1/2 cups hot Pau d' Arco bulk tea (or 1/2 cups hot water + 1/2 tsp Pau d' Arco extract) 1-2 Tbsp fresh pressed (juiced) organic raw ginger (or 3 drops Ginger essential oil) 1-2 tsp raw apple cider vinegar 3 drops Nature's Sunshine Lemon Essential Oil or 1+ Tbsp fresh lemon juice 2-3 Tbsp raw (manuka) honey, to taste (sub stevia, Swerve, xylitol or monkfruit if on Candida Detox) The quickest way to make this tea is by using the 1/2 tsp of Pau d' Arco EXTRACT + 1.5 cups of hot water. If you have/prefer the bulk tea, simply follow the directions on the Pau d' Arco bulk tea container. If I'm using bulk tea, I make a big batch to have on hand for the week. Store it in the refrigerator and heat only what you need. Do not use a microwave for re-heating. It kills all the medicinal benefits of any food or herb. Juice your ginger and add immediately to the hot tea (ginger settles quickly and you don't want to lose the most nutritious part). If I'm feeling sick or run down, I juice a bunch of ginger and store it in the fridge for up to 1 week in a small glass jar so that I can make this tea quickly with the hot water and pau d' arco extract. Be sure to shake the juiced ginger well to dissolve the sediment at the bottom of the jar before adding it to your Immuni-tea. Heat your mixture on the stove top, as needed. Add the remaining ingredients (lemon, vinegar and honey) to the hot mixture so that the honey dissolves quickly. Stir well and enjoy! BENEFITS: This tea is a POWERFUL antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, immune builder, cough suppressant, cancer killer, energy booster, cellular detoxifier, liver cleansing cuppa yum yum!! This recipe is great for any cold/flu/cough/Sugar Fast or Candida Detox or most other illnesses :) Yes it is safe for pregnancy or nursing mamas, as well. It's just whole foods & Pau-D' arco tea ;) FOOD is MEDICINE. And God knows what He's doing! It significantly helped me fight off a cold/cough during my pregnancy! It can also help prevent/overcome Group B Strep infections in pregnant women ;) NOTES: *This tea is spicy! The heat is very soothing to a sore throat but you may want to adjust the amount of ginger to your palate. We like it hot! Use a diluted version for kids. **Ginger tends to settle quickly to the bottom so you will need to stir as you drink it or you will end up with a very hot/spicy ginger shot at the end. ***This tea is also great at room temp, chilled or iced!
When adding coconut oil to any recipe, you add anti-bacterial (antibiotic), anti-viral, anti-fungal & overall anti-microbial, medicinal & fat-burning nutrition to your creation :) With the extra peppermint essential oil, also a powerful antibiotic/antiviral/anti-microbial, you now have a powerful medicinal drink that tastes AMAZING and won't harm your "good bacteria" (probiotics)!! AND the peppermint will sure open up your sinuses!! SICK?? Doctor's orders.... drink healthy hot cocoa :) How fun is that?! INGREDIENTS: 1 cup hot water, raw milk or unsweetened vanilla almond milk 1-2 Tbsp raw cacao powder Vanilla (liquid) stevia, Bocha Sweet, monkfruit, or other sweetener, to taste Splash of (alcohol-free) vanilla extract 1-2 Tbsp raw coconut oil (optional) 1-2 Tbsp grass-fed butter (optional) 1 scoop Nature's Sunshine collagen powder 1 drop Nature's Sunshine Peppermint Essential Oil (optional) INSTRUCTIONS:
Blend all ingredients in a high-powered blender, on high speed. The coconut oil/butter and collagen powder make it a frothy/creamy "chocolate keto latte"! Blend on high until it heats to desired temperature. If you don't have a high-powered blender (like Vitamix), then use hot water or heated almond milk before adding your ingredients to your blender. .NOTE: This is a great way to get your daily coconut oil in!! Enjoy a healthy, medicinal dose of caprylic acid (anti-fungal/anti-viral/anti-bacterial; thyroid fuel; fat-burning; brain nourishing) goodness from coconut oil and the good, saturated, nourishing, digestible fats from the grass-fed butter. If you add the collagen powder, technically this "drink" is a "meal" balanced with fantastic fats and proteins... and ZERO sugar crash! This makes for a healthy addition to any breakfast, and could be considered a healthy, small mid-day meal. There is a lot of medicinal value and nourishment in this brain-nourishing, fat-burning treat!! You're welcome! ;)
OK, so if you EVER have a food hangover, are feeling sick in any way, have DETOX symptoms, are constipated, feel swollen, have allergies, have a headache, are bloated, or just plain low on energy....this is something to sip on daily...1-3x/day. Drink it room temperature or over ice but don't heat it up because you don't want to kill all the living enzymes and nutrients in it! INGREDIENTS: 2 cups purified water 1-3 Tbsp RAW apple cider vinegar (to taste; dilute for kids) 1-3 Tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice OPTIONAL: 1-3 drops of (ingestible) lemon essential oil Pure maple syrup, raw honey, liquid vanilla stevia, or monkfruit to taste NOTE: DO NOT use just any essential oils orally that you purchase from a health food store. MANY oils/brands are NOT ingestible. YOU MUST know the manufacturer to know if your product is the purest quality & ingestible if you are going to add it to food/drinks. All Nature's Sunshine or Young Living essential oils meet this standard & can be purchased at wholesale cost through my ONLINE STORE. * If you do add essential oils to your lemonade, be sure to use a glass pitcher/cup for storing/drinking. Do not use a metal or plastic container. Optional: Replace water with 2 cups pau d' arco tea or use 1/2 tsp pau d' arco extract (+ 2 cups water) as your base for more anti-fungal/anti-viral potency & liver/blood cleansing power :) *Size this recipe up (increase ingredients, to taste) to make a whole pitcher or a concentrate that can be diluted into individual servings. **Add 1/2 - 1 tsp sea salt for a DIY electrolyte drink (to taste) *** Add 1 tsp - 2 Tbsp lemon collagen powder to add more healing power to your drink! Mix all ingredients together in a glass, a jar with lid or a glass pitcher and drink daily or anytime you are sick, if you find you've eaten more carbs/sugar/processed foods and old symptoms are returning, or to help with bowel movements, skin, digestion, energy, etc. Use more sweetener or less lemon/vinegar if it's too tart. Use more water if it's too strong. If you ever get heartburn from it, use less vinegar. Don't be scared to experiment with the right blend of ingredients for YOU and YOUR family. Keep it simple. Make a pitcher for your whole family to enjoy!! NOTE: If you are brand new to reducing sugars in your diet or doing a Sugar Fast for the 1st time or don't even know what "die -off" is, know that if you feel sick (not heartburn, but flu-like or achy or itchy after drinking this) it could be a yeast/bacteria/mold "die-off" reaction. That means it's working! If it's too much for you to handle, then slow down by diluting your mixture, drinking less of it, or skipping the pau d' arco until you feel a bit better.
INGREDIENTS: 2 cups hot water 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond or coconut milk 1+ scoop organic matcha powder 1-2 Tablespoons raw coconut oil or MCT oil 1-2 Tbsp grass-fed butter or ghee 1 scoop Nature's Sunshine Collagen Powder Use liquid vanilla stevia, Bocha Sweet or monkfruit, to taste Optional: 1 tsp Liquid Chlorophyll ES (has a mild sweet mint flavor unlike other grassy-tasting chlorophyll) *highlighted products are available through my online Nature's Sunshine store. Add all ingredients to a high-power blender, on high, until frothy. *Continue blending 1-3 minutes to make your drink hotter IF you didn't start with HOT water. (only a high-power blender like a Vitamix or BlendTec will have enough power to heat up your mixture). NUTRITION TIPS:
Coffee is very acidic and over-stimulates many people's adrenal glands and sympathetic nervous system (this is YOU if you feel anxious, sweaty or get insomnia when you drink coffee). It’s contributing to your FATIGUE, is loaded with chemicals and pesticides if it's not organic, and is a high mold carrier (no bueno for Candida Detox). Replacing acidic coffee with highly alkaline and nutritious green matcha powder promotes healing and oxygenation in the body. Matcha powder is LOADED with antioxidants and blows traditional green tea out of the water. This is also an excellent way to get an energy boost plus multiple servings of (brain activating & ketosis inducing) good fats in. Nature's Sunshine's Liquid Chlorophyll ES: By adding this extra strength chlorophyll to your latte you are significantly increasing its nutritional value! The most critical molecule in the plant world, chlorophyll, is found in all green plants and vegetables. It’s particularly concentrated in spinach. This brand's proprietary complex also includes refreshing spearmint oil, a natural odor fighter. This means that this product tastes like mint (other brands will taste like grass....and you WILL NOT love your matcha latte). The sodium copper chlorophyll form contained in Nature’s Sunshine Liquid Chlorophyll ES is soluble in water. With the exception of a magnesium atom, chlorophyll’s structure is identical to hemoglobin, the molecule that carries oxygen in the blood. Chlorophyll is known to have the following benefits:
Nature's Sunshine Collagen Powder: Adding a scoop of this to any drink, soup, yogurt, etc adds ~15g of protein and packs some serious punch for gut healing, skin health and elasticity, and improving joint pain. My Nature's Sunshine Collagen powder also contains an electrolyte blend which is extremely important for those in ketosis, for anyone who loves to sweat, to help balance hormones and blood pressure, and to assist with overall fatigue. *f you add collagen powder to anything in a high-powered blender or mixer it will make your drink/recipe "frothy"! It's great for creating healthy lattes, etc. Get creative! Enjoy this as a breakfast, snack, pre- or post-workout drink or meal replacement.
1 1/2 cups water or unsweetened almond milk 1 Tbsp raw cacao powder 2 handful mixed leafy greens 2 Tbsp raw coconut or MCT oil 1/2 large avocado A few spoonfuls of almond butter 1 scoop Nature's Sunshine Collagen Powder Liquid vanilla stevia, monkfruit, or Swerve, to taste 1 cup ice Optional: 1 Tbsp Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (to get some SCT oils in) Optional: Banana (if Dr. Jana has approved it for YOUR Candida Detox or modified Keto Diet) Add all ingredients to high-power blender or food processor and serve chilled. This was my life-saver breakfast in the 1st trimester of my pregnancy when I suddenly could NOT stomach eggs anymore. The Cacao gave me energy. The sweet was a nice, cool change that went down easy and held me over for about 3 hours. And I got more than my daily requirement of minerals, good fats and folate in 1 smoothie! SCT: Short-chain triglycerides: essential to health; great for skin, hormones, gut and immune health; important fat for ketosis |
* All recipes are GRAIN FREE