Raw nuts & seeds of choice (no peanuts or pistacchios if on Candida Detox) Lily's sugar-free dark chocolate chips Coconut flakes, unsweetened
NOTE: If you are a patient on a Candida Detox: You may add in unsweetened, organic dried fruit once I have tested or consulted with you to know when your body can tolerate the added sugars without a setback.
*Dried fruits contain a lot of sugar, and most people who have battled significant health issues and leaky gut cannot tolerate them for quite some time.
4 ripe avocados 1/4 cup coconut cream (or raw, full-fat cream) 1 scoop Nature's Sunshine Collagen Powder 3 droppers liquid stevia (or to taste) 1 Tbsp vanilla extract (alcohol-free) 1 cup raw cacao powder Add all ingredients to food processor and blend until smooth. Serve as chocolate pudding or fold in some of my Keto Whipped Cream to make it more "fluffy", like mousse. Top with fresh berries (if approved in YOUR diet), unsweetened coconut flakes, or get creative and use this recipe as a chocolate frosting ;) NOTE: Since we posted this recipe, Trader Joe's started carrying a different coconut cream which DOES NOT work with this recipe. Most other organic coconut creams will work.
INGREDIENTS: 2 cups hot water 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond or coconut milk 1+ scoop organic matcha powder 1-2 Tablespoons raw coconut oil or MCT oil 1-2 Tbsp grass-fed butter or ghee 1 scoop Nature's Sunshine Collagen Powder Use liquid vanilla stevia, Bocha Sweet or monkfruit, to taste Optional: 1 tsp Liquid Chlorophyll ES (has a mild sweet mint flavor unlike other grassy-tasting chlorophyll) *highlighted products are available through my online Nature's Sunshine store. Add all ingredients to a high-power blender, on high, until frothy. *Continue blending 1-3 minutes to make your drink hotter IF you didn't start with HOT water. (only a high-power blender like a Vitamix or BlendTec will have enough power to heat up your mixture). NUTRITION TIPS:
Coffee is very acidic and over-stimulates many people's adrenal glands and sympathetic nervous system (this is YOU if you feel anxious, sweaty or get insomnia when you drink coffee). It’s contributing to your FATIGUE, is loaded with chemicals and pesticides if it's not organic, and is a high mold carrier (no bueno for Candida Detox). Replacing acidic coffee with highly alkaline and nutritious green matcha powder promotes healing and oxygenation in the body. Matcha powder is LOADED with antioxidants and blows traditional green tea out of the water. This is also an excellent way to get an energy boost plus multiple servings of (brain activating & ketosis inducing) good fats in. Nature's Sunshine's Liquid Chlorophyll ES: By adding this extra strength chlorophyll to your latte you are significantly increasing its nutritional value! The most critical molecule in the plant world, chlorophyll, is found in all green plants and vegetables. It’s particularly concentrated in spinach. This brand's proprietary complex also includes refreshing spearmint oil, a natural odor fighter. This means that this product tastes like mint (other brands will taste like grass....and you WILL NOT love your matcha latte). The sodium copper chlorophyll form contained in Nature’s Sunshine Liquid Chlorophyll ES is soluble in water. With the exception of a magnesium atom, chlorophyll’s structure is identical to hemoglobin, the molecule that carries oxygen in the blood. Chlorophyll is known to have the following benefits:
Nature's Sunshine Collagen Powder: Adding a scoop of this to any drink, soup, yogurt, etc adds ~15g of protein and packs some serious punch for gut healing, skin health and elasticity, and improving joint pain. My Nature's Sunshine Collagen powder also contains an electrolyte blend which is extremely important for those in ketosis, for anyone who loves to sweat, to help balance hormones and blood pressure, and to assist with overall fatigue. *f you add collagen powder to anything in a high-powered blender or mixer it will make your drink/recipe "frothy"! It's great for creating healthy lattes, etc. Get creative!
If using Coconut Cream: Open the can of coconut cream. Scoop the coconut cream off the top of the can and add it to a large bowl, leaving the coconut water in the can.
*Add a few Tablespoons of the coconut water into the cream to thin your recipe for use as a dressing. Blend with a hand mixer until smooth. Save leftover coconut water as you may need it to thin a little more after refrigerating, depending on your desired thickness. Fold all ingredients into your base (coconut cream, mayo or yogurt). For a thinner dressing vs. ranch dip, add a small amount of water, as needed, to find the consistency you like. Stir until blended and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Note: Trader Joe's Coconut Cream does not work for this recipe. ENJOY! NOTE: These can be made Candida-Detox safe by using liquid stevia as your sweetener for the bars, as well as the topping. See option below under "Ingredients". They may not stick together QUITE as well as with honey, but they are still delish, filling and energizing! These hold me over and wake my brain up for a few hours! However, it is a LOT of nuts. Most people do not digest nuts perfectly because of the high fat and protein content. If you have Candida overgrowth, then you know your digestive system is STRESSED OUT and weak at the moment. No way around that. You likely need a full spectrum enzyme such a my PROACTAZYME or PROTEASE PLUS if you notice constipation after eating these. Another option is to eat some RAW sauerkraut or drink a little bit of diluted RAW apple cider vinegar to help you digest anytime you feel bloated or constipated. ;)
Add all nuts, seeds and almond butter to a food processor and process for approximately 10-20 seconds depending on how chunky or fine you want it. In a small sauce pan, heat coconut oil on low until just melted then add honey (or liquid stevia to taste) and vanilla extract and mix together until well blended. In a large bowl, add the nut mixture and coconut oil/honey mixture together and mix together until well blended. Put the mixture in an 8 x 8 glass baking dish (lined with parchment paper). Then place in the freezer for 15-30 minutes before adding your topping. MAKE YOUR TOPPING: Mix the coconut oil (melted/liquid), cacao and liquid Stevia, to taste, and stir until well combined. PUT IT ALL TOGETHER: Pour the chocolate topping over the chilled bars and VERY QUICKLY spread in a thin layer. Put bars in refrigerator for approximately 15 - 30 minutes to allow the chocolate topping to completely harden. Cut using a large knife or clever to press instead of cutting. Store in the refrigerator or freezer because the coconut oil will become softened at room temperature. If you pack them for a to-go snack... be sure to pack them with an ice pack. This YUMMMM-mazing recipe is from my dear friend, Careen Lewis. She blessed me with a batch (Lord, bless those hands!) and shared her recipe. Now we ALL get the honor of sharing in this savory goodness!! THANK YOU Lord for friends who share their recipes freely to help others get healthy to serve you better!! If you have a gluten-free, dairy-free, Candida-Detox-friendly recipe to share (with photos), please CONTACT US and I am happy to credit you appropriately..OR name the recipe after you! ;) BASIC CHICKEN BROTH: 1 Whole Organic Chicken w/ organs 4-5 Carrots w leaves 4-5 Celery stalks w leaves 1 handful Fresh parsley sprigs 1 small White or yellow onion, quartered Sea salt, to taste Purified water to fill Place your chicken in a large crock pot or large stock pot on the stove and stuff all other ingredients in and around the chicken, breaking the carrots and celery in half, as necessary. Heavily salt your mixture and add water to fill ALMOST all the way to the lid. Cook on low for 6-12 hours total. After 4-5 hours, remove chicken (carefully) to remove the meat from the carcass (meat should easily fall off the bone). Save the meat to make chicken soup (see below) OR another recipe that calls for delicious, moist chicken (if you can control yourself from eating half of it while you clean the chicken!). The chicken will freeze well in a freezer bag, if necessary. Place the chicken carcass back into your pot and continue cooking on low another 2+ hours.
After desired cooking time, place a LARGE bowl (ideally one w a pour spout) in the sink and top w a colander lined with a nut bag or doubled up cheesecloth. Pour the contents of your pot into the colander to strain into the bowl. Use immediately or jar it up for later. My bowls do not have a pour spout, so I use a glass measuring cup with a pour spout to transfer my broth into jars for storing. *This broth freezes very well and is nice to have on hand for other recipes that call for chicken broth like rice, quinoa and other chicken broth based soups. Freeze in gallon freezer bags and freeze flat for easy thawing. FOR BADA-BAM! CHICKEN BROTH: 1 small bulb Garlic, minced (please do not buy pre-minced, preserved garlic) 1 medium White or yellow onion, chopped Avocado or Olive Oil 1.5 tsp Dried dill (more if fresh) Sea salt, to taste Optional: add additional herbs like rosemary or those of your choice. The dill and rosemary mixture was JUST AS GOOD as the straight dill!) Saute' all of the above ingredients together and add to your mixture after you've removed the meat from your chicken carcass. Let this cook for AT LEAST 1 more hour, but I prefer quite a few more hours, or even overnight (if time allows) for deeper flavor. Salt, to taste. After desired cooking time, place a LARGE bowl (ideally one w a pour spout) in the sink and top w a colander lined with a nut bag or doubled up cheesecloth. Pour the contents of your pot into the colander to strain into the bowl. Serve immediately or jar it up for later. My bowls do not have a pour spout, so I use a glass measuring cup with a pour spout to transfer my broth into jars for storing. FOR MISS CAREEN'S CHICKEN SOUP: Avocado Oil 1 small bulb Garlic, minced (please do not buy pre-minced, preserved garlic) 1 medium White or yellow onion, chopped Homemade Basic Chicken Broth (see above) Carrots, sliced or chopped Celery, chopped (optional) 1.5 tsp Dried dill (more if fresh) 1 handful Fresh parsley sprigs 2 cups Cooked chicken (from the carcass - see above) Sea salt Optional: 1-2 cups cooked GF pasta or cooked brown/wild rice Begin by sauteing the onions in avocado oil to soften or until they become translucent, adding the minced garlic about a minute before onions are done (add sea salt while cooking). Add BASIC CHICKEN BROTH (see above). Add dill (herbs), chopped carrots and parsley. Bring to a boil then simmer 45 minutes or until veggies are soft to your liking for chicken soup. Add more sea salt to taste. Remove parsley sprigs with tongs or a slotted spoon. For Chicken noodle soup or Chicken wild rice soup, add COOKED gluten-free pasta or COOKED rice to the mixture right before you are ready to serve it. DO NOT add un-cooked rice or pasta as it will soak up all your liquid and leave you with a super thick "stew". Be prepared to use more broth for either of these soups as there will still be SOME liquid absorption from the noodles/rice. ADD A WARM FIRE, RAINY DAY, SICK DAY OR COOL WINTER DAY & ENJOY!! A HEALTHY ON-THE-GO LUNCH IDEA! You're busy. I'm busy. But we don't have to sacrifice our health just to meet the demands of the day. After all, WE HAVE DAILY NEEDS to function as God intended us to. We are SIMPLY TOO BUSY if we cannot feed our Spirit, soul AND body even the basics ;) The wild caught smoked salmon in these wraps is a great source of anti-inflammatory, omega-3 fatty acids which assist our body to heal, maintain strength, build healthy cell walls to protect us against infection and other "invaders", and keep our brain & central nervous system functioning up to par! The Nori Sheets are a great source of nutritional iodine (AKA: THYROID FOOD!) which keeps our energy and metabolism up, keeps our digestive system breaking down food and waste, keeps our menstrual and daily sleep cycles on track, and keeps our hair, skin and nails strong and perrrty ;) I find my wild caught smoked salmon at Costco :) The core ingredients for these wraps (smoked salmon and nori sheets) don’t go bad easily, so they are easy to have on hand! You can use a sushi roller to roll your wrap tightly, but you don’t have to. A loosely wrapped roll tastes just as Yum! INGREDIENTS:
Nori wraps Wild Caught Smoked Salmon Cucumber, julienne Avocado, sliced Fresh basil Coconut aminos for dipping Other quick filling ideas: tuna, shrimp, lobster, macadamia nuts, mango, pesto, fresh herbs, carrots, scallions, jicama, wasabi, bell pepper Align your ingredients on your Nori paper as seen in the photo above (borrowed from the website below) and roll into a wrap. Enjoy!! CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL RECIPE & WEBSITE
Grate your cauliflower directly into a large pan. Add 4-5 Tbsp coconut oil or butter and begin to cook. Add your coconut milk and lime juice, and then dust the top of your cauliflower with garlic and sea salt (to taste). Lightly simmer until cauliflower is soft but not mushy. Garnish with a basil leaf, twist of lime or lime zest sprinkles :)
SUPER EASY. Loaded with nutrition. Candida detox friendly. Great for constipation, hormone and liver issues. Expect that ANY cruciferous veggies (sulfer-containing veggies like cauliflower, broccoli, kale, spinach, etc) will make you gassy at first as they immediately start to heal and detox the liver. This means you need to incorporate more of these into your diet. Making it a goal to eat AT LEAST 1 serving of cruciferous veggies per day is a great goal (5 is excellent!...haha). Preheat oven to 400.
Place fish in baking pan and sprinkle both sides with garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Then heavily coat each piece with your “almond-crumbs,” pouring any remaining crumbs between your pieces of fish. Dust everything with additional sea salt and pepper. You have the option to dip your fish in raw scrambled egg first, then dip into your “nut breading” to create a different crust texture. Bake 15-20 min depending upon thickness of fish and how well-done you prefer your fish. The juiciest preparation will flake easily and be very juicy. I love to cook my fish in waterseal cookware (large pan with a lid on the stovetop). Add seasoned and breaded fish to cold pan, THEN turn heat on to medium, cover with lid, and let cook for 8-12min. Set a timer…It doesn’t take long. Your crust will be less crispy this way, but your fish juicier Drizzle each piece with fresh lemon juice, and serve over fresh greens, wilted greens, cauliflower mashed potatoes, cooked sprouted or brown rice, or with any veggie side dish. Zach and I love any fish over sprouted wild rice (seasoned w coconut oil, sea salt, garlic) and CRISPY SALTY KALE or SWEET POTATO STEAK FRIES as a side. Make it a goal to get in 2-3 handfuls of veggies with your dinners (and you’ll poop better!!). NOTE: Substitute other raw nuts or combine nuts for different flavors. Pistacchio with almond is yummy (NOTE: peanuts & pistacchios are not allowed on a Candida Detox Diet because of their mold content) Enjoy this as a breakfast, snack, pre- or post-workout drink or meal replacement.
1 1/2 cups water or unsweetened almond milk 1 Tbsp raw cacao powder 2 handful mixed leafy greens 2 Tbsp raw coconut or MCT oil 1/2 large avocado A few spoonfuls of almond butter 1 scoop Nature's Sunshine Collagen Powder Liquid vanilla stevia, monkfruit, or Swerve, to taste 1 cup ice Optional: 1 Tbsp Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (to get some SCT oils in) Optional: Banana (if Dr. Jana has approved it for YOUR Candida Detox or modified Keto Diet) Add all ingredients to high-power blender or food processor and serve chilled. This was my life-saver breakfast in the 1st trimester of my pregnancy when I suddenly could NOT stomach eggs anymore. The Cacao gave me energy. The sweet was a nice, cool change that went down easy and held me over for about 3 hours. And I got more than my daily requirement of minerals, good fats and folate in 1 smoothie! SCT: Short-chain triglycerides: essential to health; great for skin, hormones, gut and immune health; important fat for ketosis Somehow, Zach and I made this recipe up last second with what we had in the pantry and fridge….and it worked!! LIKE….amazingly well!! Place your roast in a large crock pot on low heat. Add all ingredients to crock pot, liquids first. I use coarse celtic sea salt and sprinkle enough to cover the top of all the meat. Then I lightly sprinkle the entire top of the meat and liquids with a dusting of white pepper. Last, sprinkle your roast with all the other spices, cover and let slow cook overnight or for at least 5-6 hours.
Enjoy with tacos, burritos, taco/fiesta salads, as a main dish, etc. It will melt in yo mouth Amiga!!! I love this over a bed of greens or shredded cabbage, rice (optional), pinto or black beans, heaps of chopped cilantro, fresh diced white onion, pico de gallo/salsa, and extra HOLY GUACAMOLE!! We topped ours additionally with Annie’s 505 Green Chile sauce. Candida peeps: No rice or tacos shells. Beans are allowed. Eat as main dish or on top of taco salad, etc. You don’t have to worry about the orange juice in the marinade because you aren’t drinking the marinade and it’s such small amount compared to the size of the roast and the portion you will eat
5 RIPE Avocados, halved and “peeled”
1 bunch Cilantro, leaves only, chopped (my secret: just start chopping off the top of the cilantro bunch…a little stem won’t hurt; who has time to pick all the leaves off ??) Juice of 1 lemon 1 large Tomato, diced (or 2 small) …or use already made pico de gallo if you have some/want to (This could then replace the onion/jalapeno, as well) 1/2 – 3/4 cup Diced white (or yellow..or even red!) onion Sea salt, to taste (I coat the top of all the ingredients with thin layer of salt; use less if CELTIC sea salt…it’s SALTY!) White Pepper, to taste (slightly less than your amount of salt) Garlic powder, to taste …not garlic salt (it would work w fresh garlic, too. I LOVE garlic so I always use extra) Optional: Jalapeno, finely minced, to taste (we like spicy, so we grow our own jalapenos…they are HOT. we chop them really small & use them liberally…num num) Make your guac in the bowl you plan to serve it out of, and big enough to get in there and mix everything together I use a knife and fork to start slicing/chopping…and once everything is getting smaller and blending, then just mash with a fork. Zach and I like it chunky. Chill and serve with ORGANIC tortilla chips, veggie sticks (zucchini, carrots, cucumber, squash, celery, etc), plantain chips, GF crackers, etc. You can also use guac as a burger topping, sandwich spread, or as an add-in to a lettuce wrap. NOTE: For those on Candida Diet- you can have plantain chips (Trader Joes), kale chips, or veggie sticks for dipping in the beginning. No corn chips or sweet potato chips initially. It will feed the yeast in your body and set you back. Not worth it. But it’s temporary This recipe is SO EASY. You can easily transform it if you feel like getting more creative. I didn’t. I was hungry. It worked Personally, I love it for lazy dinner nights and a “salty” but healthy fix. I literally start drooling over it when it comes out of the oven, so I have to control myself so I don’t burn my tongue and fingers (again!). num num. INGREDIENTS:
1 bunch of kale (any kind), coarsely chopped Expeller pressed coconut oil or Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) Sea salt Preheat oven to 450. Add some oil to the bottom of an oven safe dish (glass baking pan, cookie sheet, etc). Coconut oil is best of you are on a Candida Clear Diet because of its many healing and anti-fungal properties. Add the chopped kale to the dish and add/drizzle more oil on top of kale. Toss the kale and oil with your hands to get each piece of kale “oily”. Bake, uncovered, for ~15min or until you see it browning slightly. For Crispier kale “chips”, stir/mix kale and bake a little longer. Sprinkle with sea salt and serve. *Use this same idea/preparation with thinly sliced sweet potatoes, carrots (whole, sliced, or chopped), zucchini, beets, or any firm veggies. **NOTE: Sweet potatoes are allowed after 1 month on Candida Clear Diet (unless I tell you otherwise). No beets on Candida Clear Diet until further notice (when the body is less sensitive to sugars). |
* All recipes are GRAIN FREE