals over the holidays! Your joy is in the Lord more than it is in food or anything else ;) Let me help you... 1. Present your body as a living sacrifice; Do not be conformed to the world; Be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:1-2). Cleanse your mind daily with God's Word; Abide in The Truth; Focus on what you CAN have (food that heals & refreshes) instead of what keeps you sick. 2. Ask for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit. SELF-CONTROL is a fruit of the Spirit. This is where your power to change comes from. Repent of old habits that have not served you, your family or God, receive his amazing grace, and press forward in HIS POWER. "He gives more grace... God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” - James 4:6 3. Remember: You are fasting & surrendering (Biblical; God's Power; breakthrough), NOT dieting (work of the flesh; fleeting; bondage). Watch my 10min FASTING VIDEO for encouragement. 4. Be prepared with ideas, recipes & ingredients. YOU ARE AN AGENT OF HEAVENLY CHANGE! BE THE EXAMPLE & do it with JOY and without complaining! Make your holiday more about relationships than about the food. 5. Cast down your fears in the name of Jesus. You are NOT given a Spirit of fear, but one of power, love AND a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7). If what others are calling "food" is making YOU sick, at some point you have to quit sacrificing your health & your obedience to The Lord because of fear of what others will think, fear of failure, fear that you will not be able to have fun anymore, fear of letting someone down because you changed your recipe or tradition. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Be brave. Stay strong. Walk in grace. And seek continual discernment through this journey. YOU. ARE. A. GOD-PLEASER. NOT A PEOPLE-PLEASER. 6. Dust off the lie that REAL FOOD is gross or boring & that you can't have fun without alcohol. LIE! Name. of. Jesus! When I throw a party... WE HAVE FUN! WE STAY HEALTHY! WE INTRODUCE PEOPLE TO NEW IDEAS & HEALTHY DESSERTS! WE STAY SOBER! And WE WORSHIP THE LORD in Word & action. You can too! Pray & ask the Lord for healthy desires, healthy cravings, and new healthy traditions/ideas. 7. Ask yourself: Is it really worth it to stay sick & tired, to gain the holiday weight AGAIN or to throw in the towel on the progress you've made thus far for that 1 meal, 1 day, 1 night, 1 season....? For me, I am so much more alive Spiritually, mentally & physically when I am rested & feeding my body (physically & Spiritually) what makes me thrive. I walk in a lot more energy, grace, kindness, awareness, clarity, joy, power & compassion when I'm not feeding my flesh. I hear more clearly from the Lord & have more peace. I am more patient with others. When I have compromised & don't feel well, I have a lot less to pour out & it is hard to live out God's calling on my life. I LOVE that I can prepare a FEAST for my friends & family that is 100% healthy, feeds their bodies (even though some don't appreciate it), feeds their soul & Spirit, with no hangover (by food or drink!) the next day or week! Although it was challenging at first, it is a way of life now. It is part of the Godly Legacy I will leave behind. It's never too late to change, friends. The facade of what America is calling "food" is one of the biggest lies we have believed. Eating real food is not "extreme." It's medicine. It's obedience. It's discipline. It's logical. It's a sacrifice. We neither neglect our bodies nor obsess over them. Freedom in Christ is neither religion nor rebellion. If we keep Jesus the main thing, we will stay free in the process!!! WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE - Mat 19:26 **CLICK IMAGES FOR RECIPES** We assumed you would either know or figure out how to cook a turkey ;) Be sure your brine/broth & ingredients are gluten-free (if necessary), & use real spices to flavor.
Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving to all of you!! We have MUCH to be grateful for!! Natural deodorant THAT WORKS is hard to find. I really don't want to have to make all my own stuff. I'm busy. I work full time. But some things are just better & less expensive homemade. This recipe saves me money, will make great gifts, AND works FAR better than even my favorite natural deodorant, PiperWai. I did some research & prayed, and the Lord downloaded another winning recipe!!! Enjoy :)
5 Tbsp arrowroot powder: Amazon or Azure Standard (bulk) 3 Tbsp baking soda 3 Tbsp organic (raw) coconut oil (more if you live in a dry climate) 3 tsp 3% hydrogen peroxide 1-2 tsp jojoba oil 1 capsule Nature's Sunshine Activated Charcoal (opened) 1 capsule Nature's Sunshine Magnesium Complex (opened) 12 drops Nature's Sunshine Peppermint Essential Oil 12 drops Nature's Sunshine Lavendar Essential Oil Mix all ingredients thoroughly until you have a smooth, silky, light grey consistency. Store in an old Piperwai jar or small, wide mouth 2oz glass jar. This recipe makes 2 jars. Scoop a small piece out and massage into your underarms. It won't stain your skin ;) This has been tested through multiple spin classes, full days of work, and even 2 days without a shower (don't judge me!). It works. Every ingredient matters, serves a specific purpose in balancing pH, absorbing moisture, and killing bacteria/fungus (odor), and was chosen prayerfully ;) If you find your mixture to be too dry, simply add a little more coconut or jojoba oil either to the whole mixture or with each application, or take your finger with your small "dallop of deo" on it and run it under a small stream of water before applying. Climate & humidity levels matter. The consistency of my deodorant changed and dried out some after taking it to Colorado for 1 week. Both Magnesium Complex & Activated Charcoal are great to have on hand and will not go to waste. Activated Charcoal is an essential in your natural medicine cabinet. It can be used to stop diarrhea, for food poisoning, to remove heavy metals, to take right before or following vaccines or amalgam filling removal to help remove the heavy metals (will need to take for 1-3 months usually) and chemicals from your body. You can mix a capsule with your toothpaste to make homemade whitening toothpaste (I know it's won't will WHITEN!) or to a face mask recipe to do a good skin detox. It is safe to use on kids, pets or adults for any time you need to "absorb" something out of the body (toxins) that doesn't belong. Take as directed with a glass of water. Magnesium is a #1 common mineral deficiency so most people need this. If you are getting leg cramps, muscle spasms, anxiety, are on prescription medications or have constipation (to name a few), Magnesium Complex could be beneficial for you. If you are taking too much you will know because it will give you loose stools. Therefore, it makes a great natural laxative. It relaxes our muscles (good for sprains/strains/spasms) AND our smooth muscle (colon), to aid in healthy bowel movements. It is NOT a cure-all, however. Constipation, headaches, etc will usually have other layers involved that need to be addressed (ie: Candida overgrowth, low stomach acid or enzymes, liver congestion, IC valve problems, etc). SUGAR, BODY ODOR AND HYPERHYDROSIS Body odor, excessive sweating, or clammy hands and feet (aka: hyperhydrosis) are symptoms that our bodies are toxic. Body odor is caused by toxins and hormone and microbiome imbalances. Hyperhydrosis is caused by adrenal fatigue, excessive stress, neurological toxicity, and over-stimulation-all of which keep the body in fight or flight mode. Traditional antiperspirants contain aluminum, a neurotoxin that “shuts down” the nervous/lymphatic system in our underarms to “prevent sweating”. However, sweating is natural and essential for daily detoxification and overall health. Sweating via the underarms is especially essential to breast health since those are the lymph nodes that drain/cleanse toxins from that region of the body. In the same respect, toxins applied to the underarms are contributing to increases in breast cancer and diseases. Anything that we apply, ingest, or inject anywhere onto or into our bodies that contain neurotoxins or other poisons will affect the many other systems in our body since we are ONE body with MANY systems, which are all connected. The lump sum of toxicity is one major layer of “stress” which can lead to other more serious symptoms and diseases. In “fight or flight” mode, our sympathetic nervous system is working overtime and the PARAsympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system is under-functioning, causing any combination of excessive sweating, body odor, anxiety, mood swings, digestive problems, skin problems, thyroid disorders, brain fog, fatigue, weakened or overactive immune system, body aches, other neurological symptoms, hormone imbalances, mental/emotional disorders, ADHD, insomnia, etc. If you’ve made it this far in the challenge, you now know sugar feeds both bacteria and yeast, which means it feeds both dis-ease and disease. Things we can do to begin addressing some of these issues are:
SWEAT! My DIY deodorant is an underarm daily “detox” that works incredibly well all day long to fight body odor and to help pull out even the toughest of toxins over time. NOTE: If you are breastfeeding, you may want to choose another essential oil to use in place of peppermint (tea tree, etc) as it could possibly dry up breast milk and/or slow milk production (especially when applied directly to the underarms). NOTE: Some people are sensitive to baking soda & thus may not be able to use this product. INGREDIENTS:
1/2 cups hot Pau d' Arco bulk tea (or 1/2 cups hot water + 1/2 tsp Pau d' Arco extract) 1-2 Tbsp fresh pressed (juiced) organic raw ginger (or 3 drops Ginger essential oil) 1-2 tsp raw apple cider vinegar 3 drops Nature's Sunshine Lemon Essential Oil or 1+ Tbsp fresh lemon juice 2-3 Tbsp raw (manuka) honey, to taste (sub stevia, Swerve, xylitol or monkfruit if on Candida Detox) The quickest way to make this tea is by using the 1/2 tsp of Pau d' Arco EXTRACT + 1.5 cups of hot water. If you have/prefer the bulk tea, simply follow the directions on the Pau d' Arco bulk tea container. If I'm using bulk tea, I make a big batch to have on hand for the week. Store it in the refrigerator and heat only what you need. Do not use a microwave for re-heating. It kills all the medicinal benefits of any food or herb. Juice your ginger and add immediately to the hot tea (ginger settles quickly and you don't want to lose the most nutritious part). If I'm feeling sick or run down, I juice a bunch of ginger and store it in the fridge for up to 1 week in a small glass jar so that I can make this tea quickly with the hot water and pau d' arco extract. Be sure to shake the juiced ginger well to dissolve the sediment at the bottom of the jar before adding it to your Immuni-tea. Heat your mixture on the stove top, as needed. Add the remaining ingredients (lemon, vinegar and honey) to the hot mixture so that the honey dissolves quickly. Stir well and enjoy! BENEFITS: This tea is a POWERFUL antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, immune builder, cough suppressant, cancer killer, energy booster, cellular detoxifier, liver cleansing cuppa yum yum!! This recipe is great for any cold/flu/cough/Sugar Fast or Candida Detox or most other illnesses :) Yes it is safe for pregnancy or nursing mamas, as well. It's just whole foods & Pau-D' arco tea ;) FOOD is MEDICINE. And God knows what He's doing! It significantly helped me fight off a cold/cough during my pregnancy! It can also help prevent/overcome Group B Strep infections in pregnant women ;) NOTES: *This tea is spicy! The heat is very soothing to a sore throat but you may want to adjust the amount of ginger to your palate. We like it hot! Use a diluted version for kids. **Ginger tends to settle quickly to the bottom so you will need to stir as you drink it or you will end up with a very hot/spicy ginger shot at the end. ***This tea is also great at room temp, chilled or iced! GLUTEN & DAIRY-FREE CLAM CHOWDER THAT IS ALSO SUGAR-FAST FRIENDLY … Hallelujah!! THIS CHOWDER IS SO GOOOOD & I am so thanking the Lord for downloading this recipe into my head & heart!! 2 large celery roots (replaces potatoes) 5 Tbsp grass-fed butter or coconut oil 5 stalks celery 1 white onion 10 whole carrots (I prefer extra) 4, 6.5-oz cans clams 3, 14-oz cans unsweetened coconut milk (can sub 1 for coconut cream) 1-2 Tbsp sea salt (to taste) 2 tsp white pepper 3 drops Nature's Sunshine Wild Thyme Essential Oil (1 Tbsp dried thyme) Dice your celery root, onion, celery, and carrots. I use a food processor. Next, add your diced veggies to a pan w butter to saute'e on medium heat until the onions are translucent. Cook until the celery root and carrots are slightly soft if you don't have a full 4+ hours to cook in the crock pot. While your veggies are cooking, chop your clams if you bought whole clams. Then add all your cooked veggies, clams and all other ingredients to a large crock pot. Cook on low at least 4 hours, and serve! Don’t forget to add a heaping spoonful of coconut oil to your bowl of soup for added daily nutrition/medicine. Skip if you have gall bladder issues. NOTE: Potatoes are no bueno if you are or recently have been on a Candida Detox. or Sugar Fast; Whether you're a patient or not, I highly recommend doing my free, quick, at-home Candida Spit Test to see if you might have an underlying Candida albicans (yeast), mold or bacterial overgrowth problem you didn't know about. MOST people do/did at one point & this is very serious. IF SO, you really need to avoid grains, potatoes & sugar in any form UNTIL this is under control & make an appointment with me or another holistic Doctor to get this under control (PRAY & ask the LORD if it's time for an appointment. There's LOTS of confusing and conflicting info out there). This was my personal battle, as well as at least 80% of the patients I have the honor of helping. It is at the root of many of your other health problems if you have this. You must have infections under control before adding potatoes back into your diet as they are very starchy and break down into sugar, and sugar feeds yeast/fungus/mol/bacteria/parasites and viruses! God made that rule, not me. sorry! It’s not worth the setback, and Lord knows most of us could use far less sugar/starch in our diet. I sure do LOVE a good bowl of chunky clam chowder, but I never eat it at restaurants because it is loaded with dairy, gluten & all kinds of other garbage. 1 cup Shea butter 1 cup Mango butter 1 cup Sweet almond oil 1 cup Coconut oil ESSENTIAL OIL of your choice (We love Nature's Sunshine Peppermint oil) In a double boiler, start melting shea butter first, as it is the hardest oil and takes the longest to melt. When it is about 1/2 way melted, add mango butter. When that is almost melted, turn off the heat and add coconut oil and sweet almond oil. Pour the completely melted mixture into a mixing bowl. Let it cool and then continue chilling in the fridge for about 3 hours or until it is completely opaque in color and has a firm but soft texture. You should be able to easily press your finger into the "butter" when it's ready to be whipped. Remove from fridge. If you let it go too long and it gets too hard to whip, just let it sit out for a little bit. Add ESSENTIAL OIL of your choice at this point and beat with a hand mixer for a few minutes until it becomes thick and creamy. It will get white in color and fluff up. It should look like butter cream frosting! Divide into small jars to store or give as a great homemade gift!
2.5 cups baking soda
3/4 cup coconut oil 3 Tbsp Redmond's or other high quality sea salt 100 drops Nature's Sunshine Peppermint essential oil 1/4-1/2 cup xylitol (to taste) Mix all ingredients in an electric mixer (or a hand mixer) until well combined. This recipe makes 3 3/4 cups total. NOTE: To like this product you have to "think different". This product will not lather up like traditional toothpaste. I also recommend using a soft bristle brush so that you do not get too abrasive with your gums. This product has some "grit" to it. I put a little on my toothbrush, brush my bottom teeth, then add more and brush my upper teeth. The baking soda and pink sea salt add essential minerals to keep our teeth, enamel and gums strong. We have gone seriously wrong in what we choose to brush our teeth with. Most commercial products do nothing to feed or re-mineralize our teeth, not to mention the fluoride, chemicals, preservatives and other garbage in most all oral hygeine products. After I brush, I put 1 drop of Peppermint oil on the back of my hand and lick it off for some extreme minty breath (when I'm not nursing as peppermint can reduce milk production). It's strong, but so so good for you! 1 cup epsom salt
1/4 cup pink sea salt 1/4 cup+ coconut oil Essential oils of your choice (we love peppermint) Mix all ingredients well in an electric mixer. Add the essential oils while it's mixing. You may like more or less than our suggestion, so add at your own pace ;) Place finished product into glass jars for storing or gifting. YOU WILL NEED: 2 oz. Glass dropper bottle with glass dropper (glass dropper is really important when using essential oils) BASE: (can all be found on amazon) Equal parts of the following: (fill to the base of the neck of the bottle) Pomegranate oil Coffee bean oil Rose hip oil Carrot seed oil Jojoba oil Vitamin E oil *If you like a lighter oil, use more jojoba oil & less of the heavier ones. You'll be surprised how quickly this absorbs into your skin, allowing you to apply makeup within 5-10min. It does not leave you "greasy". For really DRY skin, you may want to leave out the Jojoba oil. ESSENTIAL OILS:
* Some of these oils are available at wholesale cost through my ONLINE STORE Geranium ~20 drops (tightens & tones) Lavender ~15 drops (helps acne; reduces redness/inflammation; evens skin tone; relaxing) Frankincense ~5-10 drops (heals cellular damage, blemishes, scars) Rose ~5 drops (#1 oil for anti-aging; may want to avoid if pregnant) NOTE: I used this serum combined with my DIY Body Butter as stretchmark cream during my pregnancy. I used 4 drops of the Rose essential oil in it. I gained 55 healthy pounds, had a 9pound, 9ounce baby and didn't get a single stretchmark! (grace). A healthy gut/gall bladder/liver to process fats also plays a role in this. Watch my video workshop on making all my body products. There is a LOT of good health info, things to know about using oils, things to beware of, etc. Traditional skin care products are messing with our hormones, liver & so much more. It is vital to our health in this toxic age we are living in to be wise about what's going ON our skin and INTO our bodies. For this same reason, you need to know the importance of using 100% PURE essential oils. "Therapeutic grade" is gimmicky, marketing hype and holds no real weight. Nature's Sunshine and Young Living products are managed from seed to bottle and go far beyond organic standards. They test EVERY batch. Watch this video on Nature's Sunshine's SureSource Guarantee. Essential oils are POWERFUL & just as they pack a lot of medicinal punch, if they contain heavy metals, pesticides, are diluted, etc...all of that garbage is going straight into your cells within minutes, packing a serious toxic hit to your body at the cellular level. So in shirt, be informed, pray about everything and shop wisely. When adding coconut oil to any recipe, you add anti-bacterial (antibiotic), anti-viral, anti-fungal & overall anti-microbial, medicinal & fat-burning nutrition to your creation :) With the extra peppermint essential oil, also a powerful antibiotic/antiviral/anti-microbial, you now have a powerful medicinal drink that tastes AMAZING and won't harm your "good bacteria" (probiotics)!! AND the peppermint will sure open up your sinuses!! SICK?? Doctor's orders.... drink healthy hot cocoa :) How fun is that?! INGREDIENTS: 1 cup hot water, raw milk or unsweetened vanilla almond milk 1-2 Tbsp raw cacao powder Vanilla (liquid) stevia, Bocha Sweet, monkfruit, or other sweetener, to taste Splash of (alcohol-free) vanilla extract 1-2 Tbsp raw coconut oil (optional) 1-2 Tbsp grass-fed butter (optional) 1 scoop Nature's Sunshine collagen powder 1 drop Nature's Sunshine Peppermint Essential Oil (optional) INSTRUCTIONS:
Blend all ingredients in a high-powered blender, on high speed. The coconut oil/butter and collagen powder make it a frothy/creamy "chocolate keto latte"! Blend on high until it heats to desired temperature. If you don't have a high-powered blender (like Vitamix), then use hot water or heated almond milk before adding your ingredients to your blender. .NOTE: This is a great way to get your daily coconut oil in!! Enjoy a healthy, medicinal dose of caprylic acid (anti-fungal/anti-viral/anti-bacterial; thyroid fuel; fat-burning; brain nourishing) goodness from coconut oil and the good, saturated, nourishing, digestible fats from the grass-fed butter. If you add the collagen powder, technically this "drink" is a "meal" balanced with fantastic fats and proteins... and ZERO sugar crash! This makes for a healthy addition to any breakfast, and could be considered a healthy, small mid-day meal. There is a lot of medicinal value and nourishment in this brain-nourishing, fat-burning treat!! You're welcome! ;) OR you could call these "Healthy Andes Mints" :) These are a patient favorite!!! INGREDIENTS: WHITE LAYER 1/2 cup coconut butter 2 Tbsp organic virgin coconut oil 4 Tbsp raw honey (or liquid Stevia to taste if on Candida Detox) 1/4 tsp PEPPERMINT ESSENTIAL OIL CHOCOLATE LAYER 1 bag Lilly's Dark Chocolate Chips 1/3 cup organic coconut oil 1-1/2 Tbsp raw honey 1/4-1/2 tsp PEPPERMINT ESSENTIAL OIL Line a mini muffin tin with 12 liners and set aside.
FOR THE WHITE LAYER In a medium bowl, combine coconut butter, coconut oil, honey, and peppermint essential oil. Stir until smooth. Put a small amount in each muffin liner and press into the bottom so they are even. Place in the freezer for 15 minutes to harden. FOR THE CHOCOLATE LAYER Combine the chocolate chips, coconut oil, and honey in a pan over medium heat until smooth. You just want to warm it enough that there are no lumps, but don’t boil it or heat it too long. Turn off the heat and add the PEPPERMINT ESSENTIAL OIL. Take the muffin tin out of the freezer and spoon the chocolate mixture on top of the white layer. Place back in the freezer for 30 minutes or until completely hard. Store in a bag or covered dish in the fridge or freezer. These are great to have on hand for a quick, healthy chocolate (magnesium) fix that won't spike your blood sugar ;) NOTE: You can also skip the white layer if your in a hurry and just use the chocolate part. *Recipe adapted from Even the ORGANIC stuff from Costco has 22 grams of sugar per 2 Tbsp! So, I’ve made my own the last few years. It's safe for those of you on a Candida Detox or with blood sugar issues. Please note, there is still some natural sugar in the cranberries themselves, so it is wise to only have cranberry sauce if you are at least 1 month into your Candida Detox. This also makes a killer topping for my Raw Vegan Cheesecake! INGREDIENTS: 4 cups fresh cranberries 2 cups water 4-6 drops Nature's Sunshine Organic Orange essential oil or 2+ Tbsp orange zest 1+ cup Swerve (sweeten to taste) If using orange zest, grate & set aside.
NOTE: If using Orange essential oil, be sure it is organic & safe to ingest. NEVER orally ingest a brand you pick up from a health food store without knowing it is 100% pure & safe for ingestion. All essential oils are NOT created equal. You are safe to use the Nature's Sunshine Organic Orange essential oil I've named above in your cooking/recipes. Place cranberries, water & Swerve in a medium saucepan. Over medium to high heat, cook until the cranberries burst, then lower heat to simmer 15 more minutes. If using orange zest, stir it in while your cranberries simmer. If using the orange essential oil, add it after you turn the heat off. Add a little extra Swerve if you like your cranberry sauce sweeter. I add a large spoonful of RAW honey at the end (but I am not on a Candida Detox anymore). Some cranberries are quite juicy, so if your finished mixture is pretty runny, drain off some of the liquid. Blend with a (hand or high-powered) blender if you like your cranberry sauce completely smooth! Chill and serve. I like to make it the night before so it’s really cold & “jellied” for serving the next day. Why wait until Thanksgiving to make this?! It makes a great dessert, dessert topping or side dish all year round :) NOTE: If you are not on a strict Candida Detox, you could use RAW honey in place of Swerve (or half Swerve, half honey). *Stevia does NOT do well in this recipe, as it has somewhat of a bitter taste & cranberries are naturally tart/bitter, as well. No bueno ;) Serves 4-6 depending upon serving size. This Mayo recipe is Candida Detox friendly!!! Life is way too boring without Mayo :) Feel free to add herbs and spices to make a spicy mayo or herbed mayo... it's too easy! TOOLS: Hand immersion Blender/Stick blender Wide mouth mason jar INGREDIENTS: 3/4 cup avocado oil (2/3 cup if using large egg) 1 X-Large egg 1 Tbsp RAW apple cider vinegar 2 tsp fresh lemon juice 1/4 tsp ground mustard seed powder Himalayan (pink) sea salt, to taste Optional: If you want to thicken your mayo, ADD 1/4 tsp. NATURE'S SUNSHINE Psyllium Hull Combo Combine all ingredients in a glass mason jar that has a mouth wide enough for your stick blender/hand immersion blender to fit into. Blend until light and fluffy! You will make AND store your mayo in this jar ;) EASY!!
Try this with our KRAUT & EGG SALAD! Note: This will keep 1 -2 weeks in the refrigerator. Swim at your own risk thereafter ;) INGREDIENTS:
4 ripe avocados 1/4 cup coconut cream (or raw, full-fat cream) 1 scoop Nature's Sunshine Collagen Powder 3 droppers liquid stevia (or to taste) 1 Tbsp vanilla extract (alcohol-free) 1 cup raw cacao powder Add all ingredients to food processor and blend until smooth. Serve as chocolate pudding or fold in some of my Keto Whipped Cream to make it more "fluffy", like mousse. Top with fresh berries (if approved in YOUR diet), unsweetened coconut flakes, or get creative and use this recipe as a chocolate frosting ;) NOTE: Since we posted this recipe, Trader Joe's started carrying a different coconut cream which DOES NOT work with this recipe. Most other organic coconut creams will work.
INGREDIENTS: 2 cups hot water 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond or coconut milk 1+ scoop organic matcha powder 1-2 Tablespoons raw coconut oil or MCT oil 1-2 Tbsp grass-fed butter or ghee 1 scoop Nature's Sunshine Collagen Powder Use liquid vanilla stevia, Bocha Sweet or monkfruit, to taste Optional: 1 tsp Liquid Chlorophyll ES (has a mild sweet mint flavor unlike other grassy-tasting chlorophyll) *highlighted products are available through my online Nature's Sunshine store. Add all ingredients to a high-power blender, on high, until frothy. *Continue blending 1-3 minutes to make your drink hotter IF you didn't start with HOT water. (only a high-power blender like a Vitamix or BlendTec will have enough power to heat up your mixture). NUTRITION TIPS:
Coffee is very acidic and over-stimulates many people's adrenal glands and sympathetic nervous system (this is YOU if you feel anxious, sweaty or get insomnia when you drink coffee). It’s contributing to your FATIGUE, is loaded with chemicals and pesticides if it's not organic, and is a high mold carrier (no bueno for Candida Detox). Replacing acidic coffee with highly alkaline and nutritious green matcha powder promotes healing and oxygenation in the body. Matcha powder is LOADED with antioxidants and blows traditional green tea out of the water. This is also an excellent way to get an energy boost plus multiple servings of (brain activating & ketosis inducing) good fats in. Nature's Sunshine's Liquid Chlorophyll ES: By adding this extra strength chlorophyll to your latte you are significantly increasing its nutritional value! The most critical molecule in the plant world, chlorophyll, is found in all green plants and vegetables. It’s particularly concentrated in spinach. This brand's proprietary complex also includes refreshing spearmint oil, a natural odor fighter. This means that this product tastes like mint (other brands will taste like grass....and you WILL NOT love your matcha latte). The sodium copper chlorophyll form contained in Nature’s Sunshine Liquid Chlorophyll ES is soluble in water. With the exception of a magnesium atom, chlorophyll’s structure is identical to hemoglobin, the molecule that carries oxygen in the blood. Chlorophyll is known to have the following benefits:
Nature's Sunshine Collagen Powder: Adding a scoop of this to any drink, soup, yogurt, etc adds ~15g of protein and packs some serious punch for gut healing, skin health and elasticity, and improving joint pain. My Nature's Sunshine Collagen powder also contains an electrolyte blend which is extremely important for those in ketosis, for anyone who loves to sweat, to help balance hormones and blood pressure, and to assist with overall fatigue. *f you add collagen powder to anything in a high-powered blender or mixer it will make your drink/recipe "frothy"! It's great for creating healthy lattes, etc. Get creative! |
* All recipes are GRAIN FREE